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Posts posted by Ghostbear0

  1. Someone is jel-ly.

    Like all WMDs, usage requires an executive order. And from previous NUNS comments, it sounds like that authorization came from someone much higher-up the food chain than a regional commanding officer.

    Speculation time!

    I think NUNS knew about the PC ruins on Windermere. Not wanting a repeat of the Birdman incident, they knew nukes won't hurt the thing so they brought in the MDE in case they lost control (In case of Protoculture emergency, break glass). A Mayan priestess share a similar function that a Wind Singer does. Two different cultures that grew up completely unaware of each other, who both have a being that share a similar function. It doesn't matter what you call them, shaman, priest, Wind Singer, idol. And it can't be a coincidence that 2 different species have this "idol". They all can interact with those Protoculture artifacts.

    Wright could have been coerced into dropping the MDE. The Windermerans found out that NUNS had a WMD during their revolution and decided to pull that string. Without a trump card, Windermere has nothing in their revolution.

    I think your right the DE was in case of protoculture shenanigans break glass. Everyone in show seems to be ignoring the stole it after being in contact with the rebels part of that revelation. The Windermere version isn't correct the Spacy version just didn't mention that the trigerman was a traitor (and how the thing for there).

  2. Up to now it was always portrayed as a good thing. This time it looked pretty ominous compared to 7 and the other times Hayate received it.

    Mirage is totally ready for the Immelman.

    Not really the shelves and stuff faded out but the people didn't and/or were highlighted. So an increase in interpersonal connections? That or she accidentally sent him super mode in the middle of Halmark instead of a pitched battle. Also everyone seems to be forgetting that Hyate has active fold receptors the necklace is an antenna that helps not causes his connection.
  3. That we know of, but anything is possible with Macross.

    To add to my earlier point, I am expecting Mirage to join Walkurie at some point. The foreshadowing regarding Hayate "finding" his bliss with flying before knowing his father was a pilot and the implication that Mirage didn't have that option herself was apparent to me.

    I would bet that this is the beginning of the set up for Mirage to find she loves singing more than flying and that Lady M is indeed Mylene who will encourage that in her at some point.

    Perhaps the impetus to have Mirage join Walkurie is for Freyja to sacrifice herself or be captured. However, that would reduce Delta to even less of a contingent so replacement pilots will be needed soon or have Mirage sing from her cockpit.

    The scene among the Knights highlighted to me a growing crack in their resolve to "take over the galaxy". The region is one thing, but the whole galaxy is quite another for a race who only live to about 30 years. Who would want to spend their entire lives fighting wars of conquest?

    Plenty of people would love to spend their entire lives in a war of conquest..... in their late teens to early twenties..... before they tried it. So the twins who only know winning and are young and imortal are hyped, Herman and Cassim are old with a life of war behind them want no part of it.
  4. I imagine most of the manufacturing systems from her days as a colony ship are intact. The island was probably one of if not the major manufacturing centers of Ragna. Remember it was still a functional city it's just that the power demands of a city are miniscule next to the demands of propulsion or life support or gravity or the fold drive. Then they red lines all those systems at once after no more than idleing them for 30 years. Island 1 is still a functional island class. They just found 30 years of gremlins in a situation that would have stressed them coming strait from the shipyard. Mind a scene or two with maintenance guys talking about getting her back to whatever percent and their progress towards making her indepent of the Elision again would be nice.

  5. Though the ep had a very bittersweet tone to it. The shopping scene highlighted that Hayate doesn't really know much about love or even infatuation. The snow scene did a great job of showing how is affection was growing in a very natural way. Mirage still does an admirable job as best wingman by trying to help Hayate find a gift and in a way sort out his feelings toward Freya. All the while suffering the fact Hayate doesn't understand all the clues she's been throwing at him.

    I will say I was looking forward to some arcade duel action in the mall but i suppose that was my Hayate x Mirage ship leaking out.

