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Everything posted by enphily

  1. Yellow will be release 28/11
  2. Maybe they wanna do some of these armor packs
  3. No. You can read it by yourself using links provided few posts earlier.
  4. http://blog.livedoor.jp/tamashii_robot/30804516201919
  5. Sentinel already did some design magic with new Legioss, so i think they can do it again with Tread
  6. Hope @Tober does not mind
  7. They're also extend wings in fighter mode so wings cover legs more than other toys. When you transform it, wings collapse and go forward for better view in other mods
  8. Anyway i'm a big fan of this Legioss since 1st prototype we've seen more than year ago. Just saw Aoshima/Toynami Armo-diver mod and wanted little better leg articulation on Sentinel's version.
  9. Looks like this Legioss have no rotation point at the knee . That's not so good
  10. Then just don't buy it. That's all.
  11. Same discussion again and again.
  12. what?O_o NY want 25100 yen for Legioss, more than any other! they're crazy https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/29805-riobot-afc-01h-legioss-eta.html
  13. More pictures here https://gamp.ameblo.jp/sen-ti-nel-info/entry-12541058790.html?__twitter_impression=true
  14. Finally! I love it since first prototype and i'm happy
  15. I thought was few other planes with domestic nicknames, but i don't remember. I know helicopters have nicknames: KA-50 Black Shark, KA-52 Alligator etc. But i'm not expert in that, just a view from common people. Maybe YaK-130 have M-code cuase it's a training aircraft.
  16. As i see at some webpages, name "White shark" used for one specific paint scheme, but i didn't heard this name officially, on TV or somewhere else.
  17. Didn't heard any other names of our planes other than su-57/47/35 etc. Sometimes in press i heard something like "Su-35, NATO calls it Flanker", that's all. I heard and read name PAKFA just until this plane got code "57"
  18. Official release date still in November. But amazon.jp says December
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