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Posts posted by TangledThorns

  1. We're almost done with these latest episodes and having trouble keeping up as its so fragmented. Can definitely get an idea why Caville wasn't digging the direction of the series too.

    That being said, I can't wait till see what Caville does with his 40K series on PRIME!!

  2. 10 minutes ago, danth said:

    Why does nobody blame JJ Abrams? The guy is a total hack. Is it just "go up the chain to the first woman you find?" 🤣

    Do you guys even know what a movie producers job is?

    JJ Abrams was an unwitting accomplice and not entirely his fault, It's still all on KK and to that affect damaged STAR TREK too. I'll explain why...

    In the below interview from 2013 JJ explains he originally turned down directing Star Wars so he could concentrate on Star Trek. The first Star Trek reboot film was great imho. However f'ing KK "called again" to JJ and I suspect she offered a mega-yacht worth of money to direct TFA. JJ shouldn't have done both properties so that lowered the quality of Star Trek and Star Wars films.

    F'ing greed!!



    ABRAMS: I mean, I get it. The worlds are vastly different. Honestly, that was why I passed on Star Wars to begin with. I couldn’t imagine doing both. But when I said that my loyalty was to Star Trek I was literally working on finishing this cut. I couldn’t even entertain another thought. It was like being on the most beautiful beach in the world and someone saying, “There’s this amazing mountain over here. Come take a look.” I couldn’t balance the two, so I passed on Star Wars.


    PLAYBOY: What happened between saying no and saying yes?

    ABRAMS: It was a wild time. I was near the light at the end of the tunnel with my work on Star Trek. I felt I needed a bit of a breather, actually. But then Kathleen Kennedy [the new Lucasfilm head who oversees Star Wars] called again. I’ve known her for years. We had a great conversation, and the idea of working with her on this suddenly went from being theoretical and easy to deny to being a real, tangible, thrilling possibility. In the end it was my wife, Katie, who said if it was something that really interested me, I had to consider it.

  3. 46 minutes ago, Big s said:

    I’ve said it before, but I still don’t believe in superhero fatigue. Give people a great movie and they’ll show up. If there’s good word from people and critics, then people will check it out. That goes for shows as well as films. People are excited for The Boys and Invincible, but could care less for poorly written shows like She Hulk or Mrs Marvel. If Gunn can bring an audience with Guardians of the Galaxy 3, he’s got a good chance at this new project, but if the writing isn’t there then nobody will care.

    THIS! However I think the comic book hero bloat doesn't help the more better made films and series.  But who knew PRIME would have the best comic book hero series (animated and live action) on streaming IMHO?

  4. It's ironic that another film, SOUND OF FREEDOM, did really well in the box office against DoD last weekend was originally owned by Disney but shelved it for years before practically giving it away to another studio to be released last week. This has to be the biggest studio blunder since Paramount sold Yellowstone to Peacock. Amazing how some people in Hollywood still have their jobs after making those kinds of mistakes.

  5. On 7/4/2023 at 3:34 PM, Old_Nash_II said:

    Last week, I went back to playing Robotech: Battlecry on my old GameCube. The game is good, not as much as Macross on Ps2, but it's fun (at least it's better than Invasion)

    Yeah, Battlecry was a great looking and fun game for its time. Shame its follow up was a HALO wannabe that was probably too ahead of its time so modern graphics and tech could make a Cyclone themed game work today I think. 

  6. Well, the AoT anime finale could be a good way to improve on the manga which I heard may actually happen. Either way, I enjoyed the ride!!

    On a side note I re-watched the series dubbed in english on Crunchyroll and its way better than I expected. Keeps my eyes on the gorgeous anime action instead of the subtitled text at the bottom of the screen. 




  7. 9 minutes ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    There are a multitude of reasons, depending on the reader... but most of them revolve around the final story arc just being a bit of a mess in general being all kinds of unsatisfying with its rushed and inconsistent pacing, the extended divergence to attempt to justify Eren's campaign of global genocide, the often problematic and ill-defined motivations of both Eren and Ymir, the unresolved implication that Ymir is the true greater scope villain, the many forced-feeling epiphanies about man's inhumanity to man, the excessive use of New Powers as the Plot Demands, the attempt to depict Eren's death as sad, and the conclusion being Eldia remaining a fascist ethnostate under Jaegerist rule and an ongoing threat to the rest of humanity while the state of Eren's grave implies that the Titans will return in the near future to attempt to finish what Eren started.

    All that and they never did get around to actually explaining the Titans themselves... the whole ontological mystery might as well just be "it's magic, I ain't gotta explain sh*t", which is unsatisfying to say the least.


    Most stories, especially the more popular ones, is difficult to conclude to avoid sequelitus.

    Attack on Titan is a wild AF story but I never expected logical explanations for everything in it, especially in regards to the "science" of the titans themselves. But I can understand people losing their minds over certain aspects of it all but in the end its a fantasy.

    Expecting a bad ending that wasn't there was a heckuva surprise for me tho, lol.

    That being said, Attack on Titan is my favorite anime series of all time. Hope that doesn't get me banned from a MACROSS forum 🤣



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