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Posts posted by Chas

  1. Are you for real?????????????????

    Will it fade?

    Can I get it for HP?

    Epson also has a non fading (archival) ink for their ink-jet printers. It's called DURABRITE. It's the oly kind we use for printing photos. Our printer is not being made anymore (got it in 2004) it's the Epson CX5400 (all-in-one) and a full set of cartridges runs $88.00 (Can).

  2. Here are some pics of various bits that I am modifying - nothing is finished yet.

    Corrected Arm compared to stock arm:


    Corrected nose (I have another master of just the nose cone to make copies):


    Scribed leg detail compared to a ahse fighter leg:


    Wow :o nice work with the mods there. You should start another thread for the build-up/mods you are doing. I for one would like to see more.

  3. You mean the Gerwalk? No I never finished this one. I still have some minor details left to paint and detail. The fighter and Battroid got shevled back in Soul and I just brought them out again. My last few months in Soul were a little harried (sp?) such that I couldn't really do any model building.

    About the dropship - do you have accessto a heat gun? i know everyone says boiling water works and I'm sure it does. But when I used to work in the shop ( Rapid prototype) we'd alway use a heat gun for reshaping any warped parts. ( We used ployurathane resin). Just an idea.

  4. Nice work neptunesurvey. Boy I wish I could buy resin kits! There have been so many great rare kits lately. Anyway I've been back home in canada for a little over a month now and I've finally got a work space set up so I can finish these guys that I started back in August 10,000 miles away! It's been great seeing the work everyone has been up to lately - It's what made me finally get off my butt, quit moaning and carve out some space for myself!

    Kylwell, Holly crap man! You are seriously going all out (or rather All-in) on that Falke kit. you gotta give us an over all view (picturewise) of the build-up so far so we can put it all in perspective.

    HWR, As always your work is an inspiration: in terms of skill, execution, quality, and all those awesome kits you manage to get your hands on! Your build ups are like hobby-porn for me 'cus the kits you build are ones I'll never "have" but it's oh so nice to watch them 'get done'. What's the news with that Dropship mate?

    Promethuem5 I like the new avatar and I really like what you did with that kit! excellent paintwork. I gotta try some paint-chipping one of these days.

    anyway enjoy the pic.

    Oh and by the way is it just me or does the gerwalk look to tall in relation to the battroid?


    P.S. Cokefiend: Something went wrong with the Yahoo album.


  5. O.K. this is what I found on the stuff:

    Ethyl acetate is widely employed as a solvent for chemical reactions and for extractions. Similarly, is also present in nail varnishes and nail varnish removers and even for the decaffeination of coffee beans and tea leaves.

    Ethyl acetate is also present in confectionery, perfumes, and fruits because it evaporates at a fast rate, leaving but the scent of the perfume on the skin. It also confers a fruity smell, as do most esters.It is also used in Paints as a Activator or hardener.

    So I'm off to do some experimenting.

    Mods, you can close this thread if you so desire.

  6. This doesn't totally help, but I find that super glue works much better without an accelerant... using that can make the glue brittle... is there a specific reason you want an accelerator, like for some really fidgety parts or something? The only kind I've seen is that stuff that comes in a little aerosol can (looks like the mini Axe cans, but taller) and I forget the name of...

    Well it's kind of a moot point right now as I've managed to accomplish what I needed without it, bu tI was adding a bunch of lead balls (from old Buckshot shells) to the nosecone of a valk and I wanted the CA to set as quickly as possible so they wouldn't roll out of position. I've only ever used accelerators that are in liqiud form and applied them one drop at a time. I woul think that an aerosol would be nowhere near precise enough. Anyway if anyone has found something that works I'd love to hear about it. Does anybody know the chemical name for thr stuff? That might make it easier to find an alternative.

    Anyway thanks for taking the time P5.

  7. O.K. Kish My wife is curating an Art exhibition which has as it's theme 'pattern' and I showed her the finished pics you posted most recently ('cus I thought she'd find it cool that you made it out of cardboard - which of course she did-) but she also loves the photo you have of it with the wallpaper background and wants to put the first of the "finished" images in the show.

    So are you O.K. with that? If so, should we use your handle for the artist's name on the card? Oh Yeah and just so you know none of the works will be for sale, the show is going up for viewing only during the spring festival in the town gallery. Let me know by PM.

