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Posts posted by JKeats

  1. Here's the only rationalization I can come up with: Palpatine wasn't actually defeated by Mace Windu. He was faking defeat (and obviously hamming the helplessness up to induce Anakin to do what he did) in order to bring Anakin over to the dark side when he killed Windu. So, even at that time, if both Mace Windu and Anakin had tried to kill Sidious, they would not have been able to do so.

    That's as close as I can get to an explanation. Does the novel explain this at all?


    I think that might be correct. It seemed like Palpatine was faking his weakness (and maybe even throwing out signals through the force in order to draw Anakin to his rescue, a la Vader baiting Luke through the torture of his friends in order to get him to come to Bespin in ESB).

    As soon as Windu stopped deflecting his force lightning back towards him, Palpatine's energy seems to double and he just throws Windu out the window. Windu out the window. Hmm. Should that be funny?

  2. Better late than never...

    Saw it on Saturday and thought it was great. The few minor problems I had were overshadowed by the greater moments in the film. I thought that even though Lucas failed with the usual points (dialogue, acting, etc.) he did come up with some pretty memorable scenes, which is what got me into SW in the first place.

    The few that stick out in my mind:

    -Obi-Wan warning Anakin before Anakin tries to jump over him and then the result. Great scene.

    -The montages of Order 66 being implemented were well done.

    -Grevious' handling of his lightsabers was neat.

    -Yoda's entrance into Palpatine's chambers and how he deals with the Royal Guards. Something about that scene reminded me of Indiana Jones pulling out his gun to shoot the big man with the huge sword.

    -Vader receiving his new body.

    Anyway, I think George did something great with Ep. III, which is that it made me see Vader in a whole new light. Now, when I watch the OT, I'm seeing Darth Vader in a new angle and searching for more meaning behind his dialogue and actions. The fact that I came away with this feeling alone makes me really pleased with Ep. III.


  3. I like the Bee Gees.

    Those guys had chicks unlimited in the 70s.

    sorry to be OT: Jimmy Fallon's SNL skit of the lead singer (Barry Gibbs?) with his own talk show was hilarious :lol:

  4. Good stuff Keats.

    Highlights from my ridiculously obsessive music collection -

    Modern/College Rock:

    Uncle Tupelo, Wilco, Son Volt, Elliott Smith, Pernice Brothers, Gomez, Ryan Adams, White Stripes, Beck, Flaming Lips, Ben Harper, Seal, Chris Isaak, Hem, Death Cab for Cutie, the Shins, the Thrills, the Darkness, the Killers, Chemical Bros, Kings of Leon, Cake, Weezer, They Might Be Giants, Travis, Coldplay, Radiohead, Radiohead, and more Radiohead.


    Queen, Led Zeppelin, Beatles, Who, Mellencamp, Black Crowes, Pink Floyd, Hendrix, Van Morrison, Clapton, Elton John, Red Hot Chili Peppers, REM, CCR, GnR, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Soundgarden, Neil Young, CSN, NIN, U2, and anything by Paul Simon.


    John Coltrane (anything with McCoy Tyner on keys), Bela Feck, Strength in Numbers, Edgar Meyer, loads and loads of 70's and 80's one hit wonders, Hank Williams SENIOR, Johnny Cash, Some various Grateful Dead, Phish, and Widespread Panic that I enjoyed in college, tons of various techno/DJ stuff I've picked up in clubs after college, and the occasional masterful tune by Neil Diamond.

    There are many, many, many things I'm leaving out. There is also a reason why I have 2000 CDs, 160 GB of music on my computer, and 39.5 of my 40 GB used on my 40GB iPod. :)

    Weeks later... ;)

    Have you heard the new Weezer album? Just plain bad. Don't know what's gotten into Rivers but Make Believe is just hard to listen to.

    I hate that Jetta commercial with the Kings of Leon song. I think it's "Molly's Staircase".

    Man, so many metal heads on the board, who knew?

  5. Ain't the best looking car, but better than the over-styled Tiburon of that generation, IMHO.

    I think both cars were somewhat overstyled. While the Tiburon was all about swoopy curves and bulges, the Celica is knife edge sharp lines and an exaggerated, pointed nose. I also have to deduct point off of the Celica for the faux hood scoop. And I never did like those headlights on the Celica either. They were amusing on the show car, but I didn't actually expect them to carry over to the production model.

    I'd argue against the Celica as well. My GF has one. I'm 6'0" and when I drove it (more than one occasion), it felt cramped and uncomfortable. Just my two cents.

  6. There comes an age when everyone should stop expecting people to make a big deal over their birthday.

    That age. . . is twelve.


    And all around the nation, all around the globe, parents everywhere rejoiced and praised the one who called himself "Hurin".

    And all around the nation, all around the globe, pre-teens everywhere sulked and began posting anti-Hurin messages on MySpace.


    FYI: On my last birthday, my parents gave me a bottle of Centrum vitamins (it actually came in a two-pack from Costco; they kept the other one for themselves). I was one unhappy 22-year old.

  7. OK,

    I first started with the name Rosario Love, then I changed to Mylene, then XerogeeII and I remember using Marc R. Luce once as a member name but now I'm pretty much satisfied with Montarvilois.



    You forgot to add ARAFAT. Or whatever his dumb ass called himself.

    Ah, the good ol' days.

    Funny thing is, even though this thread is old as hell, it still comes after a lot of the original members stopped posting.

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