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Posts posted by soze

  1. There is no reason why they are stopping all Macross development for the future.

    EXACTLY.  DYrl is 20 yrs old. yamato made a VF-1 that noone thought they would ever make.  on a 20 yr old OVA.  wih 2 scales 1/60 and 1/48.

    macross 0 is relatively new.  1/100 is first release.  whos to say they will stop>?  Not every fan in japan is a gundam fan.  MAcross still has a presence and if they didnt yamato would jsut stop.

    Macross is going to go the way of the dodo bird next year.

    No new anime == no new product.

    From the Masterpiece Ultra Magnus thread in Other.....

    then what do you call the alpha MPC and superposeables?  OLD?  anime doesnt always sell toys.  cartoons anime whichever.  like i said RID the anime sucked but the toys ruled.  the same could be said for some of beast wars neo and beast wars 2.  toys dont need a cartoon to back them up.  this is definitely true with RID. car robots whichever.

    No new product == no new anime.

    new toys of an old anime only sell to nostalgia groups.

    Alright, you're confusing me....

    Which one is it?

    No new product == No new anime

    - or -

    No new anime == no new product?

    I think you got a chicken and egg problem here with your equation, nothing would ever get made!!!

  2. *Banging Head on wall*

    !$!@#$!@#$ I see where all the confusion is at now.... here is the post I intended to quote!!!!

    Oh yeah, forgot to say that when I was talking to Alex from Little Anime Shop about 2 or 3 weeks ago, he said he got a Cease and Desist from I think either Harmony Gold or Toynami. :angry:

    Anyone talk to him since then?

    Hope this clears up that this was a recent thing.

  3. Hey Khyron...

    My first post quotes that MW member "ChowYunSkinny" spoke with a vendor at the shrine  in Los Angeles.  That vendor told him he was hit with C&D letter.

    Uhh, that's still a friend of a friend. Sorry, but Khyron is right. HG has written such letters in the past but that is history. We all know HG sucks but without any further proof of suckage, there is no need to keep describing the suckiness in which HG sucks.

    Eh you're right. I was thinking of the conversation between the shop owner and ChowYunSkinny being first hand, but yes, the C&D was the first hand experience of the shop owner which he needs to come to this site and let us know whether he did or didn't get hit with it. Did that make sense?

  4. Soze, you missed out on all the antics of HG a couple years back. This was the summer before I transfered to UCI. So about 2 years ago. I was workign at a toy distributor. Me, Rick Hunter, and other Macross purist fans/buddies went to Anime Expo that year to attend HG's Robotech panel. I asked the first question "How do you justify that all your produts are bootlegs of Macross?" and of course I was not alone in askign such type questions. We used references to toys they ripped off and such. Anyway this continued again at San Diego Comic Con (at the HG panel there).

    I saw my boss (owner of company too) on the floor with his family at SDCC. He pulled me aside and asked if I told anyone where i worked. I said no (cause I honestly could not remember name dropping my workplace anywhere to anybody) he then told me that some people he knows told him I have been "harrassing" them. So I said who? He then rhetorically asks me who works at Toynami. I answered George Sohn. He then says who does he work for. Ahhh HG. bingo!!!!

    Some how they found out who I was and then using their toy maker to contact my boss and try to shut me up. Of course my boss doesnt care what i do as long as his company is not involved. I reassured him that what i do during my off hours is my business and I have never mentioned his name or my work place. So he dropped it.

    Of course there is always the awkward hellos from the Yuns at HG and most of the HG higer ups I occasionally run across at conventions.

    Damn! Wish I could've been there to see their faces when you asked those questions. :lol:

    Maybe you'll get a chance to do it again? ;)

  5. I hope this doesn't get more widespread.... it really... really...really sucks.  So this is what they have to resort to in order to sell their products.  I guess C&D letter is easier than making a better toy.

    they can eaisly get a yamato. they dont; need to get it form any particual dealer. jsut buy itonline or form any retailer.

    Ummmm i think you completely misunderstood that post.

    Translation: Instead of making a better Toynami toy than the Yamato toys..... they would rather send C&D letters to keep the Yamato toys out of circulation so that they can keep the Yamato toys from being preferred over their MPC toys.

    What does that have to do with getting a Yamato online or not???

    you suggested they bought them to backward engeneer them.

    their stupid. hence why yamato get;s my money. I dont; care about party lines. whoever meakes the best toy wins my money.

    Putting words in my mouth...... :rolleyes:

    I didn't suggest they bought them to reverse engineer them.....

    I was implying they should IMPROVE THEIR LINE instead of sending C&D letters.

    Read Carefully...

    I hope this doesn't get more widespread.... it really... really...really sucks.  So this is what they have to resort to in order to sell their products.  I guess C&D letter is easier than making a better toy.
  6. I'm confused as to how this can possibily be legal.

    Isn't Toynamis stuff titled as "Robotech" and Yamatos toys are "Macross" so how can they order someone selling products licensed under a different name?

    It's not like the "Takara can't reissue Jetfire beacuse bandai owns it" thing, I can belive that because it's excatly the same toy but these are two very different product lines.  :huh:

    Fort Max

    harmony gold claims to own all American rights to all things Macross apparently they think this includes macross plus, II, 7, DYRL?, VF-X... you name it. If it is Macross, then according to harmony gold it is not allowed to be brought into america by any means... I think the last time i heard of them doing this, they refered to yamatos and bandais as bootleg robotech toys and demended that they be "returned" to harmony gold. :rolleyes:

    Actually they claim blanket rights to everything with the name of Macross outside of Japan. I think with the recent developments they are reasserting this claim, especially when it comes to DYRL.

