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Posts posted by Ishimaru

  1. Yes... Damn Britai. Damn Britai and his not wanting to die.
    The thing was probably booby-trapped. What kind of booby trap? I don't think it would be wise to know considering SDF-1's booby trap.

    If he hadnt said no this coulda lead to a whole new series and change everything about Robotech and Macross I bet the producers knew it was too much trouble "maybe". Just damm him the ship looks so god damm intresting I wish I could actualy know how it looks like. What JBO and me ment that the ship had space-folded in the wrong place, and probaly the ship was damaged badly in the process as it reappeared and struck and by astroids maybe? Hey its a possibilitie I researched this info and if a ship has no power it loses control, life support is gone, and the ship basicly is a wreckage with the crew in it. I'm saying that could have been the reason as it folded during a battle. This just intrest me so god damm much though..

  2. I have been waiting to ask this question for a while. In the Macross Episode "Viva Miria" I think. They find a ship similar to the SDF-1 the ASS-1 which is ASS-2 what is it exactly and the how are the designs similar? I cant seem to find any design just knowing that it similar to the SDF-1 how the pic I saw was not good enough to see what it is exactly any1 know any info on it :blink: ?


    Actually, it should be ASS-4-million-and-somethign after the Zentradi war. Remember, ASS stands for Alien SpaceShip.


    It's just another abandoned Supervision Army vessel.

    Probably a gunboat, like the Macross.

    And probably booby-trapped, like the Macross.

    And probably folded out to a diffrent location after it was found and ignored, since if I recall they went back to look for it later, but it wasn't there.


    I know that info <_< I want to know how it would actualy look like and what the hell is it if my info is correct damm Bretai told the crew to ignore it since it will delay the mission damm moron :angry: . I just want to know the designs and how did it "booby-trap" thier...

  3. I have been waiting to ask this question for a while. In the Macross Episode "Viva Miria" I think. They find a ship similar to the SDF-1 the ASS-1 which is ASS-2 what is it exactly and the how are the designs similar? I cant seem to find any design just knowing that it similar to the SDF-1 how the pic I saw was not good enough to see what it is exactly any1 know any info on it :blink: ?

  4. Well I got my signed DVD pic so Im upload it right here ;) ..The macross panel pics my friend has on the dipsosable camera I'll try to get him to develop it soon but here is my signed New Generations DVD Box Set signed by the cast(The DVD Box set I won from a trivia question :p ) Here ya go enjoy its priceless to me and I'll never sell it. Thank you photoshop or these pics would be crap B)) Please zoom in if the the pic is too small for a better view dial-up sucks :( These file sizes are enormous :blink: . Oh and Egen and the other dudes said on the 25th Annivesaery if I spelled that right we will be in for a suprise and hopefuly all those canceled macross dubed movies and games will be available and other stuff too.



  5. Do you have any other models?  Like the Hasegawa ones?  I can't understand why if you're a beginning modeler why'd you'd want to spend so much on such an advanced model.  Start with something a little more simple.


    I'm not a noobie modeler I built a few other models like Gundam and Patlabor most of my Gundam ones turned out fine but didnt last my Master Grade Patlabor was half good and I regreted building it...Im more than amateuar but Im still a noobie I got some good models done let it be this one. And like I said I was not going to start building this kit immediatly Im still working on other kits at the moment.

    If we are going to go with Option 1 we need a orginal recast of the Club-M kit. But what about the gimped leg?

  6. What i meant is thats what you would have to save monthly there is no payment plan lol.  :D


    Eh you dont mind if thiers a delay on payment on my order do you??Cause momy keeps saying no :( ...


    Are you being serious about your mom? Cuz like damn


    Eh you dont mind if thiers a delay on payment on my order do you??Cause momy keeps saying no :( ...


    Are you being serious about your mom? Cuz like damn


    Dude, he's like 15, so he says, but still.


    Yes as you can see I'm in hell :( . But what you mean by paying monthly is a good idea if production starts next month somewhere around thier I can make a deposite, and since Im getting a Work permit I would get my check around maybe the start of October or end of September so its all good :p:lol: Back to the topic if I had some time I would go with option 1 on a a new mold with a box and etc.

    Sorry if the quoting is jacked up I cant seem to get it right for some reason.

  7. No order, No pay No kit. Its the way it works. If mom says NO than save up the cash for it. 30 Dolars a month for 10 months will give you enough for the kit and paints.


    $30 Monthly I can work with that is it a possibilitiy, and plus I'm spending my own money and its still a no :( I get no control over my money <_< ..

  8. Wow didnt expect too many posts from you guys :blink: . I basicly watched Robotech before I got intrested in Macross my older brothers are fans but no more since they grew out of it. But they tell me to keep going as a fan and I will.

    I dont have a big collection or even a small collection of Robotech or Macross models, toys, and etc. I realy wish I had the money for a collection but at my age its realy not possible. But thier was one thing Im realy happy for....if any one atteneded the Robotech Proprective Panel at AX I managed to get something part of my memory and that was a signed New Generations DVD Collection by the whole cast I was....its undescribable just a great feeling and its nice to know I have something like that in my small little collection will always bring me that great feeling(It was funny Reba West signed a very small signature :blink: )

    I thank you guys so much and I also thank Agent ONE for standing up for me :) knowing that he is a Robotech fan himself....I will be making a huge post of pictures I took at AX yah I know its been like 2 months but hey dont blame me that I cant develop film <_< ... but yah.

  9. I dunno if ya guys like Robotech and Macross at the same time to think Robotech is crap and everything. But what exactly do you think of Macross and Robotech and do you even like either of them or both. I still like Robotech on how a new series is being created and its pretty nice, but I still love Macross and yah...So what do ya guys think?

  10. Holy crap :blink: Is that yours?? Thats quite nie Jade just a little comment I noticed at the top left pic that the landing gear looked a little crooked. But that looks real nice :) I'd like to see the final finish with the Valk it looks real great!

  11. Then I would go with option #2 and have the other companie produce the kit with decals and etc. I know its going to take time to produce the kits Im patient though my not skilled at modeling so this will give me time to buff up and learn more, doesnt mean Im going to build the kit the second I get it. Maybe after a year or two I'll start building it(Better keep it somewhere safe). But ya didnt answer the question on the discount if we can get more people for a bigger discount...

  12. kk dont get pissed man Im just trying to make it easy here for everyone :( .

    Should we go with the company that produces metal parts since the landing gear might break from pressure and weight since it could be a possibilitie after a whike.

    Sorry if I pissed ya off Viceland :unsure: ...

  13. Eh you added me to the list twice...Logan is my old username remove it please <_<. Can we get more orders though wuts the maximum discount on the kit?

    Ok a new update for the list if jorawar_b hasnt done it here it is:

    1. 2x Jorawar_b

    2. 2x Viceland

    3. 2x JoLe727

    4. 1x THOR

    5. 1x totallyrobot

    6. 1x godane79

    7. 1x yman1437

    8. 1x godane79

    9. 1x Dean

    10. 1x Viceland

    11. 1x Ranger565

    Ok the total amount of kits is 14 and the total amount of people ordering the kit is 11 ok well I think we are doing good so far. jorawar_b well it matter how many people are ordering the kits or the amount of kits being ordered counting to the amount of 15. Can we go for more maybe and a bigger discount on this?

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