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Posts posted by mechatek

  1. My kid just loves my 1/48's and is always trying to get at them, so I decided to buy him a Transformers Go-Bot.

    Hmm, my nephew's 2nd birthday is coming up in a few months. I think I'll be getting that TF/Go-Bot for him. Since he always wants to play with my valks. Thanks for mentioning this bot, Metal_Massacre_79.

  2. Thanks for the tip TheLoneWolf. I think the hexagon thingies might also be keeping the leg together.

    Hexagonal shaped things? I believe those might be screw covers. If they are indeed screw covers, you can gently pop them off with a flathead. If you could take pictures of them, that'd be awesome :)

    They were screw covers! TheLoneWolf you are the freshest. My Q-Rau is nice and sturdy now, thanks to you. :D

  3. I just got my Miria Q-Rau today for only $92 shipped. :) I guess the drawback is that it came with a loose right leg. :( I unscrewed the hip joint and the three screws at the top of the leg, but the leg will not separate. Any suggestions?

    It's possible Yamato may have glued the leg together. I don't own a Q-rau, so I can't say for certain. When I was disassembling my 1/55 reissues, I had the exact same problem. I unscrewed the nosecone, but the two-halves wouldn't seperate because they were also glued together. So I just got an exacto blade and gently cut between the two halves. It worked like a charm.

    Thanks for the tip TheLoneWolf. I think the hexagon thingies might also be keeping the leg together. Am I the only one with a loose leg on his Q-Rau here? :unsure:

  4. Caught the Sunday matinee showing at the Village in Westwood with a friend, well worth the money. It was cool to hear the Martian war machine death ray sound effect from "War of the Worlds" in Sky Captain. I was able to catch a few nods to previous sci-fi films like the platform 327 exchange on Cloud City in ESB. It's an entertaining two hours.

  5. Hey LegoManiacs! Amazon/ToysRus.com has a special offer going on until 11:59pm Oct. 2, 2004. You buy two Lego sets and you get the third FREE! Go here for the 411. I just placed my order for the UCS Snowspeeder, AT-AT, a free Millenium Falcon plus free shipping. This is a great deal, don't miss out.

    Less than 5 hours left of this great offer. Just wanna let any members know about it before it's gone, since it was on the third page.

  6. Hey LegoManiacs! Amazon/ToysRus.com has a special offer going on until 11:59pm Oct. 2, 2004. You buy two Lego sets and you get the third FREE! Go here for the 411. I just placed my order for the UCS Snowspeeder, AT-AT, a free Millenium Falcon plus free shipping. This is a great deal, don't miss out.

  7. This was posted today on thedigitalbits.com:

    In all the hype over the DVD release of Star Wars, I'm afraid to say there's a bit of bad news about the discs (or at least one of them) from a quality standpoint. We've discovered what we believe are serious audio defects on Episode IV - A New Hope. We've updated our DVD review of the set accordingly with the details as follows:

    [Editor's Note: since we initially wrote this review, we've detected a number of audio/mixing errors on the DVD version of A New Hope. They are as follows:

    1) The familiar Force theme trumpet fanfare that used to play right after Red Leader says: "This is it!" and just as the X-wings start diving towards the Death Star's surface has been dialed back in volume so that it's almost inaudible - it's almost completely buried in the surround mix.

    2) The audio quality varies wildly as Tarkin says the line: "You would prefer another target, a military target? Then name the system." - almost as if the master sound element was damaged. It's very distracting.

    3) Possibly most critically, John Williams' entire score for the film has been flipped in the rear channels, so that what should be the left rear channel is playing from the right rear channel (and vise versa). What this means is that the rear channels don't match the front channels - instruments heard from the front right channel come from the left rear instead of the right rear. Again, this is very distracting once you notice it.

    These problems are certainly severe enough in our opinion to merit a repressing/exchange of the disc. We're waiting to hear back from Lucasfilm on this issue and we'll update this review with the details as soon as we do.

    Another disc exchange a la Back to the Future fiasco. <_<

  8. First person to point out the difference between the two 1/55 Valkyrie toys - asides from the fact ones Max and the other Mirias - wins a no-prize! ;)

    I believe Miria is a Taka and Max is a reissue. By the way it looks like you put the intake stickers backwards. It's supposed to pointing to the back ">".

  9. I'm debating getting these figures, but I already have the old Banpresto Millia PVC figure and it is pretty close to in scale I believe, so are they really worth the money? Also is there any word if the Max Q-Rau will come with a Max Pilot figure?

    I believe it's been reported that the Max Q-Rau will NOT come with the pilot figure. I guess we can expect another 3 piece set from CMS, with Max in his tuxedo. :p

  10. I just got my Miria Q-Rau today for only $92 shipped. :) I guess the drawback is that it came with a loose right leg. :( I unscrewed the hip joint and the three screws at the top of the leg, but the leg will not separate. Any suggestions? Also, what would be the best method for getting rid of the loosy leg: cover the ball-joint with masking tape, nail polish (used this for the Banprestos, not to sure if I wanna on a Yamato), or something I haven't heard of yet? Little help here, please.

  11. Yeah! To hell with accuracy and poseablity! :lol: These are toys, not models dammit! I also love my re-ish Chunky Monkeys, the fun factor is high on these Macross originals. And yes, I'm still holding hope for Bandai to release the last four 1/55s: GBP-1S (Solscud you lucky man), VF-1S Strike, VT-1 and VE-1.

  12. The takatoys stickers look even better when you brush on some Testors Clear Flat Finish (#FS 30000) before you cut them out. This will get rid of the sheen that the stickers have at a certain angle. They look more like decals on my 1/48s. B))

  13. Some of us reserved our sets back in May from Kevin at V-E.com. He still doesn't have a pre-order up, so shoot him an email. For shame Vostok 7, I thought you were Miria's #1 fan. :lol:

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