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Posts posted by Galaxy_Stranger

  1. Not sure if this is the appropriate forum, but here goes.

    I've been picking up some of the Macross Master File books lately. I'm not really familiar with the history of that publication, but I was curious to find out how many of them have been published. So far, I know of the following:

    VF-0 Phoenix

    SDF-1 Macross Squadrons

    VF-1 Valkyrie Part 1

    VF-1 Valkyrie Part 2

    VF-19 Excalibur

    VF-22 SturmVögel II

    VF-25 Messiah

    Are there any more planned?

  2. Timeline...

    I downloaded a couple versions of the Macross and imported them into my server I ran at home.

    Don't know of any valkyries or anything, but you can make pilotaBle vehicles. I downloaded one for wwii planes.

  3. Thanks for the info.

    As for the Mirroring - that's what I've been doing with objects such as the chest plate. I create a cube, cut it in half, mirror it and then go from there. The OTHER type of mirroring I was trying to accomplish is for things that will become independent objects later on - such as the wings and tail fins. I also found this useful for making engines on a Star Wars Z-95 fighter's four engines. You create a cylinder, mirror it on the X and Y axis and you've just created four separate engines and only have to work on one.

    It's gonna be interesting to see how Doom can handle these higher-poly models. The animations are going to be fun...



  4. Thanks for the encouragement.

    Yeah, I'm fast realizing that this is just going to have to be an interpretation. Personally, I like the fat, cartoony features better than the plastic model style architecture because - what you saw on the TV was the canon material.

    Really, I'm asking for feedback on the modeling itself. For example, the chest plate is a real pain and the pattern of lines and vertices to get that curvature doesn't look very symmetrical to me - looks kind of random. So, I don't have a point of reference on what modeling techniques that would normally be used.

    Also, isn't there a thing where you can model an object and have it completely mirrored on the opposite axis - what is that called? So, like when I do a wing - it automatically creates the other wing as I'm building it. Isn't that a thing? Is it related to the Mirror modifier?


    I figured it out in Blender - it's another function of the Mirror modifier. Kinda Quirky, though.

  5. Thanks!

    Do you see anything I need to focus on improving? Each piece I did 3 or 4 times to try and get the contours right. I'm still not certain it's more complex than it needs to be. And even the nice othrographics I got a hold of don't quite line up. There are inconsistencies here and there.

    I finally figured out Smooth Shading in Blender ;-p



  6. Indeed.

    I was at work and any thought of Harmony Gold drives me around the bend and I can't think straight.

    I don't believe that the new film will have anything to do with Macross - and maybe not even transformable mecha. Their newest incarnation of Robotech essentially is Mospeada based. At best - it will be a Mospeada movie. If they don't show any Macross related material, (and they may be legally bound not to), then Mospeada seems a likely alternative.

    There are many possibilities for the movie, (even Southern Cross - which lends itself the most to be an original work and they can easily wimp-out and not have transformable mecha), but I think Macross is not one of them. This being the Hollywood horsecrap factory, I would be astounded if we got anything closely resembling transforming robots - let alone anything else.

    But the artwork in this thread is wonderful.

  7. Oh yeah - anything involving Harmony Gold is going to Ditch Macross completely. They've been trying to steal the franchise from the beginning. They don't want anything to do with Macross so they can sever the ties and not get sued over distribution anymore. Frankly, I don't understand why they didn't just buy the entire Mospeada franchise and be done with it.

  8. Yeah - Cycles is what I'm posting with. That's my second try at the chest plate. I'm working on another version. Aside from me not having much experience at this, these are intended to be low-poly for video games, such as this:

    I'd be happy to post the pics if it weren't breaking any rules. But I'm not sure how that would be taken. It's not like we're trying to pirate anything.

    Is it cool for me to post them?

  9. Now that I understand how the book is constructed, I feel a lot more confident in not ripping the pages apart! All of those examples on Youtube are using books where each individual page is glued-in. These books are put together like magazines, where you have the first and last page printed on one big sheet, with all of the subsequent pages laying on top of those - and then folded over. This makes it more difficult to get what you want, but with patience it's not all that hard. At first, I was pulling individual pages out - which was tearing them off of their opposing page! I'll end up cutting them up anyway and putting them in a binder.

    According to Amazon, I'll have the last of the VF-1 related books by the end of May.

    But these are, hands-down, the BEST orthographic images you'll get your grubby paws on.

    I'm working in Blender. I don't know how to get the renderer to look any better than that. I see wonderful renders in blender all over the Internet, but I can't get it to not look like crap.

  10. Well - the hair dryer works!

    The Master File books are nice and thick, though. It takes a little longer to get the glue going - and you have to worry about the glue turning into spider-webs. BUT, it works.

    Also, this book's pages are kinda folded-over, so they have to be cut anyway to get the individual pages apart - and I couldn't see where they fold so I couldn't pull them out a group at a time. I got several pages out and then just decided to remove the cover all at one time. This should make it easier to get the pages finished.


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