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Posts posted by JKeats

  1. Batman Begins, I think i would watch. It has Katie Holmes but that isnt the reason why I should watch the film. If it was, I would go watch Stealth just to see Jessica Biel... but I am not.

    You should not watch Stealth for any reason. :D

  2. Had Vader not intervened, it looked like Luke would have been easily killed by the Emporer...

    Maybe you missed the part were Luke was beating the snot out of Vader, and the Emperor was looking for Luke to finish him and join as his new apprentice. if you missed the manipulation of Vader in the OT, I can't help you, but its fairly obvious to most.

    Are you saying the Emperor intentionally pitted Luke against Vader knowing Luke would win? I always thought the Emperor wanted them to fight so that he could see if Luke would win. If he did, and Vader died, then he gets a new apprentice. If he didn't, and Vader won, oh well, another threat to his power gone.

    I guess what I am saying is that both Luke and Vader were being manipulated, not just Vader.

    And I still don't see how this proves that Vader was originally meant to be portrayed as, um, not powerful.

  3. Man, you guys just don't give up unless somebody can quote you chapter and verse that proves otherwise, do you? Lucas has referrred to Vader as being somewhat of a cripple since at least the mid nineties. Its either in the introductions to the THX remasters or the Annotated Scripts (or both) but I don't recall which and I'm too busy to look it up. It is certainly in the Making of Phanton Menace, where he refers to the saber battles in teh OT as being fought by an old man, a child and a half-droid. And besides that, in your Vader-worship you're missing not only the point of that scene but possibly the entire Prequel Trilogy. Mechanical Vader cannot be seen as any sort of reward. Its a prison that he has to remain in for the rest of his life. It would ruin that if he somehow retained all of his physicality, instead of being far less of the man he once was.


    It seems that in your anger...YOU killed her.


    I...I couldn't have. She was alive! Noooooooo!


    But on the plus side, I had them build you this

    nifty mechanical body.


    (flexes arm)


    Emperor (ctd)

    And they whipped up this nifty looking suit

    that I'm afraid you'll have to remain in.

    Vader inspects his image in a mirror.


    Padme who?

    They laugh maniacaly.

    How does this prove that Vader wasn't a badass when only the OT was available? Before the prequels were even produced (which is what we are going off on) how did we know Lucas wanted to show Vader as a crippled version of Anakin Skywalker's PRIOR abilities?

    Did we know Vader was much faster and stronger before he got in the suit? No. Why? Because if you just go off the OT (again, what we were doing) you see Vader doing all kinds of amazing crap (piloting his TIE, kicking ass in lightsaber duels, using the Force). But after the prequels, even after just Episode I, you start to realize, hey, these Jedi/Sith dudes were way more dangerous back in the day.

    If all we had were the OT films, we would never think "Oh god, look at that Vader guy, being all crippled and lame" but because we do have the prequels to compare to, we can actually see the difference.

  4. However, I can honestly say there was always strong indication that Vader was a damaged person and his condition was certainly not favorable long before the prequels. Vader's breathing was mechanically assisted and was always an obvious disability to me. In TESB we learned that Vader was horribly scarred, which is not an optimal condition. It was stated in RoTJ that he could not survive without his armor intact. Then we have Ben always commenting on Vader in a context that did not speak of impressive cybernetic power...the context spoke of "less than a man" in a twisted mechanized form. The original films never once gave me the impression that the mechanization of Vader was something he sought or that it made him more powerful.

    Just my perspective on my pre-prequel feelings.

    Good points, I agree with you there but I still wasn't thinking that Vader was weak because of these things.

    When I first watched Ep.IV, I didn't know that his breathing was mechanically assisted. For all I knew, the dude wore a space helmet that gave him freaky ventilation. But just because I learned in ROTJ that he couldn't survive without his suit didn't signify that he was a weak cripple, it just made it seem more like a mechanized monster instead of a human.

    Anyways, Stealth sucks y'all.

  5. I don't ever remember thinking Vader was limited by his suit before watching the prequels and reading EU books. After just watching the OT, I was under the impression that Vader was badass: he crushed tracheas with his mind, stopped laser blasts with the palm of his hand, jumped down a flight of stairs and even took a glancing blow to the shoulder and then proceeded to chop a hand off.

    I only started thinking of Vader as limited in his abilities AFTER watching the prequels, when you get an idea of how Jedi's and Sith lords moved (take the Obi-Wan VS. Maul duel). Then, I started to realize how slow Vader and Luke moved in comparison.

    I agree that the Emperor wanted to replace Vader with Luke, but not because he was under the impression that Vader was a crippled loser but because Luke was younger and maybe even stronger in his abilities with the Force.

  6. I say pin one 'Stealth' thread until a week after July 29th.  How many more threads do we need of that damn movie?  lets call it the "HEY LOOK IT'S THE ONE AND ONLY STEALTH MOVIE THREAD"

    10 to 1 there will still be threads about it though with titles like,

    "LOOK! A live action Macross Plus!"

    "Hollywood Rips off Macross!"

    "Stealth Movie looks like YF-21!"

    "Hey, Look I hate 'search'!"

    ...and so forth.

    If I posted more often and had more relevant things to say, my sig alone would be enough of a deterrent to Stealth threads.

    Oh well.

  7. BOOOOOoooo.......  Oh, I give up.

    I am totally entertained and thrilled by your enthusiasm for being 'down with' whatever you are down with... KEEP IT UP! In fact you should do this in every thread on this board.

    He's actually supporting your prior post. He's booing the fact that we still can't see the old boards despite these teases. ;)

    I'm the guy who's "down with everything."


    Exactly. I'm not sure if Agent ONE thought I was booing him or the fact that we still can't see the old boards but the important thing to remember is that Stealth will be a very bad movie.

  8. anyone seen lucas in the film? i caught a glimpse of his two daughters and jett lucas running around swinging a light saber in epIII.

    I missed Lucas himself, saw the scene with his son, but didn't know that his two daughters were in it. Where were they?

  9. I got mad because I am at work all day refreshing the forums furiously and Stealth threads make me fly off the handle because we see one every two weeks or so and they all ask the same thing:

    "Have you seen/heard of Stealth and do you think it looks awesome/stupid/like Mac+."

    And when I realize it's a choice between that, Hurin/Duke Togo debates or work, I just get really, really mad.

    But I refuse to take my sig down.

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