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Posts posted by TangledThorns

  1. 13 hours ago, Spark-O-Matic said:

    I heard they tried to also buy them back when they first launched the Xbone, when they went to Japan to talk to them, it was just over an hour long meeting of Nintendo VP's laughing at them, constantly the whole time. basically laughed them right out of the room.:D

    Which is fine as competition is good and keeps M$ on their toes. Now, imagine if EA bought Nintendo...

  2. It was Oscar winner movies for us the past two days. First was EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE followed by THE WHALE, both on Paramount+. Both were really good and the actors/actresses that won their Academy award deserved it! Especially Michelle Yeoh. Real acting that looked like real hard work and not something very glamorous or easy too.

    Shout out to James Hong too. James is 94 years old and still working and just read in his Wiki he will be back in Kung-Fu Panda 4!!



  3. 7 hours ago, Bolt said:

    Been enjoying Gamera: Rebirth. The animation is pretty good. If you don't mind the Polygon style. Though I believe its Studio ENGI. 

    Yeah, Gamera is good and also waaaaay better than the other Godzilla anime series on Netflix. Gamera succeeds because it actually has plenty of Gamera action in it where as the Godzilla anime series barely had any of the title character, especially Singular Point. Singular Point should have been titled "JET JAGUAR" tbh.

  4. It's been a violent cheese fest trilogy for us this past week. We started with The Pope's Exorcist on Netflix followed by Cocaine Bear and Violent Night on Prime. Brings me back to the wild violent films, namely Troma's, of the late 1980s.

    All three films are fun and worth a watch and I think The Pope's Exorcist was the best of the bunch.


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