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Posts posted by hachi

  1. 53 minutes ago, ArchieNov said:

    Honest question. Why do some people try transforming stuff without first looking at the instructions? And I mean for new stuff they’ve never done before. Is it a macho pride ego thing? Sense of fulfilment from figuring it out by yourself? If so, not sure that’s worth risking scratches or worse, breakages on these expensive toys. 

    The only other reason I could think of is laziness, but doesn’t make too much sense since there’s less effort involved in following instructions rather than figuring it out yourself.

    They may be too excited, or sometimes it's fun to figure things out? For one I am guilty of not properly 'reading' gunpla/kit instructions and then suffering the consequences. But for expensive stuff like these valks I'd 'read' the manual at least, and/or search transformation videos on youtube.

  2. 19 hours ago, renegadeleader1 said:

    Tatsunoko lost nearly half a million US dollars last year.



    This is something to keep an eye on as it may have repercussions down the road especially if Tatsunoko sees selling the Macross license as the only way to stay above water financially. There could also be issues if Tatsunoko declares bankruptcy before the arrangement between them and HG runs out.

    Wouldn't it be better if they sell the license to a Japanese company? Surely they'd get more than if they'd sell to HG? HG turns out crap comics which doesn't help...

  3. 5 hours ago, Big s said:

    The c pack is pretty good, but I like the look of the thunderbolt also. 

    If you only want 1/144 and are only wanting to do a lazy build without paint or seam line work, then consider the rg green zaku. It’s high detail, but does have some tiny parts and isn’t a toyish buy due to the extremely intricate build. It is a very smart design and even the weapons are slide molded so they don’t need the two half design that requires putty down the middle. It’s also molded completely in color with stickers included for sensors and markings.

    I wanted an HG since it would be cheaper. And I already built the HG Char Zaku II Origin kit which I liked it so I feel safe if I choose another HG version too.

  4. 2 minutes ago, kajnrig said:

    tl;dr - My recc: Zaku II Type C/C-5

    Type C/C-5 = newest (of the four), follows the design of the Zaku II from Gundam The Origin, is probably the most "complete" Zaku II from that line (others have little accessories that might not be included here, but most everything is accounted for)

    Ground War Set = oldest, uses a Zaku II mold from the early/mid-2000s based more on the original anime/08MST design, comes with a bunch of really nice accessories, but everything was designed with some paint work in mind

    Zaku II Thunderbolt = same as Big Gun kit, but without Big Gun, so don't get this

    Zaku II Thunderbolt + Big Gun = has a big gun, is based on the Gundam Thunderbolt Zaku II design, which is a hit or miss design depending on who you are, but that Big Gun is really Big and is a Gun

    If what you want is something that looks half-decent that you can play with, the C-5 is probably your best choice. All of these will require paint to look their best, but the C-5 comes closest to not needing it at all. I'm partial to the Ground War Set because of the close 08MST ties, and I can't stand the Thunderbolt designs, so if I were in your shoes it would be a tossup between the C-5 and the GWS, but I know some people probably wouldn't enjoy the dated design of the GWS Zaku.

    Another vote for the Type C/C-5! :D

  5. 9 minutes ago, General Rasp said:

    I would recommend going with the Type C / Type C-5. It is the most recent HG Zaku and will probably look the best without painting. The building and articulation will be superior to the ground war set, which came out in 2009. Plus you get a lot of weapon option with this kit if you are thinking of army building. The thunderbolt kits don't look bad but the they do have a lot stickers, something to keep in mind if you don't like stickers. And the suit will be back heavy with the larger backpack. 

    Hope that helps.

    That's a really good reason to get the Type C/C-5. And it's one of the least expensive. Thanks! Now all I gotta do is wait for next payday :D

  6. Guys can you help me decide which Zaku II I should get? I have been puzzling over several days already on what Zaku II kit would be best. I've listed the ones I'm considering below. HG kits only since this is an impulse of mine (I'm looking at green color-themed kits) and I don't want to spend that much. The last item looks interesting but more expensive, my original choice is the Zaku Ground War Set but a comment says it doesn't have much details? I don't paint kits so I also want a good-looking finished kit without paint.

    1/144 HG Zaku II Type C / Type C-5

    1/144 HGUC MS-06 Zaku The Ground War Set

    1/144 HG MS-06 Zaku II (Gundam Thunderbolt Ver.)

