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Posts posted by JKeats

  1. Right on Mr. March and Knight. I can totally see something like this gracing the cover for a Tenacious D album.

    The figure itself seems pretty badass but the harp....is there any way you can make the harp look badass as well?

    Or am I asking for the impossible? :lol:

  2. I'd just like to reitterate that the worst comic book movie (and quite possibly the worst film ever) still has to be Batman & Robin. Never before has a film not only shown absolute contempt for anything resembling "subtlety," but it openly flaunted its flaming homosexuality. And I don't mean in a quaint "Queer Eye For The Straight Guy" way either. I'm talking about "Party Boy from Jackass bursting into your office and doing pelvic thrusts in your face while you try to compose an email to your department head" kind of gay. It was literally an assualt on all five senses, and if you believe in a sixth sense then this film can probably be blamed for stunting its development. Its the only film that I ever actually felt dirty after watching.

    Haha, Party Boy interrupting me while I'm on the phone would be farkin' hilarious. For about 1 second.

    Batman & Robin...was that the one where they have nipples? Shudder... :angry:

  3. That's great, Hurin. Seems everybody with any amount of reasoning sees that Luke is acting out of character as a Jedi. You keep posting your same, broken response.

    Jedi don't threaten to kill. There is no excuse, there is no way to balance this. "Destroy" and "die" are not terms a Jedi uses when dealing with others, especially not as a threat.

    "He wil join us or die, my master"

    "There is no escape. Don't make me destroy you."

    - Darth Vader

    "You can either profit by this or be destroyed."

    "Jabba! This is your last chance. Free us, or die."

    - Luke Skywalker

    "Only a Sith deals in absolutes"

    - Obi-Wan Kenobi

    I dunno, the Jedi (PT) don't really seem to have a problem with killing their enemies.

    After Dooku's death in ROTS, Obi-Wan congratulates Anakin for killing him. Later in the film, Yoda determines that he and Obi-Wan must "destroy" the Sith (I assume "destroy" means "shank da bitches").

    The Jedi may not have come right out and threatened their enemies with death ("I'm gonna cut you, bitch" would be an un-Jedi-like quote) but they don't seem to mind slicing and dicing their foes to win the fight.

    Lightsabers don't come with a stun-mode.

  4. I just miss the old MW days and their members. I remember the discussions and realize those guys where worth to listen. I even used to know each release date and every variation of toys and many models thanks to them.

    Now we have a bunch of new comers trying to show off, and usually their comments are nothing but selfish trash.

    I even wonder what the hell are some people doing here, they post so much and you can’t read anything Macross on what they wrote.

    Damn, I love this site, but when I read so much nonsense in a thread... makes me sick.

    Is there any mod around?? What the heck is a thread like this still doing here?

    Shawn and Graham survey the wasted landscape of MacrossWorld, now merely a shadow of what it once was. The camera zooms in on Shawn's face. A single tear drops from his sad eye. Fade to black.

  5. Hm, I don't get the fascinationwith The White Stripes... :huh:

    Same here. They definitely have talent (on second thought, they shouldn't let Meg White sing, no matter what) but their songs leave me thinking, "meh." It's good but it's not put it on my playlist good.

    On another note, a friend just turned me on to The Decemberists and Beulah. If anyone here is into indie rock, check them out, they're pretty good.

  6. At the moment, I'll be looking at a nude girl with far too few vowels in her name and ignoring you, BSU.

    Whats her name? Mallatobuck? :lol:

    [Kelso] Burn!!! [/Kelso]

    What's even sad is that I had to look up Mallatobuck on google. I thought it might be some kind of mixed birth deer.

    What's even sadder is that Mallatobuck has a page on Wikipedia?



    Por que en espanol?

    Does it mean that your love for Wookies knows no boundaries, even that of language?

  7. And it's not even well-drawn underage pornography. You guys gotta set your standards higher!


    Take me for example. I've got a nice collection of lesbian orgy Sailor Moon pics.

    I don't know why anyone would be that interested in Hentai stuff, but it's not for me to judge anyone. I for myself like big-boobed anime chicks......annnnd real women too. (whew.. that was a close one)

    SUUUURE you like real women... we believe you.

    I like real women...just haven't had all that much luck at meeting 'em... :(

    Join the club.



    There ya go guys.

    Let me know if you guys need anything else.

    What the F, how could you not finish your story about Mexico? What happened? Did you die there? :D

  8. -Luke Skywalker: Conan O'Brien

    -Princess Leia: Scully

    -Darth Vader: James Earl Jones (doing the voice and the acting)

    I would sooooo watch.


    Yes, it would be awesome.

    Luke (Conan O'Brien) reaches down to gently lift Vader's helmet off of his face, only to reveal his black father (James Earl Jones). Luke is shocked and does his George W. Bush impression. Princess Leia (Scully) is seen chasing a chupacabra in the background.

    Annnnd scene.

  9. Some guys over at originaltrilogy.com have reached the "bargaining stage" of dealing with the grief of the Special Editions.  They're proposing that they would allow  :rolleyes:  Lucas to remake the OT as long as he also releases the untouched non-SE  Original Trilogy on DVD.


    Its funny because they act like they have the power to bargain. :) Oh and is anybody besides a sprinkling of people going to stay on topic? We already know how you feel about SW... <_<

    Oh alright then...

    I wouldn't want the remakes to be better than the originals, so my picks are bad on purpose:

    -Han Solo: Right Said Fred

    -Luke Skywalker: Conan O'Brien

    -Princess Leia: Scully

    -Chewbacca: that dog from Beethoven

    -Darth Vader: James Earl Jones (doing the voice and the acting)

    -C-3PO: CG the dude

    -R2-D2: that dog from Beethoven's 2nd


  10. You guys keep mentioning this "killing children" thing. I don't see anything wrong with killing children if their minds have been poisioned with propaganda to destroy what I stand for. Put me in a room with 100 kids who were raised by Militant Muslim Fundamentalists, and I would slit the throat of each one with absolutely NO hesitation. This kids are going to grow up to me my enemy, better kill em now than later after they have killed people I care about.

    That's kind of chilling. Why can't you just re-educate them?

  11. This poll is a travesty!

    Where's "Luke vs Vader in the Cave on Dagobah" dammit!?!

    Twenty-seven seconds of sheer excitment!

    Down with EVERYTHING!

    Bwahaha, I originally did have that sweet-ass dream sequence as a choice but then I took it out because of the lack of space.

    I also took out:

    Qui-Gon V. Darth Maul (TPM Tatooine)

    Mace Windu V. Palpatine (ROTS)

    Anakin V. Dooku (AOTC)

  12. I would have combined the Obi-wan/Maul and the Qui-gon/Obi-wan/Maul fight since it's essentially part of the same fight.

    I hear ya and I was thinking the same thing especially since that would have allowed me to add another duel into the number of choices but I thought that after Maul and Qui-Gon go at it, there's a shift in tempo/ferocity between Maul and Obi-Wan so I figured seperating the two was justified.

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