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Posts posted by sh9000

  1. 36 minutes ago, no3Ljm said:

    And it also depends too on how fast or slow they are to ship everything out their door. ^_^ 


    Maybe also the rank number for the account too.

  2. 38 minutes ago, ScrambledValkyrie said:

    So does NY tend to ship out in sequence based on when the preorder was placed? I haven't seen anything yet from them on the missile Regults, but I also placed my PO a couple weeks after many of you likely did.

    Yeah I think by order number.

  3. 7 hours ago, Slave IV said:

    You don't have the TB Magneto with the scrap Sentinel base?

    I do but I don’t like the arms and large rings on his shoulders that much.

    7 hours ago, HardlyNever said:

    There is the revoltech one.  But that is a tad bigger than 6 inch, and quite pricey.

    Looks kind of cool but it has a different style and will probably not fit in that well.

    5 hours ago, Slave IV said:

    Yeah, I have Revo Magneto on the way and just ordered Carnage. I don't think @sh9000collects those other lines though. Put that money towards HMR!:D

    Yeah just Marvel Legends mainly.

    I just read that the Marvel Legends Deadpool wave 2 will have Lady Deadpool, Omega Red, X-23 Wolverine, and Bishop.  Cool.

  4. 18 hours ago, Vepariga said:

    Saw it last night. Cant say I was overly impressed by it, I'm still torn tbh.

    Alot of great moments, but alot of nonsense moments too. It's...different.


    17 hours ago, Lorindor said:

    I am of the same mind. It often didn't even feel like Star Wars. I expect this movie to be equally as dividing as The Force Awakens was, but not really for the same reasons. 

    I agree with both of these comments.  The movie also dragged on and parts definitely didn’t feel right.  There were a few scenes that I really enjoyed though.

  5. 11 hours ago, Chronocidal said:

    Ok, this is just awesome.  Makes me really tempted to repaint one somewhere down the road. :D Might have to order a pair of Nexx ones when they come out to make a couple custom schemes.


    11 hours ago, Dobber said:

    Whoa, that looks really nice!



    7 hours ago, Slave IV said:

    That Roy color VF-2SS looks really good!

    Yeah it’s a cool scheme.  I’ll have some custom options so I might end up trying one.  These are cool too.


    8 hours ago, no3Ljm said:

    This is awesome. Reminds me of the Yamato VF-1J transformation display. ;) 

    I’d love to have a transformation display with HMR VF-1J Hikaru’s but I don’t think I have enough.  I might try it with my CF VF-1A’s

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