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Posts posted by Ishimaru

  1. Bet you'll find some helpful info in these threads as well as some great pics!





    I've always wanted a bunch of these kits myself, but never got around to getting them...........someday....


    I have the Patlabor MG it was easy to build but parts were so lose..I lost medal peice and never found it again :( But the kits are easy to build but they are not very articulated and are very lose. Dont buy one if you dont know what you are doing I didnt and it turned out half-good if you know what your doing buy it if you dont forget it and you will screw up and make sure you keep good place the Gold medal peice it gets lost easily <_<

  2. :huh::blink: ummm yah but I'm not sure what you just said. I have like only 2 models laying around well actualy 3. One is a incomplete patlabor and repairs are merely impossible, One is a VF-IJ 1/200 I'm planning on finishing it soon. And one is a completed Mercuries from Wing Gundam which I had a while ago. I dont know how you guys can so much money and kits to build and stuff. Once the VF-1s UD arrive(when it does...) I'm going to need alot of help building it Iam going to post every question in my head :) but until then...I dunno :ph34r:
  3. Totally agree with HWR on this one, I have some extremely rare models and I plan to build every one.  I'm just stalling cuz I'm afraid of messing them up.


    Lets hope you guys are right..beacuase if I messup my VF-1 UD once I get it. Iam going to faint if a part breaks.

  4. Oh ok :) I just dont want to missup my models like I do sometimes >< I built a Master Grade Patlabor I got for free from HLJ since I canceled the order they didnt charge me and I recieved it for free. The shipping took forever thats why I canceled it, my brother waited half a year for his order to come in <_< . Once I get the VF-1 UD I hope you guys can help me since I'm not the best model builder around and the Master Grade Patlabor I build came out half good :blink: I first lost the Main part the medal, I painted the figures the wrong way, I forgot to put the firgure in the cockpit :lol: , I lost the gun, and the arm wouldnt extnend for some reason :ph34r: But in terms of painting Im bad and Im afraid...cause I missup too much.I hope when building the VF-1 UD I will come here for your guy's help :) and it wont turn out such a bad model. And what happened to HLJ they used to have a great load of Macross kits and toys they were pretty nice.

  5. Oh thank you thank you :D Well this will greatly influence me to build the VF-1 UD :) But one question on the previous post what did ya mean by "collector value" and not build them :blink:

  6. I got a Armoured VF-IJ 1/200 model kit I started building it a year ago and stoped due to my supplie of paint and etc. I'm thinking of contiunueing to build it. But is it right to build these old models?Its real cool to paint them and detail them Im just not sure if you build them will they have nay value what so ever?

  7. I have 0 cels. At AX they had alot of nice Macross DYRL cels , Macross II, Macross Plus Cels, and more macross cels in folders!!They are pricey but damn they are rare and I doubt I'd see any marcoss cels ever. They had a nice YF-19 and YF-21 Cel it looks pretty damm cool. The most valued cel I saw was at the Macross panel and it was the SDF-1 from DRYL, its not a inmovie cel but its the design of the ship in color with transformations and etc, It was going for a mere 5 gram or 10 gram I wasnt sure but they said it wasnt for sale and I'd be nuts to buy it even if I had the money.They had another cel but if anyone that was thier from this forum they had the originial sketch of the ship the first ever skethc of the SDF-1 I didnt think it had a price tag and I presume its priceless any macross fan would die over this.Sorry if Iam going off topic a little but I just cant help it argh, when someone asked while vieing the models, cels, posters which are never going to be for sale which I dont doubt, someone asked how did they get all this they answered something like "Alot alot of hard work" cause they borrowed this stuff and noone can touch it :( ok back to topic sorry bout getting carried away I still have no cels <_< poor little me :(

  8. Ok Umm... PM me with details on where you live and everything that is needed to purchase the shirt yah and we will go through from thier cause I a few more questions to ask ya. But I wont be able to stop by this week anytime soon maybe next week..(Why so many XL XXLs omg :blink: ) Umm dont scream at me cause of this but do I need to pay shiping for picup?

  9. I ment the Macross Plus Game Edition. Its been a while since I have been thier but thier is a chance some one could have bought it..But at its price I doubt it. I forgot where the guy's booth was though. I heard something about VFX-2 being released on its 25th Anniversary since Licensing Issues have been a problem. I got VFX-2 originial Import at least. Thier is a chance VFX-2 could be coming out in 2007 English maybe a remake of the whole game but thats a theorie of mine.I'm willing to make copies of VFX-2 for PS if anyone wants them :D

  10. w00t I'm so lucky to live in Califronia :D !! If anyone lives near Azusa and goes to Conventions they probaly heard of Frank & Sons Convention Show its something like the AX accept they sell collectibles and stuff. I saw a the 1/48 Hikaru go for $90 as Roy's was $100 :lol: and more for cheap prices. Dont belive me I'll get pics sometime and show you guys its amazing at these prices. Just commenting here... <_<

  11. Oh these DAMM. I had a chance of getting one for a B-day present when I was 10 stupid me why did I reject why...My older brother had the YF-21 :( and I took a lousy cheesy looking $10 Robotech toy I slaped myself right now <_<

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