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Posts posted by Galaxy_Stranger

  1. Yeah, it's as tedious as I thought it was....

    This guy has a couple techniques I find interesting. I don't have a machine shop to make my own custom tools, but this guy has some interesting ideas. Of course, he's a freaking Dentist and inherently has access to certain things...


    I'm also going to be playing around with some latex masking products and see how that works.

  2. On page 108 in the VF-1 Master File Part 2, there's an image of another Master File book, which has the following printed:

    VF-4 Lightning III

    VF-3000 Crusader

    VF-5000 Starmirage

    Anyone know where I can get a hold of this? Can't find it on Amazon.

  3. I love the look of that in Jet mode.

    I've never built a resin model before, but I found this: https://youtu.be/YltXrBg2GKY

    He mentions using soapy water to clean it off. Since discovering automotive degreaser, I found that there are people who use it specifically to clean their plastic and resin models. But I'm sure a good degreasing dishwater liquid soap is all you need. I've never had a problem with oils and grease on model parts ruining a paint job, however, I do believe it's important to get a brand that is specifically good at cutting grease.

    Apparently, superglue is only enough to hold parts together until you use polyurethane resin for the adhesive: https://youtu.be/rF2SsWSNt5E

    OH - by the way - has anybody used rare earth magnets on their Macross models? I got some teenie ones and they're amazing.

  4. I've been getting the Master File books for reference for my modeling and it's been an enlightening experience. I'm not terribly plugged into the Macross lore and details. As a fan I always thought about how the squadrons were all organized and so forth. But after learning about what has come to be considered semi-canon, I've found some details that I hadn't really considered, and this is mostly because I'm aware that some technical decisions were made solely in the interest of visual presentation.

    For example, the colors of the various light sabers in the star wars franchise have absolutely no technical meaning. For years, fans figured that red was for the bad guys and blue was for the good guys. And then Luke has to screw around and show up with a green light saber. The fact is that the color was chosen based on the color scheme of the scene and contrasting characters. Likewise, (as we see in Voltron and other franchises), Valkyrie color schemes are a device used for the audience to be able to keep track of the major characters, (with the exceptions of Kakizake and Focker which remain a mystery to me).

    So at this point, when I see a Valkyrie with fast pack on, I see a Valkyrie that has had a fast pack fastened to it. Same thing for an Armored Valkyrie. Now, I can understand the VT-1 and VE-1 Valkyries being separated off as different variants as the F-15C is to the F-15E. But it appears that a Valkyrie with a fast pack, or an armored Valkyrie is considered a full variant of the Valkyrie. And yet in the TV show, it doesn't make sense that they would produce and paint a new variant JUST for Hikaru on the off chance that he would need it.

    What's the deal? Are the fast packs and armored versions separate variants or modified Valkyries?

  5. Howdy ho! I have two issues to address.

    First, does anybody know of a brand of lacquer based paints out there?

    Second, recently I looked for a way to remove the chrome off of plastic model kits - wheels and other car parts, etc. Apparently, this can be done by immersing the parts in Coca-Cola for a week or so. I didn't want to wait that long, so I kept looking and found this Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMm8iWW2FK4

    As you can see, he's using Super Clean automotive degreaser. I found out that they have it at Wal-Mart, so I got some and tried it out. It works really well. After soaking for a few minutes and agitating it a few times, the chrome comes right off. Some parts I had to let soak all night - but they got cleaned off.

    As a side-effect, I noticed that it cleans grease really well! The plastic parts that I had cleaned with it REALLY cleans the plastic off - and without eating it. Of course, then I have to go over the parts with soapy water to get the Super Clean off...

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