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Roy Focker

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Posts posted by Roy Focker

  1. Why not just call it "Ninja-The Movie!"

    Looks like to could be a fun, mindless action film but I'm having hard time seeing this as Snake Eyes.  Nothing they've shown so far suggest they know who these characters are.   The key moments that define who Snake Eyes isn't that he became a Ninja.  He's defined by tragedy and the bonds he made during war.  I really hope that when Storm Shadow introduces Snake Eyes to his Ninja he does so by telling them "This is my old army buddy.  He's going through a really hard times right now."

    Going to predict the entire plot.

    • Snake Eyes a talkive drifter that get's in a bunch of fights end up helping Storm Shadow out of a jam.
    • They insantly become friends and Snake Eyes trains to become a Ninja.  It is one of those fast instant friendships that make no sense.  It would make sense if it this was a movie about love at first sight.  A running joke between them is that Storm Shadow thinks Snake Eyes talks too much.
    • Scarlett makes contact with Snake Eyes and warns him that his buddy has been secretly working with the Baroness who works for a bunch of evil criminals.
    • Snake Eyes doesn't believe her but ends up finding out that it is true.  He has to fight Storm Shadow and during the fight Storm Shadow cuts his throat and says something witty.
    • The very last scene has him putting on the mask for the first time and in the next movie he's replaced by a stunt man who never takes the mask off or says a line.
  2. I'm going to be a Debbie Downer and say I think they've both lost their chance.  There was a period when this joint agreement would have meant that our dreams had come true.  I saw Gundam and Dragon Ball Z toys at Target today.  A North American fan who knows their anime will consider Macross of equal importance.  Everyone else maybe they've heard about it.   Delta did come out around 5 years ago.  I can see more specialty stores carrying stuff and small streaming services putting up some series but Macross lost its chance to be a global juggernaut.

  3. More I think about it there is no "agreement" or to be more correct:  Both parties are really just publically acknowledging rights of the other party that was already decided by the courts.  The agreement is that they came up with an undisclosed (at this time) price for times when they'll cross into the other parties rights.  After 20 years of lawsuits it must have been clear that neither was going to get everything they wanted.  Only way to expand to other markets was to cooperate.

    Now here's a positive.  Harmony Gold could always later sell some of its assests.  BW now on better terms could buy it back.  If Harmony Gold doesn't sell they could decide to become a passive partner with future projects.  You'll get more money with an larger investment but I doubt HG has the funds to risk making anything new themselves.  Giving creative control of their share of Macross (and other parts of Robotech) to BW and other Japanese production companies for a share of the profits without having to do anywork.  That is pretty much what's going to happen if the Robotech live action movie ever gets made.

    20 bleeping years!

    We've all wasted 20 years of our life keeping track and taking sides on this legal argument.  Think about what we could have done with all the time and energy we wasted on this.


  4. 36 minutes ago, JB0 said:

    3.9: Oh, hey, there's a plague. That's pretty much affected every industry on Earth, including the ones HG and Big West are involved in. I believe both companies suddenly started looking at red ink on their balance sheets and became a lot less interested in stonewalling.

    That's what I suggested.  Business in 2020 couldn't have been that great for either.  HG has just been collecting licensing fees.  Judging of the size companies paying them I don't think HG is charging top dollar.  Meanwhile in Japan they're still milking Delta for all that it's worth.  Delta came out 5 years ago.  By now they should be making a new series with a new cast of characters and setting.  I don't think they want to risk spend money on all new production that will have to win over the fans.  Give them a chance to pursue fans outside of Japan and maybe they can raise the funds. 

    I'd like to know the exact nature of this deal.  Business in 2020 couldn't have been that good for HG.  Can they make money from their theater when large gatherings aren't allowed?  When was the last time they made a movie or series?  How many people haven't been paying their rent?  How much have they've been paying their lawyers?  Making a deal with BW for whatever they offer you is better than making peanuts off of a dead property.


  5. 1 hour ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    Harmony Gold quite literally gave up on Robotech's animated series almost fifteen years ago when Robotech: the Shadow Chronicles bombed...

    They have effectively zero incentive to continue Robotech at this point.  By supporting Macross instead, they can make the same (or better) money with less effort and investment on their part.  They'll take the path of least resistance because they know Robotech was, and is, a functionally dead brand.  They might still bluster a bit about Robotech and Carl Macek's alleged vision, but odds are they aren't going to bother attempting to develop Robotech any further.  

    I agree.  HG has pretty much abandoned Robotech.  Sure they've handed out licence agreements for 3rd parties to make toys and games but they haven't added anything new to continue the story themselves.  They can just let Bigwest do all the creative work.  My guess is if Bigwest has a new Macross sequel they first have to approach HG and give them the option join in on international distribution.  HG can pickup some of the costs for a share profits or do nothing and accept an agreed upon lower fee.

  6. What's new today?

    Holy crap!

    My guess is business hasn't been that good for either company and both saw that they should make a deal.   Both acknowledge that the other party has rights and will cooperate in distribution.   In other words for decades both could have been making more money but were limited in what and where they could do it.   Now they've got a deal for what happens for all those things they make that falls in that grey area of rights.


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