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General Rasp

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Posts posted by General Rasp

  1. Did anyone else notice the Ace Combat music and sound affects in the first half of the video? lol.

    It is a shame they didn't have any English translations, on the new Gundam boxes and instructions they are adding English descriptions.

  2. I really hope I don't fall down the rabbit hole of "I will get Hayate's and Messer's VFs that will be good. But Mirage's color scheme was cool too, and Arad's. So I might as well get Chuck's to round them out."

  3. I am going to have to start checking Barnes and Noble's website more. I have seen a few people get really good deals on hard to find figures. I think it would be cool if they keep getting the high-end collectibles and have on a regular basis at their physical stores.

    And the Re:Edits are amazing. I have all of them and hope the line continues. I would love to see a Superior Iron-Man Armor and Iron Man suit #26.

  4. Very different color from the previous Max release. That white isn't white at all. VERY grey. I prefer the previous releases color by a lot.


    Looking at the picture it seems the color scheme is based off the movie with light gray. To me, if Max had the VF-1J in the movie that would be the color scheme. And I imagine the grey matches the previous VF-1S releases.

    Is the stand alone Hikaru VF-1J white or grey? I don't have that one.

  5. Yup I've got the Legacy Dragonzord from the original run, two actually. Very worth it in my opinion, beautiful piece. My only gripe is about the placement of the die-cast, he's got a ton of die-cast in his feet and it can make the combined Ultra Megazord a bit top heavy, Legacy Titanus came with little knee bracers for the Legacy Megazord to help handle the weight of the Dragon poncho on top of the Legacy Megazord, and it help it does, but like I said the pieces only come with Titanus. Dragonzord is worth it stand alone, or to combine with the other Legacy zords, it's a great figure.

    Thanks for the response! It would be a stand alone piece so I am definitely going to pre-order it now. I am kinda hoping Bandai does a Soul of Chogokin Dragonzord. I would love to see one.

  6. I remember a time when I could get Master Replicas Force FX sabers for $99.99. I never bit, like an idiot I always skipped them, even when the more interesting characters sabers were out I stupidly sat by and let them sell out. I paid dearly for these two, but they're pretty awesome, solid builds and they're pretty bright.


    Jesse and Mr.White from Breaking Bad are the only two 1/6 figures I have in my collection now, I sold off and gave up on Hot Toys long ago. I like them, really good head sculpts, Jesse completes the duo in their casual clothing, I've got the hazmat suit set on pre-order, those look great. I still love the MMPR Legacy line, the Ninja Megazord is great! I never had one as a kid but I had the stand alone White Falconzord, this was a trend, I'd have one zord but never the set, I could never complete the bigger zord combinations, but now the Legacy line has given me a chance to collect the first three seasons of zords in these shiny, new, show accurate forms.

    Have you picked up the Legacy Dragonzord? It is being re-issued and that was the one zord I missed out on. I am wondering if it is worth it.

  7. Am I the only one that is bummed that Max does not come with a strike cannon? I know he did not have it in the show or movie, but I still think it would be cool to see.

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