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Posts posted by Radioguy

  1. On 2/2/2024 at 1:18 AM, Slave IV said:

    I’m with you but more to the point of not being able to grasp the idea of getting rid of any Macross. 

    I've toyed with the idea of what I'd do if I had to do that. I still can't come to a conclusion.

  2. 10 hours ago, tekering said:

    I'm sure a lot of us are in the same boat... and since we paid up front over three years ago, we're certainly not likely to get our money back now. 😒

    So what's the solution?  Class-action lawsuit?  An ineffectual boycott?  DNS server attack?  :unknw:

    I know you're joking, but imagine someone going down this road? I mean, they deserved the vitriol over extending runs after saying they were limited in number, and I guess a "case" could have been made over that, but them giving you "too" much after placing an order? :D

  3. 8 hours ago, Radioguy said:

    Yeah, I use a VPN. Not that I understand what they are saying, of course. They talk about it, and have it on the desk in gerwalk and fighter modes with closeups of the open canopies and they do a little peek-a-boo by lifting the tent off Lisa and Rick. Naughty!

    Smaller version uploaded here:

    1 hour ago, Radioguy said:
  4. Yeah, I use a VPN. Not that I understand what they are saying, of course. They talk about it, and have it on the desk in gerwalk and fighter modes with closeups of the open canopies and they do a little peek-a-boo by lifting the tent off Lisa and Rick. Naughty!

  5. 5 minutes ago, Graham said:


    I got rid of most of my Yamato V2s years ago, so I'm super excited about this Bandai 1/48 VT-1 DX.

    Got 2 on pre-order.

    I still can't wrap my mind around the idea of that. I still wish I had more Yamatos.

  6. 3 hours ago, davidwhangchoi said:

    BBTS used to carry alot of Yamato valks back in the day illegally, but when Harmony Gold went after US retailers, BBTS hid the macross links and they couldn't be found using the normal search engine.

    GameStop used to carry Yammies but I can't remember if they got a C&D prior to Yamato folding.

  7. 18 minutes ago, Chronocidal said:

    That might have been it, I only put the minimum down for a "pre-order" since I don't think there was any solid release date listed.

    Yeah, I don't know much about it, but it appealed to me to have a larger size, and I assumed it was on par with Valk Factory KOs. 

    Speaking of which, do people think it's the Valk Factory folks doing this on the side?

  8. 1 minute ago, Spark-O-Matic said:

    Well I'm not expecting anyone to agree:) it's subjective to my own experience, I opened 9 brand new boxes of them at one time and the only ones out of them I had issues was the Red GOF, both of them, one was serial 1xx then the other was serial 24xx so beginning and end of production. one broke while the other the pins in arms and legs were jammed in at an angle, barely usable. GOF has a horrible reputation on the transformers forums,  for a good reason they rushed production, cut corners and I speculate used cheaper plastic's . this is my just experience but I'm far from being the only one:lol: 

    Purple GOF and Angel Birds were much more pleasant experience.  


    That's very specific. I'm genuinely interested if others here notice a difference too.

  9. 7 hours ago, Spark-O-Matic said:

    Ultra Rare one of none 1/55 Robotech Valk . I kinda like the stickers on the tailfins. now this seller has sold at last count around 50 old knockoffs in the last year but none where the same . I suspect someone kit the jackpot on an old storage locker.

    I love how the instructions show the arm boosters but none are in the package, always a sign of the highest quality :lol:



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    Screenshot 2024-01-30 155045.png

    There's no die-cast in that, so I was gonna say KO, but it says Macross, so counterfeit?

  10. 9 hours ago, Spark-O-Matic said:

    The purple has a better fit and finish and a better box, the red feels and looks rushed as if they did it under duress. Out of all the ones I own only the red broke, only the red felt cheaper the plastic feels brittle in my hands. Disappointed owner regarding the red both in price and quality.

    This is the first I've heard the God Of Flame version feels noticeably worse than other color versions since. Do others agree?

    8 hours ago, Chronocidal said:

    I did put in a pre-order for one of the KO Yamato V2 releases in that scheme though.  No idea when (or if) it will even happen.  I might wind up painting one of my old Yamato V2 kits in that scheme instead, but I'd have to find some super packs for it.

    Are you talking about the Fugu one from ShowZ? Yeah, I was interested in that too. Not sure when it's coming though, or if.

  11. 5 hours ago, sh9000 said:

    The VF-1 in US shops would be awesome but it will either be a long time from now or never happening.

    Depends on whether HG gets the buyout they are dying for. I'm loathe to think of them being rewarded for holding out this long, but it could happen any day.

  12. 12 hours ago, Graham said:

    Not really familiar with Crunchyroll. Obviously heard of them, but I thought they were some US only anime streaming service. 

