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Posts posted by ChristopherB

  1. Mike,

    I'm sorry for not posting yet, but work has been crazy, and we did not talk until pretty late last night.

    Anyway, the GP04G looks so good that I cannot find the words to express how happy I am!

    Wow, absolutely beautiful. A lot of work, on what I think is one of the best Gundam resin kits ever made.

    I'm glad that I can call you a "friend," and I'm glad that my friend is as talented as you are. :D;)

    I can't wait to get it in the mail and display it. It will be the center piece of my collection.

    Thank you very much!


    Christopher B))

  2. Who said Graham lied? I only posted, incorrectly, a point which I already acknowledged, that the feet were somewhat similar.

    Vermillion One,

    It definitely was not you. Why ask, just go back through the thread, page 2 specifically, and read the posts, which I just finished doing myself for the third time. I have not seen anyone point the finger at you, which would be wrong.

    The last thing we need to do is start a witch hunt or go burning any crosses, though. What's done is done, and I don't think anyone meant to intentionally offend Graham.

    You did not post anything wrong, and your VB-6 Koening picture served to show the differences between it and the samurai's feet.

    All we can do now is move on, and be happy about the news. ;)


    Christopher B))

  3. Solscud007,

    Need capital?

    We trust you my friend, so no need to worry, just give us the damn decals already. :p

    Just set up a decal preorder list, and put me down first on the list. :ph34r:

    Include just enough people to give you the amount of money you need to start production, and once you have a sufficient amount of decals printed, start selling them to whomever wants them.

    All we need is a timeframe as to how long you will need before the printed decals will be ready, how much you want from the people on the preorder list, and where to send it. Paypal address perhaps?

    I'm ready to go, as I'm sure other JM lovers are. ;) By the way, I prefer waterslide decals if possible, or really thin stickers like Takatoys makes.


    Christopher B))

  4. As for the VB-6...NO COMMENT.



    No need to get testy, only a couple of people in the thread mentioned that you might have been deceptive about the feet, and the rest of us trusted you. Your word is definitely good, and you are right, that is a ugly samurai robot. Anyone remotely familiar with the Koenig Monster would see the obvious difference. No need to modify your behavior or consider that we doubt the validity of your word because of a couple of miscreants. :p

    As I first said a long time ago using my deductive Edgar Allan Poe deductive reasoning, a "no comment" is as good as saying "yes." I mention Mr. Poe because he inspired the Sherlock Holmes stories, and not the other way around.

    Anyway, I digress, in the past I was the first to mention right after you made a "no comment" remark regarding a previous topic, that logic dictates if the answer was "No" you would have nothing to hide or worry about revealing, and so your ambiquity has only served to verify that which we wish to be true.

    A VB-6 Koenig Monster is in the works by Yamato, it's just a matter of time until the details will be revealed.

    Thank you for the confirmation Graham. ;)


    Christopher B))

  5. You guys are good. 

    By the way... I really like that phrase "By the fans... for the fans"  ;)



    Yeah, I really like your phrase as well, sums up this whole project very well! I'm sorry I missed commenting on it initially.

    Did you receive the PM I sent you a week ago? I hope your move has gone well.

    Nothing like a friendly competition, the best person will win based upon merits, not being cut throat, at least here at MW. ;)


    Christopher B))

  6. Yeah, Rhoby is still making them. I'm looking forward to making some custom valkyries using Rob's awesome recast JM's, and Mervin's armor.

    I hope to have a DYRL squadron, Max VF-1S, Hikaru VF-1S, Roy VF-1S, Hayao VF-1A, VF-1J Enigma Strike using the gray JM from the MW Convention, a VE-1 and a VT-1.

    It should definitely be pretty sweet.

    By the way, what's the status on the decals?

  7. Beautiful custom!

    I love the weathering, it's nice to see a valkyrie that doesn't look minty fresh, or have obvious panel lines.

    Can you tell us who the lucky customer is?

    I can't wait to see what you do with the fast packs. ;)

  8. Hello Mike,

    Everything is looking great!

    Don't get mad at me, because I know you were probably going to do it anyway, but the little anchor/arrow thing on the right shield should be painted yellow.

    I was not sure, so I checked the G-System site and verified, but like I said you probably just haven't had time to do it yet.

    The color blue you are using is perfect.


    Christopher B))

  9. It will definitely be cool if it is true, but either way I'm still looking forward to my IHP VB-6 Koenig Monster recast.

    Hopefully Graham is trying to get permission to post and verify that Yamato is indeed releasing a VB-6, or perhaps he just hasn't seen this thread yet.

  10. estacado06479,

    All I can say is, "Moo." :p

    Actually, I already anticipated someone would say that, before you posted. Read my post again, where I mention Full Metal Jacket, and say I have horns on my head. ;)


    Actually, you're thinking of Montana. In Montana they call a truckload of sheep, a whorehouse on wheels.

