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Posts posted by Ishimaru

  1. Only a dozen Strike Veritechs survived Dolza's attack on Earth, and without exception all of these were assigned to the orbiting ARMD platforms, and later transferred to the captured Robotech Factory. No more were ever constructed, since the RDF could no longer afford to produce the sophisticated nuclear missiles that were the primary weapons of the Veritech. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), only 20 "Angel of Death" missiles were left in the RDF's arsenal after Dolza's attack, and these were kept under maximum security in the Robotech Factory. When the SDF-3 left on it's mission to Tirol, the remaining Strike Veritechs were left behind to guard the Robotech Factory, and were subsequently lost when the Factory vanished shortly before the Second Robotech War.

    The main weapon of the Strike Veritech was the impressive "Angel of Death" Reflex-guided cruise missile. These missiles, developed and constructed at RDF Base Siberia, were designed to be small enough to be carried by fighters, but powerful enough to do real damage to Zentraedi space cruisers. Unfortunately, the final missile design was not compatible with the standard RDF long-range missile launchers. A new version of the Lancer space fighter was designed to carry the missiles, but the prototypes were scrapped when Doctor Burke announced his plans to design a variation of the Veritech fighter that could carry the missile. 240 missiles were shipped to the SDF-1 for testing, while the rest remained stockpiled at Base Siberia until the prototypes were perfected. This was regrettable, as the stockpiles and production facilities were vaporized when Base Siberia was destroyed by a direct hit from a Zentraedi heavy particle beam.

    The Strike Veritech was also equipped with an experimental beam cannon that was modeled after the Zentraedi particle beam cannon mounted on most of their mecha. Doctor Burke hoped this weapon would give the Veritech an additional edge on enemy mecha it faced when it could not be protected by Super Veritechs. Strike Veritechs were only produced in the VF-1S styles, as they were never intended to be assigned to anyone but squadron leaders and aces whose loyalty to the RDF was unquestionable.

    No Strike Veritechs or "Angel of Death" missiles remain in REF possession, nor have any been reported found on Earth. Nor are any likely to ever be found, as all reports indicate that they were lost with the Robotech Factory Satellite, perhaps forever. However, should the Factory Satellite (or remains thereof) ever be recovered, determining the fate of the remaining mecha and missiles is to be given utmost priority, and should any ever be recovered they are to IMMEDIATELY be shipped to REF High Command. This must be the HIGHEST PRIORITY of any salvage team that discovers the Factory.

    I know this is out of topic sorta and Robotech is not wanted to be talked in the forums except Off Topic but Im sure it belongs here too. I got it from Macross Mecha Designs on the fiction of Robotech's side of the story when the the factory was gone. How did it disapear when it was right above Earth? And why cant they produce anymore Strike Valkryies? I dont get this :blink: . Errr and sorry for ignoring your post JBO :unsure: .

  2. I only seen like 2 Macross II kits and that was the Super Valkryie and the Ishtar Model. I realy wanted to see the Metal Siren actualy put into a toy the Valkryie was nice it owned in Macross II. I'd also like to see some of the non-valkryies the blue ones shown in the Movie sorry I forgot names. The flagships would be nice to get put into kits and toys. And one more thing I dunno but those 2 Copies of the SDF-1 showed in Space in battle mode for like I dunno how long, but just devloping kits and toys of everything mentioned would be nice, Im tired of the VF class getting all the attention <_< ...

  3. Power Stone was one of my favorite games. I used to play tat game 24/7 multiplayer. Phantasy Star Online was glitched and hacked like hell Id be level 20 and get like level 99 weapon useable at 20. But any ways DC was great and the graphics werent that bad at the time.

  4. That SDF-1 looks so real to me it looks like a RL one. Im amazed to the little and extra details you made to it you got skill man you got skill. Try to color, shade , detail, and etc for the GC just dont lose your touch, I love how this is going so far. A DRYL version of this will I dunno Im speechless if that ever happens go for DRYL and your the "man"!! Can ya get pics of the main gun open?

  5. No matter how many times I watch DYRL I never get tired of it. Its a freaken :ph34r:ANIME LEGEND:ph34r: a dub would be nice but original is always the best, if your going to dub get only Mari Ijima as Minmei, if its Reba West I aint watching it <_< . But just watch DRYL..

  6. Hawthorne is in California not New York thier cant be 2 cities and the adress I bet could be miss spelled. He right in my state. And it cant be 392 it has to be something linke 16419 and the zip is wrong 07506 my moms freind lives thier and that is postively not the the rigth one. He or She have been lying to you for a while now that info is wrong :ph34r: . If my info above is right or wrong that account no. is a setup I dunno but I know that Ana is lying to you.

  7. I shoulda asked this question at AX I got to stop talking about AX it finished awhile ago I had so many more god damn questions :( I hope I get a chance next year. Guys Im take a good look at the ASS-2 and try to sketch it out, Im roughly a decent drawer so Im giving it a shot. Do ya think the SDF-1 in MacII might have a connection?

  8. All I can say that who ever voted for Bush are morons <_< . And I pretty hate politics...and for a while politics have been morons :angry: . The flooding could have been avoided if the levees if I spelled that right would have been funded for a stronger structure. Bush is Emperor Palatine to me and Cheny is just Darth Vader yah that sounds stupid but its the best way I can describe them :p .

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