    Never realized they sold toys also,

    They didn't always.

    Their Macross stuff looks average to high priced. They have had legit clearance though. I got a SH MonsterArts figure for under $100 from them once that wasn't that price elsewhere.

    I guess this was a deal, until it sold out:


    This is still stocked, assuming folks have the deformed KC Valk:


    Probably a good site to keep an eye on for clearance, but nothing special.

  13. 16 hours ago, tekering said:

    Heck, my 1:18 F-14 hangs from the ceiling above the stairwell, 'cause that's the only possible place I can display it... 


    Funny how worlds collide on here. I too am, or was (RIP), an Eaglemoss fan. I'm guessing you went the DeAgostini route being in Japan. Did you get their Borg Cube? It was SO much better than the EM ones. I hear DeAgostini is finishing the Build-The-1701-D line now, while Master Replicas is selling off EM's stock. I just recently grabbed the Scorpion fighter and the Stargazer XL from them that didn't get out before EM folded.

  14. 1 hour ago, grogall said:

    Thanks, But it probably won't come with a hand that can hold it anyway.  😉 But adding hard point for the wings that will be used for the VE-1/VT-1 is just questionable!? Since both birds were never armed. And I'm sure not a lot of people are going for this look! 😱


    I'd want to arm my Angel Bird too. Even if not continuously.

  15. 7 minutes ago, Chronocidal said:

    I mean, the old Matchbox one was hilariously mis-proportioned, just like all old GI Joe scaled aircraft.

    I'm thinking something like this.

    There were several companies that made these big 1/18 scale aircraft for a while, mostly WWII era, because those were slightly more manageable sizes.  I managed to pick up one of the F-104 releases, but I always regretted not grabbing the F-86 and MiG-15 ones when they went on clearance at a local Walmart.

    That scales to the Matchbox figures though, yeah? That's what I meant. Yeah, a DX valk that size would cost a a couple grand and weigh as much as a toddler.

    Yes, I'd want one.

  16. 2 hours ago, Spark-O-Matic said:

    Same here too:). once I added up the Regular Roy with Special Color Roy then added shipping I could just buy a nice DX Roy for the total or an Arcadia Version Vs.2 like Jenius pointed out then I'd still have lunch money for the week. they will have to try much harder to get money from me going forward. something cool like Alaska Base or Yellowjackets, the Angel Birds was a good start so still crossing my fingers.

    The consensus is they don't have a DYRL license, right? If they had that too, I don't know if I could still keep holding out.

    2 hours ago, Spark-O-Matic said:

    The DX last month and now this Month has wreaked my wallet too:lol:

    My wallet is thinner. I'd have loved to own the 21, but just the Hikaru Mechanic and this Ostritch are already killing me. I didn't even *gulp* grab the recent HMR Vermilion releases, and that hurt to miss. If they actually do a DX Elint this year, I might go bankrupt.


  17. 1 hour ago, Chronocidal said:

    Honestly, the VF-1 isn't that big a plane, about the size of an F-16 I think.  Anything up to about 1/18 would probably be manageable, and would put it in scale with all of those 1/18 planes some companies released years back.

    And at that scale, it would work pretty well with 3.75" figures of any style. ^_^ 

    You're talking Matchbox Veritech Fighter size, aren't you? An accurate VF-1S that could accommodate the same figures has always been a subconscious desire. Yeah, I think I would go for that.

  18. 1 hour ago, shazam said:

    For sure! You can never have enough K-9's. 😁

    I love my Dapols, but the Character R/C models in 5" and 1:4 scale are my favorites. Having him chase a cat around and deliver lines at the same time is amazing. :D

    1 hour ago, shazam said:

    I am still chasing down the 3rd Doctor from Big Chief Studios. I had this figure on pre-order and it never looked like it would arrive and ended up cancelling.  By the time it did come out there was no money to get one due to other figure purchases. There are a couple of big toy fairs coming up this year where I hope to get one for a reasonable price. Glad you appreciate the Bessie Corgi toy car. Cheers!


    I wish you luck. I assume you already know why the figure was cancelled, but just in case you didn't know the full story, it's covered in this thread at a certain point.


  19. 1 hour ago, Spark-O-Matic said:

    Not sure it's a big sale when they wanted to charge me $115 shipping for two boxes.  It was only $60 six months ago. Whatever I would be saving from being on sale they are recovering from the increase in shipping. Yeah I could go with the over four months shipping. But a lot could happen to the packages in 4 or 5 months.

    Seriously, I know the plastic quality isn't what we'd like, but I'd have taken the dive a few times now what with the variants they have produced but for shipping. I must have added things to a cart over a dozen times just to remind myself how it wasn't worth it.

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