    And sorry about the language... I posted that in a less popular section.

    Sorry >EXO<, I should've asked about quoting your portion first.... but that is pretty much the feeling I get about the C&D letters and pretty much summed it up for me. :p

  7. I hope this doesn't get more widespread.... it really... really...really sucks.  So this is what they have to resort to in order to sell their products.  I guess C&D letter is easier than making a better toy.

    they can eaisly get a yamato. they dont; need to get it form any particual dealer. jsut buy itonline or form any retailer.

    Ummmm i think you completely misunderstood that post.

    Translation: Instead of making a better Toynami toy than the Yamato toys..... they would rather send C&D letters to keep the Yamato toys out of circulation so that they can keep the Yamato toys from being preferred over their MPC toys.

    What does that have to do with getting a Yamato online or not???

  8. This was started in the "Where to Buy" section, but I'm moving that part of the conversation here as it pertains to the toys.

    If I remember correctly Alex is the name of the guy that got hit with the C&D, and he runs the Little Anime Shop booth.

    Oh yeah, forgot to say that when I was talking to Alex from Little Anime Shop about 2 or 3 weeks ago, he said he got a Cease and Desist from I think either Harmony Gold or Toynami. :angry:

    Anyone talk to him since then?

    Yeah, that's what Alex told me.

    He said some of the Toynami or HG guys (can't remember which) bought some stuff from him at the Shrine and then hit him with a C&D a couple of days later.

    UnF*ckinBelievable  :angry:

    That's so frakking underhanded!!! Buy crap from him and then turn around and give him that crap. WTF!?!?! Sounds like something that no talent company would do though. THey're probably tearing apart the Yamatos right now and looking to see how they can bootleg it "legally". What ever... I'm sick of them. They can rot in hell with their cheap ass MPCs!!! :angry::angry::angry:

    This really irks me.... I hope this isn't becoming more widespread. I wonder if they also hit up Bandai Re-Issue sellers as well. And also sellers of overseas macross model kits for that matter.

  9. Ahhh SOC.... I love them all. Something about them that is classic and still appealing. I would have to say that like the OVA Mazinger, Full Grendizer Set, Getter Robo sets (both), Boss Borot, Combattler,Daiku Maryu, Dancouga,EVA's all the most.

    And if anyone's looking for an Aoshima Neo Getter.... I have a new one for $65

  10. ack...Soze needs to post all his extra stuff here for for us So Cal ppl.  Chow coulda saved some more on the max and millia if you had bought from him.

    Hmmm....Good lookin out Eternal D.

    Well I still need to buy my doubles of:

    VF-1A Hikaru Reissue

    VF-1S Focker Reissue

    VF-1J Hikaru

    Super VF-1J Hikaru

    Queadluun Rau

    Super VF-1J Max

    Super VF-1J Millia

    So if Soze has these has these available in Minty boxes, then I'll throw some business his way. I usually get my first ones from Treasure Island because they seem to get them first and their boxes are less than mint, but that's OK for the ones I'm gonna open. I double up on releases for the MIB.

    I hear ya though, I used to go to F&S every Wednesday when I worked in L.A. but I'm down to about every 2 weeks now.

    Hey Chow..

    I've got minty Q-Rau's

    I can't say I have anymore minty Max VF-1J's or Millia VF-1J's though... they went to Eternal_D and a few others already :p I still have 2 max's left as well as some Millia's in good but not mint boxes. Just have dents on some of the corners, although they are not huge sized dents.

  11. sort of off topic but i was talking to one of my buddies in the chicago area and he said he saw these 3" transformers....optimus, megatron, etc....

    does anyone have more info on this?  i don't know whos making them or even what they look like, making it next to impossible to know what the heck to look for.  he told me they were tiny reproductions of the regular TF's and had diecast content.....anyone?


    can anyone please pick up one of those supa-fresh-dopeness batmobiles for me at F&S?  i can't seem to find them around me.....i got loot and i'm a straight shooter.

    thanks in advance.  :)

    The transformers are called Transformer Smallest. They are currently on series 2 . Series 1 is already over and the price to get those has gone up considerably for certain figures.

    thanks for the info soze....

    my buddy saw the megatron, optimus and some others in chicago for $6 a piece. is that the first series?

    *nevermind dude, i just found them...its cool i only wanted the optimus and megatron. :)

    There's a chaser special figure... Ultra Magnus. It's basically a white optimus. That one is really cool as well.

  12. sort of off topic but i was talking to one of my buddies in the chicago area and he said he saw these 3" transformers....optimus, megatron, etc....

    does anyone have more info on this? i don't know whos making them or even what they look like, making it next to impossible to know what the heck to look for. he told me they were tiny reproductions of the regular TF's and had diecast content.....anyone?


    can anyone please pick up one of those supa-fresh-dopeness batmobiles for me at F&S? i can't seem to find them around me.....i got loot and i'm a straight shooter.

    thanks in advance. :)

    The transformers are called Transformer Smallest. They are currently on series 2 . Series 1 is already over and the price to get those has gone up considerably for certain figures.

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