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Posts posted by Ghostbear0

  1. Did my quick-viewing. Sit-down viewing will come later.

    Guess I predicted the data recorder right.

    Semi-speculation, semi-spoilers.

    -HOLD ON AN 'EFFIN MOMENT. Turbulence where there was no turbulence. 2 bandits on an intercept course. Radio cuts off and it goes to remote. Does anyone else find this fishy? Windermerans keep saying "wind" in battle. Wright was found dead in the cockpit. Wright won't have dropped the MDE on a civilian population and NUNS had a specific target to drop the MDE. I'm sorry, but something still doesn't jive with this story.

    And Mikumo is still rockin' the bondage restraints with Roid touching her hair like a creep now. EWWWWWW.....

    I took it as Wright lied about the turbulence to take a route that hit the side of the mountain away from the city to minimise casualties. This led to him being intercepted which caused NUN's to take the stick and beeline towards the target. I think this explains where the footage they showed comes from one of the interceptors. So NUN's dropped it before he got shot down.

  2. The whole discussion regarding the VF armor strength is where this breaks down for me. If the damn valks are so strong, how is it that they can be damaged with mere projectiles and missiles at all? You have these uber strong aircraft almost super aircraft that somehow are able to be damaged. THAT is where the bad writing is as far as I am concerned. Where is the peril? Where is risk? Why should we care if there is little risk to our heroes? Frontier presented this risk so much better than Delta has with adversaries far superior to our heroes' equipment AND they were adaptive.

    I feel that is where one of the principal frustrations come from. When the Windies own Xaos it turns out they are better flyers and fighter pilots and the fact that the aircraft are uber, makes the dog fights a visual dance and not really a fight with consequences. I suspect they tried to present some peril by having the Windies being better pilots than the heroes, but the nullifying effect of uber aircraft muted the danger all together. To counter this, a "fold resonance" field has to be invented to create an artificial advantage.

    Cheyenne destroids "should" be a useful part of an arsenal. They aren't the hero units, but certainly should have some role in the combined assets of any force and more than mere AA. As already pointed out, the PC felt the Zentradi needed ground attack units, so then there must have been a reason.

    This penchant for making each generation of fighter superior beyond any reasonable margin is an escalation that cannot be sustained in any dramatic sense. This further supports Seto's comparison between Kawamori and Roddenberry.

    The tech advancement is fine space war one stuff vs delta stuff is like comparing WW1 stuff to modern equipment. Destroids are obsolete because most of your defensive strength comes from your power supply so to have as much defence and firepower you need the same engines and so might as well spend the 30% pre whatever more and have the mobility or the VF.
  3. But was this actually on her, or did she put one (a spare?) on again when she got into the Valk?

    Unless they gave her clothes identical to the outfit it was generating then she was still in the holo gear. I'm not sure if it's better or worse that they at least seemed to have caught the rocket panties. I guess I'll just be satisfied that Windemere is upholding the fine macross tradition of having horrible security.
  4. Honestly I was expecting Hyate to do his solo jump see the weepy girls start on their walk to the end only to have Hyate reapeer standing on the shoulder of the gerwalked 22. If course that was raw and expecting the passengers stuffed in the internal middle bays instead of having the legs cut off.

    So you'd have Hyate on top them a shot of Arad with a big crap eating grin as he hoses the windys with the energy weapons. Wich the knights would superman dodge but would take out the mooks then the Gila jump on and in and they fly off to the sights under fire.

  5. So this episode many should have been next week. They could have put the gearing up for the final conflict we're gonna get next week, and put some more detail into the Roid, Mikumo situation. Then we could have an even bigger battle with the Elision showing up after the escape. Then end the episode on absolute HELL breaking loose when Mikumo summons the head of the Bird Humans big brother.

  6. The chance of a display plane mounted on a plinth (i.e. a gate guard) being still flyable is next to none. First step would normally to be remove the engines and any sensitive avionics, rendering it unflyable

    Well It might be harder to hit a valk like that given how integrated systems are and their more stable in a resting state. But mostly keeping a trophy weapon in working order seems very much like something Gramia would do.

  7. I'm still holding out hope for a genocide ending for Windermere. They refuse to learn a lesson and continue to push their ancient super weapon untill it explodes their planet the knights and Hienze can get their face turn sacrificing themselves to stop it dragging the rest of the galaxy to hell with them.

    That might just come from the fact that I don't like how many superpowers they have.

  8. The second Voldor infiltration should have happened episode 15 and the rest of the reveals should have been spaced out in an increasing level of distrust in Chaos as the team learns how much they've been holding back and what the did to Mikumo. That could have made the birthday episode the team recoalesing after slintering a little. Hell they could have even done the meal and snowball gags there with more people and time.

    This show.... I don't think I've ever watched a show with so many good elements put together so poorly. It's a sea spider, jellyfish ,apple, and BBQ sauce smoothie.

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