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Roy Focker

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Posts posted by Roy Focker

  1. no3Ljm,

    You've made well over 15,000 post here.  You're not the new to this place.  I get it you read something about the Mandalorian and wanted to share it here.  When you saw that the Mandalorian thread was locked that didn't give you a clue that maybe something was up?  Instead you went ahead and shared it in 2 threads that weren't locked.  We have this big no Politics and Religion rule.  That thread was closed for review because this rule.   Last thing we need right now are members bringing up a sensitive topic while it is under review.

    I'm asking everyone reading this post not to discuss her firing until we've finished our review.

  2. This movie is good example of why they should release these movies now instead of keep pushing them back.  I was really looking forward to the next Bond film but those rose colored glasses of excitement that would overlook any of the film's flaws was only good for Summer of 2020.  After a bunch of delays I'm going to be expecting something that Hollywood can't deliver.   None of these films they pushed back a year just to play them in the theater are going to wow me.

  3. The owner of Pit Viper has major health issues. I think a bad heart.  Doctor told him to stop working before he drops dead but continues until he can find a buyer for the business. I think he also said his vision is bad too.  He also made a post explaining how he figured out the dimensions for the Macross helmet.  Based on inaccurate data even for Robotech.  That helmet design was discontinued after the last batch for being too difficult to make.

  4. Luke's entire appearance was off.  You know they could have also just kept the hood over the double's head and have Hamil do the voice over.  We would never get good look at his face but we'd all know by his voice that this is Luke.

    Hamil's performance seem off too.  His lines were very simple and almost, emotionless.  Maybe he suppose to be in a super calm peaceful Jedi Master state.  I watched it and think maybe his performance was limited by technology.

    Boba should had been in the room.  I wanted him ready to take his revenge on Luke and then he'd start crying like a baby when Mando was telling Baby Yoda to go with Luke.

  5. I don't think this season was that good.  Sure it had good moments and cool scenes.  Overhaul I think it was more a vehicle to showcase all the possible spin offs.  First season had many self contained episodes and occasional there was an episode that advanced the plot.   Season finale ended with the hero having met the series villain and taking the quest to return baby Yoda to the Jedi.  Second season Mando was a supporting character to a series of visiting fan favorites.  There was 8 episodes with an average running time of 30 minutes each.  That's enough time for 4 hour long movie.  I think a lot of it was wasted on world building for the spin off series.

  6. 3 hours ago, Thom said:

    About two seconds at the end of TRoS.:p

    That kiss was weak.

    People wanted to see LGBT representation and Disney listened and got cold feet.  They aren't that worried about American homophobia or racists.  They're worried about the International ones.  They give us a brief scenes involving a minor characters that they can get the clickbait Internet to press create a buzz.  It is also something that they can easily remove when they release these movies for a countries that might not allow it.

    Fans asked for Finn and Poe.  Disney could have left it vague and people would have happy.  Instead Disney gives them both potential female love interest to show they suffer from the not gays and to please the Internet we get a 2 second same sex kiss between a very minor character and an extra. If you're going to do something like this either do it right or don't do it at all.   

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