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Posts posted by Ishimaru

  1. I see Macross Frontier as Shoji Kawomari's answer to fans to grab a mainstream audience, thus it has to appeal to everyone not just us hardcore peeps.

    Edit: It did fail at that though, sort of.

  2. Don't worry about all-you-can-edit Wikipedia articles, we still have the Compendium and Mr.March M3. ^_^

    To be honest the Compendium Wiki has like no information. Most links had like a sentence or a link to reference to another page with nothing in it. Frontier is probably the largest page on there. I'd rather have articles deleted on their then the Wikipedia ones which actually have a decent amount of information.

  3. It seemed to spark a interest for me. When I was watching the news most scientist were unaware that it was even coming and it was real close to hitting us. Not much of a topic but seeing how the original SDF launch date wasn't too far back..

    Look I know it's completely fictional but hey it never hurts to believe. :p

  4. I was 4 in 1985. Trust me, I was that dumb.

    1999 saw the start of some utterly horrible PR.

    I was actually on the RT forums at the time. This was before they started deleting references to Yamato.

    Were some good people there. Was just way too busy for my tastes.

    Why would they do that?

    Does HG gets pissed everytime someone mentions something Macross related?

    But honestly I won't mind a Blu-Ray transfer, but it'll never see the light of day here in NA. So it doesn't really matter..

  5. Question. In the first episode it was noted that the Frontier's goal was to make it to the center of the galaxy as did the Megaroad-01. So was the Varja planet near the center of the galaxy or did Frontier plan on colonizing a planet that was inhabitable if it came along the way?

    Still confused. If the Varja planet is indeed near the center of the galaxy, then wouldn't that prove something about the Megaroad-01 losing all contact?

    Just trying to gather up my facts here.

  6. From what I heard, they're spending a lot of their own money for the get together. Among other things, there are plans for t-shirts, flyers, and custom coins all planned for Launch Day. Didn't know a lot of fans were loaded for stuff like that.


    We have legions of Macross fans and the Robotechies are 20 steps ahead of us. Wheres the burning spirit guys!?

    I'm up for a SoCal event by the way. :p

  7. After a weeks time of being lazy, I was finally able to achieve the effect, thanks to che for helping out on this one.

    Now to recreate that Frontier fold effect. o.o

    Ninja Edit: I'll have a upload available soon when I'm being too lazy..

  8. yeah, I just did a test. Took about 10 minutes. Created a reasonable approximation of the effect. It would take me a bit longer to get it just right. I didn't bother adding any star filters to really get the glittery look on the glowing particle trails.

    You could also, rather than using a particular solid color for the particle systems, use an already animated layer -- a gently moving background -- and that would add more variety to the particles. You could even use one of the AE preset animated backgrounds and just adjust the color to your liking. You could also precompose together big and small particles (like in that tutorial I linked you to) and use that precomp as a matte for an animated texture layer or something. I think you're definitely gonna want some kinda lens effect, star filter, glow, applied on there, but not uniformly.

    I can send you my project file if you want. I'm using AE CS3. PM me with your email.

    10 minutes!? :blink:

    I won't even comment on that.

    One of my issues with the particles is that the controlling the Physics options. I did however get it close to my liking with the glow effect but I'm having trouble getting the color in different sections of the particle (bottom/lower half). Also playing around with cropping to get that vertical look, but there's just something not right about how all the particles move and flow. :(

    I'll give it a shot at those steps though, your directions make it sound too easy. AE is like Premiere's but with a larger preset of effects and much more control on how they work.But as I nearly forgot the prologue in Macross Frontier (Episode 1), shows the Megaroad with the same effect but in a cleaner particle-less look. I'm liking the Flashback one a bit more though, just for the way the particles are positioned separately from each other and not something wavy. Since the Frontier image looks more like the soul sucking effect that you linked a few posts up. Not sure if my grammar came out correctly on even explaining all that.

    I really appreciate the help on this, I'll be using it in my upcoming pre-planned AMV projects (one being Macross) that has been going in for a few months, and AE has been catching my attention greatly.

    He's probably right... If I had anything Adobe, I'd probably use it. On that note, WMM is easier to use. It's like GIMP and paint. I have both, but I use the latter because I know how.

    It was more of a matter of using WMM, then actually hating it for not working correctly on what I was trying to state above. Premiere is just a personal preference for me, the interface is simple and easy to use, some might argue that but its different from person to person.


  9. Windows Movie Maker 2: Famous for crashing. Try getting a newer version from MS, or upgrade to Vista. Works like a dream on Vista, or with 2.6.

    I just never saw the need for Movie Maker with Premiere but I'll take a look at it.

    You're going to want to use a particle system effect, such as CC particle world or, if you have it, Particular.

    Here's a good tutorial for how to do wild stuff with particle world:


    You'll have to adapt it to the proper look.

    Feel free to use the Add transfer mode (ink mode), glows, and any combination of star filters you want.

    If you have any of the Trapcode plugins, you're gonna be golden with this.

    Thanks a million man, I'll take a look at this and post up some results.

  10. I use WMM for everything. Even my Macross Frontier/Ace Combat 6 trailer is being made in it.

    Not saying it's bad. It just crashes every time I use it for some reason. <_<

    Post a still of the effect you're refering to, and I'll tell you the best way I know how to do it in AE. I've got 9 years experience with the program. And have recently turned my attention to making Macross-y things.

    Ok well here it is. Screenshoted something from youtube since I'm not near my PC at the moment.

    I'm pretty much looking at a way to try and achieve the glitter effect in that still.


  11. I don't know anything about aftereffects, but the glitter effect on Flashback is a loop of some water footage superimposed on top of the animation.

    Oh thanks then, I'll take a look at recreating that effect. Somehow.

    Try using Windows Movie Maker they have a bunch of effects.

    Usually back in those days of cel animation it was layer upon layer of someone elses animation on top, chances are someone drew that stuff.

    Windows Movie Maker, meh.

    They must have been pretty good to draw in those effects. :p

    I'll have something ready to show soon, I have to nail this effect down for a certain project of mine.

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