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Everything posted by kalvasflam

  1. I initially thought that the three new gundams was too many, but the storyline is getting better, looking at the spoilers that was posted, I'll actually be sorry (I think) when this show goes on hiatus. We'll have to wait to see how things are handled, they're building up a nice sense of mystery, I just hope they keep it up. The plan hopefully won't be more secret dictator type stuff. As for the Trinity, I'm starting to like them actually, nice psycho villains, a bit of a reminder of the three EA pilots in SEED, except they might last longer. Glad to see they're just on strings, but I'd like to see the puppet master soon, may be at the end of the season as the suspense build for next season.
  2. NYC, soon to be the Tokyo of the US Monster movies. I'll see this some time this weekend, but sounds like a good movie, hopefully they will make a sequel, and not the shakey handheld format. May be they could do a POV from a soldier or a chopper pilot, and intercut with commanders in the background to give more details overall. They have cameras on troops now anyway, at least in Hollywood style situations, so this would be workable.
  3. Bah, it's all the same with the news media, let's talk about a problem and then find ways to spread the blame. Nothing on potential solutions like putting in additional -22s on order.
  4. I like the number 831, it's just an anagram of 183.... on the other hand... poor 787... compensation city, here we come. As for the BA777... ran out of fuel? What the hell? Did the ground crew at Beijing pull a Peter Griffin?
  5. uh oh... it's starting to smell like an A380 http://www.marketwatch.com/News/Story/Stor...o&dist=yhoo I suppose the upshot is they're saying it now instead of three weeks before delivery.
  6. The end sequence was a bit lame, the opening was typical, nothing too special. As long as we don't start seeing Zakus, Goufs, Doms, I think this show has some hope of a decent future. But I would also like to limit the number of Gundams if possible. Some of the Meisters need to die off soon if they bring in three more machines and new pilots.
  7. And get blown away... literally. heh heh. I hope one day, they'll fly A380s there.
  8. Who was it delivered to? Was reading that the A380 with SIA had its first mishap, was towed into the grass supposedly.
  9. I wonder if these three Throne Gundams can merge to become Voltron, defender of the Universe... or some other such BS.
  10. I can understand the need to keep certain things secret, but what is the point of coming if not to test the capabilities of the aircraft and crew in the first place? If they get legitimately beaten by the opposition, then they'll never know if the fault is with the pilots or with the equipment. Which makes the exercise moot.
  11. Why not, it would be equivalent of the F-15 ploy, so that we can say that the current generation isn't cutting mustard, and we need full speed ahead on the next generation. I wonder how hard it would be to buy a MKI anyway, it's not as if there wasn't a plethora of Flankers out in the world already.
  12. Not enough... but we can always modify the cargo bay...
  13. what a lovely idea, and put a couple of 105 mm on the left side, along with a chain gun and have a bay for SBDs, I bet the C-17 can carry a few dozen of those without a problem.
  14. Upgrade weapons? I had no idea there was an AC-17 in the works, I wonder if they really mean buying a few new planes.
  15. Then we'd have too bomb that Iranian factories right? As for the home grown airline, it was going to happen sooner or later. It's just business at the end of the day, and part of it makes me wonder how much of a hand US companies had in the Chinese aviation industry. They are investing in Japan as a hedge against the Russians.
  16. Naw, Godzilla just needs to go under water and the battleship is doomed.
  17. I saw part 6, who was the girl that blanka was doing>
  18. Actually, four right? But that said, I don't mind psychotic Gundam pilots, as long as we have a reasonable story. Especially if the normals (people like Sergei) can come up with a way to beat the psychos. The problem with SEED and WING was that no matter what the normals did, the uber powerful always won out. If 00 changes that trend, then we have a winner.
  19. I know I'll see it, but to me, Indy 4 is still everything that is wrong with Hollywood, they can't help but resurrect older series and drag out has beens like Harrison Ford to do sequels. The lack of creativity is just sad. That said, I wonder if they'll do a 3-D version of this movie. Technically, those are quite spectacular.
  20. Interesting problem, there are a couple of good points so far. My thoughts on the small business: 1. What is the local geography like? How many other local towns within say a 100 mile radius? 2. What is the population mix of the town your friend is in? How many kids and so forth? The reasoning is this, he has a very small size customer base to deal with, he is going to take a significant loss of video rentals no matter what he does unless he improves the size of his customer base. I mean quite literally, if a place like a Blockbuster is having problems, a small business will definitely take it on the chin. So, the ideas: 1. Go adult videos 2. Start doing video games. (longer rental periods of course) Go with the more popular titles if you can. 3. Increase service to a larger region, this depends on geography, and use the netflix model, mail out video rentals over long time frames (say period of a month or so), don't do subscription fees, since that'll force him to increase his stocks. Set up a website. 4. Some marketing is definitely needed, by that I mean if he has to put up small signs around town (think telephone poles with web address) that'll be good, if he can do local areas, even better. 5. If he goes web, he needs to make sure that his system is constantly updated so people pulling things from the web can see what's going on. I have to say, this is a tough business to be in. Remember, if your customer base has access to the web, everything your friend is providing can be pulled off of the web, legally or not.
  21. Bah, it would've been better if there was some type of plot device written in... like somethings are immutable. Remember Charlie from season 1. I like that idea. But right now, superpower seem to be trumping any logic in how people might use those powers. Peter being a prime example.
  22. Because Sergei is interested in special model sales. Duh.... specially colored models always do better than plain colored models, see Zakus... Outside of this, I finally saw the episode, and it was good. Gundams are still overpowering, but Sergei is definitely using his brains, I wonder if he can pull out a victory of some type, or if we end up seeing overpowering gundam win purely on capabilities, which would be indication of yet another cop out.
  23. Ha ha, that's funny, if Storm really did that, she'd be a 800 pounder, and would have to keep eating to keep up her metabolism.
  24. One entertaining thought for the day. Since the virus was never released, there is no worldwide epidemic right? So, in essence, didn't Peter just erase Caitlin right out of history? She never died, never came back, she is just gone. As for the whole blood thing, I can see how this can become real ghoulish really quick. For the show to be pulled back from disaster, Peter and Hiro need to die. And Ando too, because right now, he has no purpose, other than Hiro's buddy. Sylar should live, the more I thought about how they screwed up Sylar all this season, the more I liked how well they finally depicted Sylar in the last couple of episode. Sylar with only a few powers can be an interesting villian, after all, he smarted his way out of potential death situations in the last episode.
  25. you know, I shouted YES Poor HRG,
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