    Yeah, I've heard of Waco, but in Texas we pronounce it "Wacko." Don't forget that the Branch Davidian Cult was around there.

    I'm from the Houston area, and in all honesty, Texas and California have the most beautiful women in the US, at least in my humble opinion. By the way, all my ex's live in Texas, that's why I hang my hat in...Maryland. :rolleyes:


    Poor PeeWee just can't seem to stay out of the news. First he was busted for gratifying himself in a public place (what were cops doing there by the way?), and now he's been given a plea bargain for owning child pornography.

    All right, I think I responded to everyone, and by the way, this thread has taken a pretty humerous wrong turn.

    Best wishes to everyone, especially those that come from a state so sad, that no one has bothered to make insulting jokes regarding it. :D


    Christopher B))

  11. Damn FlyingPika,

    You did a great job! I'm a sucker for green. ;) Plus the VB-6 is painted primarily green as well.

    I really like the personally touches you add that make the design something inherently unique to MW.

    "Ideals Plus Macross World = Endless Possibilities"

    I especially like this one:

    "The Dream Has Become A Reality."

    For me, that really somes up the whole project, and it has a nice ring to it. :D

    This contest is really turning out to be quite a "contest" after all, albeit a friendly one, which is the way it should be.


    Christopher B))

  12. This baby just arrived in the mail:


    Came with nice color photographs of the completed model from different angles to help with painting, color decals, and 3D exploded assembly drawings just like the Bandai MG models.

    Top notch, and the cast is perfect. They even included small holes where brass rods can be used to increase sturdiness.

    Imagine the Gundam FIX Figure Mark II Titans/Barzam, but in 1/72 scale and a ton of detail.

    G-System makes the best kits I've ever seen.

    I'm having the RX-78-2 mailed directly to Mike, to save me from having to pay shipping twice. He should have it within a couple of days.

  13. Mechamaniac,

    Good guestion, but if you look at the picture above, you can see that the RX-78-2 is in several different poses, and I'm sure that more are possible. Unless they built and painted a separate 1/48 for every picture, they are definitely poseable.

    From what I've seen, you can either build them in one pose, allow some joints to move, or modify them to be fully poseable. Obviously some kits are intended when designed to be a certain way, but using available after market parts/joint, these awesome resin kits can be made to assume various poses.

    We are talking resin here, but you can definitely build a resin Gundam kit so that you can pose it at will. It's all you up to you and what you want. ;)

    A friend of mine told me before he died (Tony of Xerogravity), that he had been commissioned to convert a customer's 1/48 G-System Gundam so that all of the joints were poseable. Who knows what happened to the project though.


    Christopher B))

  14. I count 11 Valks in that photo and 1 Gundam. Truly, that is they way life should be, Valks outnumbering Gundams :p


    Well in all fairness, Mike has (11) valkyries displayed, because that is how many it will take to at least give the 1/48 GP04 Gerbera a small workout, and maybe break a sweat.

    It's amazing that a 1/48 Yamato is only at crotch height to the GP04, but then again that is rather fitting. :p

    Mike promises more pictures to come, and this baby is our next project. I got a good deal on it, considering the price of these damn resin kits:



    No, I'm definitely not rich or anything like that. Just a normal working stiff, who gets up before the sun comes up, and works to put food on the table for me, my wife and (2) kids. I'm just lucky that I have an understanding wife who lets me indulge in the fact that I never want to grow up. Collecting Macross, Gundam and etc. is a lot of fun and then we get to share it with each other. :D

    I love the resin kits because of the detail, size and rarity.


    Christopher B))

  15. >EXO<,

    Yeah, I've been to Alabama, and funny thing is, they consider common grass snakes to be big in that part of the country. ;)

    I come from Texas, and like I tell all the women, things in Texas, and from Texas are bigger and better. And if you wondering, I've got horns on my head. (courtesy of Full Metal Jacket.) Some of you will understand my reference, and if you don't, check out the movie, because it rocks.


    Christopher B))

  16. Jasonc,

    From what I understand, if you've got the money honey, Valkyrie's got the time. :p

    He has not indicated that only a certain amount of people can sign-up or asked me to end the list, so you've been added. ;)

    Just be patient, and I'm sure he'll get to everyone.


    Christopher B))

  17. Hello,

    Hobby Link Japan shipped out my VA-3 yesterday, so I should have it fairly soon.

    I'm not sure if I will build it or commission someone else to, but either way a review and progress photographs will be posted so people can follow along.

    I would love to get my hands on the 1/100 VF-4G and 1/100 VF-5000B and armor set.

    Thank you to everyone that posted the great links.

    I'm not sure who made the transformable VF-1's pictured. They look like 1/100 scale.


    Christopher B))

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