    Back on the bittersweet theme. This is the normal halfway point in a Winderemerian's life. I supposed normally they'd be married and maybe have at least one kid on the way. Hell if we think about it, Freya said she avoided her birthdays cause the mayor would always tell her to get married. That implies at least 2 b days, so it might not be uncommon for them to get married earlier than 12. Some weird decision making by the PC if they really did gene craft the Winderemians life to be shorter but not also give them a faster maturity cycle.

    Back on Windermere nothing worth noting happens as normal.

    Arad NOT doing the right thing, he really should have told Hayate the full truth. Maybe not at the b day cause it's probably something awful but they've had plenty of time to have a one on one talk where Arad could provide context with some tact about how Wright was a good guy but made one horrible decision.

    Overall on the positive side. I will say Delta has handled the triangle the most organically of all modern macrosses.

    Who's to say his dad made a horrible desision? It might have been a decision to not shoot a ten year old stealing the bomb. Though it sounds like the official spacey and Windamere stories are wrong and Arad knows the truth.

    So Fryja just turned roughly 50. And Mirage managed to get Hyate to ponder his feelings for her rival. Between that and her referencing the fasion magazine it was a good reminder that Mirage is actually still a teenager. Semi related does anyone have a guess as to why Mirage got so dlustwrws at the prospect of the party?

  6. Interesting theory.

    The VF-22 and Hayate's father is red herring. We saw a crashed Sv-154 of Keith with Roid helping him.

    What if the footage was doctored instead of a VF-22 it was really a Sv-154 that launched an MDE at the NUNS base? Carlisle was collateral damage. The reason why the rescued guy hates Hayate's dad?

    Raito Immelman could've stopped if he shot down Keith. As seen in the prequel manga Windermere isn't above using child soldiers. Raito has an affection for kids. He probably gave that player to Freyja. He couldn't shoot down Keith thus Carlisle went boom.

    Keith has a Guld like memory suppression and starts blaming NUNS for it when the truth was it was him who did it.

    I like it. I doubt it, but I like it.
  7. Not really. When you consider that the various macross class are super dreadnaughts and super carrier rolled into one the ratio of lesser ships isn't that nuts. Though where all the SDFN and Battle Classes whose fleets have setaled have run off to is an interesting question. Maybe Spacy has fast reaction forces with multiple macross class to deal with large threats like rogue zentrati fleets. Mind there wouldn't have been enough spare during 7 but if they exist they darn shure should have shown up in Frontier. Or maybe I just want Spacy to function like well a functional military.

  8. Decent low action ep. I feel this ep had good moments to help fill out Chuck's character slightly. He's hasn't got much development other than we know he's been to war and doesn't like killing people.

    So the rear docking was due to the normal method being damaged. Still makes me wonder if the Elysion was the Island's original macross ship just because the scale and possible front docking orientation looks to be off in a traditional sense.

    We don't get any clarity on what damaged the Island's fold drives... I guess we'll chock it up to battle damage but it really seems like those should have been much better maintained.

    NUNS... doesn't seem as sinister to me. Just more of they recognized that the Windemere song might have been a huge threat, tried to take steps to deal with it 7 years ago and failed. Their calmness comes from having a fold jamming technology that would help them in the future.

    Fixing plug scenes were fine I actually like how Hayate was extremely job focused.

    The performance... the song was VERY lacking to me. Maybe it was the overuse of English, but it felt hollow mostly. That being said, I think Kaname had the best part in the performance.

    But the big goose in the room, and I'm super surprised no one has pointed this out, is that Lady M got a contract FROM A MINING COMPANY to free the whole cluster.


    Unless they're mining fold quartz there no way a mining company could affordably commission a mercenary group to free dozens of planets, which the mining company might not have any presence on I might add. Hell I know this is just for story fluff but it sets it's a very dangerous precedence of a private corp "freeing" planets from local authorities. The commission would have made a HELL of a lot more sense coming from NUNS.

    We joke the NUNS officers are in conspiracy but a CEO of a PMC conveniently finding a sponsor to take over planets is HELLA fishy.

    Hell this could set up a conflict between NUNS operations and the interests of the mining company!

    Mining companies plural. So multiple Galaxy spanning Corps. They can afford it. But yeah that set my shadowrun senses tingling to..... Hears hopeing.

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