    1/144 Zaku II + Big Gun (Gundam Thunderbolt Ver.) -- Anime Ver.


  7. Not interested in this so thankfully my wallet can have its rest. I have other upcoming non-toy related expenses so this respite is welcome. :D

  8. On 5/30/2018 at 10:47 AM, sketchley said:

    Great Mechanics.DX 6http://monkeybacon.mywebcommunity.org/OTgreatMechanics/OTgreatmechanics.php#GMDX

    A great tour de force article—with sections on the CG in MF (mostly untranslated), the VF-25 & 27, Destroids, Battle Pods, and an interview with Kazutaka Miyatake!

    There are many highlights (my favourite would have to be the opinion of the Zentrādi foot soldiers who have to ride the Rigādo), however the interview with Miyatake-san is the most insightful.  In short, I've long been puzzled why Kawamori-san went to great efforts to include the dancing Valkyries at the beginning of Macross Delta (and emphasized their inclusion in a later Great Mechanics interview).  Miyatake-san's answers in the interview indicate that the motivation behind that has been around since the beginning of Macross—an in the process, indirectly addressing questions like 'why are the Zentrādi only ever portrayed in antagonistic roles?'

    If you like mecha, this is highly recommended—both for the in-universe content, as well as the creative side of it.

    Only read this today--thanks for that Miyatake interview! I'm really envious of all those info that Japanese readers get from their mecha designers based on interviews like this.

  9. So my authorization for the VT-1 expired, and thankfully the money I'd been out of was restored to my debit card account. Right now entertaining thoughts of just cancelling the order and putting the money into mutual funds (the PSE is trending downward)...


    But then again we don't know if we're getting a VF1D (which is what I really want), so maybe I'll keep this order to give me my orange valk fix. :unsure:

  10. I actually liked Pailsen Files because I saw it first before the TV series haha. I never really finished the TV series as I get bored after a few episodes, but I like the Scopedogs as they are a unique design. I didn't know Pailsen Files was bad vs other iterations but I guess ignorance is bliss. :p I also liked Mellowlink. Maybe they should reboot Votoms series and make it not-boring.

  11. Oh, too bad I guess. If I really wanted to I could get it from US stores cheaper then.

    On 10/21/2017 at 8:05 PM, hachi said:

    Is 3000toys legit? They already have a preorder: http://www.3000toys.com/Eaglemoss-Battlestar-Galactica-Viper-Mk-II/sku/EAGLEMOSSBGS01

    I want the vipers but I'm not in the mood to spend. We'll see next year.

    But then now I'm still not in the mood to spend haha. So Present Hachi is in agreement with Past Hachi for financial mood reasons. But damn, if there was only a Filthy Rich Hachi... I wish :lol:

  12. After 6 days, I think assembly is mostly done (except maybe stickers and other additional stuff to make it photo- and display-friendly). I only went to work for 2 days this week, so I guess it could have been done in 4 days if there was no interruption due to work. Over-all I admire this kit, and I would not have been so frustrated at first if I didn't have to 'rush' through it. As a consequence I made mistakes but I don't mind as I really wanted to finish this ASAP to ease my backlog of unbuilt kits. Hopefully I can start the next kit to build tomorrow or Sunday.


  13. 22 hours ago, Firefox said:

    All the Aussie members here, do you foresee problem getting this (in fact, everything) overseas after 1st July this year? I wonder what sort of mess would it be. I don't think NY, HLJ and AmiAmi would give a damn about registering a tax account with OZ government.

     For all non-Aussie members, after 1 July, we will be tax 10% (GST) even if we bought $1.00 item from overseas. Unlike VAT in UK, which the tax is collected by the carrier, our brilliant government ask the overseas sellers to register a tax account with Aust government and collect the tax for them, as if the overseas sellers would give a damn about it.

    Can't the government just collect that tax via customs? If I were a seller I wouldn't bother about it or just stop shipping to AUS. What penalties would they impose on the seller anyway?

  14. 17 hours ago, no3Ljm said:

    Robot Damashii or Hi-Metal R should make this line. They already made Dougram, what's stopping them for making a Scopedog figure. ^_^


    Nooooooo the financially responsible side of me will not be happy :lol:

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