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Posts posted by Rein+

  1. 16 hours ago, wm cheng said:

    Yes, I'm planning on sleeping through this and hope some fellow Canadians would posts some local sources soon after (TIA!)

    Same, 2 WWM pre-order and for both of them i order from my local store.

    The only downside is all my local store always ship their order in bulk via ferry with his other product, so i probably got it months after everyone else. This thing is bad for reviewer of course.

  2. Finally, a VF-0 that can be played with.

    The 1/60 from arcadia is niche but its a bit scary to transform it multiple times. With the HMR we shouldn't worry about any paint chipping.😁

  3. On 5/16/2022 at 6:01 PM, sqidd said:

    I haven't.

    Have you contact them yet?

    They give me email that my order is on the way since May 17 but the tracking number they gave me is untraceable.

    Honestly all the need to email  them like this make me nervous.

  4. 8 hours ago, borgified said:

    Got literally nothing in my end from Luna in regards to Mirage’s 31ax as I will be sending them a polite inquiry about my order. I have a feeling that it might be near month end when it arrives in Rainy West Coast BC. 

    You should, they're kind of slow? I see that the item is already "in stock" from their website for about a week already.

  5. 4 hours ago, Angesdad said:

    This evening I worked up the nerve had a go with the wobble. Turned out the two halves of the upper arm were not tightly closed/glued, which contributed to excessive play at the joint.:wacko: Thanks Bandai!


    Please upload this also on the macross maintenance thread.
    it always helpful to get as many information as possible to dissambling valks.

  6. 5 hours ago, Big s said:

    Personally, I’m tired of the vf1, I want that teased vf 0 or those last two destroids or some more great Zentraedi mecha

    they should make something new imo, like zentradi ship or the earth battleship

    bandai should remake that macross quarter.

  7. 3 hours ago, nightmareB4macross said:

    Not trying to cause a stir or ruffle feathers, but I see your many valid points with exception to one. I honestly don’t think the VF-31A CF Kairos was THEE best for Bandai. I think the hype of not being able to own one is what created the mythos behind it. 

    Hopefully Bandai will improve on this design and we hopefully we see it on the Mirage.

    VF-31A CF Kairos is the same model as the VF-31 Siegfried the different is just the paint job, the wing orientation, there's missile on the leg instead of drone packs and no fold quarts on the chest that make the super parts doesn't fit correctly on it.

    But VF-31A CF does look better than the power ranger color scheme of VF-31 siegfried.

  8. 18 hours ago, Dirtyboy said:

    Just got mine, have to say its not nearly as polished as the other VF-31s, and the packagaing wasnt nearly as great as the VF-31s. 

    The paint is a bit rough in some areas. Figure is ridiculously tight as well.


    Wont be purchasing anymore VF-31AX tbh

    Yep the arms part is feels like a downgrade version of previous VF-31 IMO and the paint.... oh at least my copy looks like someone made a mistake and try to fix it with adding more paint on top of it😒

    it looks ugly in fighter mode bacuse all that cracked looks the arm joint does while it clearly looks better in battroid mode.


  9. 10 hours ago, weiser21 said:

    @Rein+ is Luna Park aware you are a member of this forum? Did you have to request your item be shipped? Trying to figure out their shipping method pattern.

    Well maybe they aware now because the picture i sent them are the same with the picture i post here.

    Oh yeah here's an update to my situation.
    Luna said they gonna replace my order if i send my order back to them which i did today.

    What in my concern right now is that my paypall protection end on 29th this month and luna probably only send the new copy after they received mine back.

    as side note, i never knew that sending item to japan is almost double the price of sending thing from japan to my nation😔.

  10. 10 hours ago, Macrossfan92 said:

    Sorry if this not the right section to post this, but to add to the conversation about LunaPark. 

    I just ordered a VF-1S through them a couple days ago. Got an email saying it shipped, through japan post.

    Though the tracking number they provided  is saying item not found when I try and track on the japan post website, does it take awhile to show up on japan post? I just emailed them (LP)  about it but have not gotten a response yet, is this normal or should I be worried?

    I noticed some of you guys used them so I thought they would be reliable but now I am paranoid I got scammed. 

    Happen to me for my VF-31AX order they send me the tracking ID but only actually shipped it once i asked them again after one week waiting update on japan post.

    This is my first experience with them too and i consider this is a bad starting experience.

  11. 9 hours ago, borgified said:

    From Stone Chung on Facebook.

    Hi-Metal R VF-0s from Macross Zero


    Edit: Possibly might be the First Macross item of the year? 

    The more is see it, the more i feel i need at least 3 of it.

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