  8. Congrats man! This is truly an amazing accomplishment. I just can not get over the fact that you built this out of cereal boxes! Amazing! Just amazing! A great monument to your ingenuity and skill. My hat goes off to you good sir!

  9. No I think wwwmwww nailed it if you look closely at the url on the box in the yahoo auction link you'll see the same name as on the image in the link posted by wwwmwww. here see for yourselves.

    QUOTE(ChristopherB @ Mar 21 2005, 07:18 AM)

    Kantogakuindaigaku-Mokeidourakuka YF-19 Battroid 2005 Improved Articulation Version:


  10. Just so I'm clear about this when you say SLA are you talking about Streo Lithography? If so WoOOHoOO! This sounds like an exciting project!

    Now back to business. It sounds like you want this to be as easy as possible (who wouldn't). That being said, if I were you I wouldn't want to mess around with using this from kit A and that from kit B - too much work. It sounds to me like you're simply out find the 'Best' version, scan it, and directly output to the SLA. If that's the case, I'd go with the Hasegawa if you're interested in single mode kits, if you want transformation I think the Yamato is the way to go. This is because the Hase. kits are optimised for their spcific modes and it would be way too much work to adjust their proportions for a transformable version. Especially when Yamato has already done such a good job.

    As another suggestion there are some prety awesome 3D models in the fanworks section, Maybe you could find one you like and contact the artist to see if you could do a sort of trade: if they could provide you with 3D images of their model with a parts breakdown a-la Hasegawa's kits, you will provide them with an actual (touchable) model of their design. Sounds like a deal to me.

    Anyway good luck! and keep us informed.

  11. Yeah, Big F's pretty much covered it. You can see pics of mine 'in action' in the Hase. Gerwalk thread - fig's 30-31. I like 'em cause by hand turning I have more control and can go as slow as I'm comfortable with, plus bit sizes in the fractions of milimeters is a real bonus. Sounds like you got the right thing.

    Oh yeah, also an assortment of files (needle and regular) My needle file set has an assortment of shapes: circular, semi-circular, square, pyramid etc. Also if you can find 'em fairly cheap some dental pics in various shapes and a good panel line scriber ( a # 11 blade with the tip snapped off will work but a quality one will , to my mind anyway, always work better). Some Bull-Dog clips or clothes pins for small clamps is a good idea. and a good metal ruler and/or carpenters square would always be handy too. I'll post more if I think of anything.

  12. Chas, are they generally cool about people coming to visit them? I travel to Seoul on business and my parents live there to. In fact, I bought one of those kits and had it shipped to my parent's address. I live in Hong Kong and if they would like, I could look into what I could do to "solve" their recaster problem.

    Visitors? I don't think so no.

    They are not really set up to recieve people at their "offices". I posted on their site a few months ago asking if they had a store in Seoul that I could visit and they simply responded that they did not. It was only after this whole incident with the Armored Valk getting recasted and sold online that they invited me to visit - sort of a thank-you I guess. While I was there I showed them MW (which they hadn't known about) and we chatted for a bit over coffee while they showed me around. I think your best bet would be to e-mail them or post on the Q/A section of their website. You'll need to get the address and directions from them as that info. isn't posted on the site. They seem like pretty nice guys. I think, if you have some ideas that could help them, it's worth getting in touch with them.

  13. I wonder if anyone know if there is any different between:

    65705 VF-1S Strike Valkyrie


    65717 VF-1S Super/Strike Valyrie

    The model section info said that the 65705 only have one micro missile launcher, so it can be build only as strike but not super.

    But I checked page 2 of the instruction, there is clearly 2 micro missile launchers in the parts diagram.

    If anyone have both kits, could you help with some details?


    For satarters Kit # 65717 is called simply VF-1 Super/Strike Valkyrie -- no 'S'.

    Which gives you a clue as to what the difference is.

    65717 has an extra sprue 'F' which contains the parts for the 'A' head - otherwise the contents are identical.

  14. Just keep in mind I am not trying to sabotage this tread but just show the potential...especially for the newbies that might have missed my old treads.

    Don't sweat it! The more the merrier! So that's a Hase. fighter kit with an Imai battroid kit cool! I'd thought about doing that but I didn't think it would look that good. Guess you proved me wrong. Didn't you build two gerwalk conversions? I'm pretty sure it was your build-ups that inspired me to do my own.

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