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do not disturb

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Posts posted by do not disturb

  1. Eternal_D,

    uhm, honestly, you need to chill out man.

    why you trying to start beef over a simple comment? theres no i need for a speech about this and that.

    hence the reason why i said "thanks in advance for hooking us all up" and not, "thanks for taking all my money you highway robbers".

    on a side note....

    i hate this site! you can't post anything without someone taking it the wrong f-in way. :angry:

    i should've known better than to start posting here again.

    thanks for making my brief re-appearance, brief a-hole! :angry:

  2. so its it just me, or is EXO and Rohby making bank on these hands? B))

    oh well, its still better than buying more valks just for the hands. :rolleyes:

    BTW, thanks in advance for hooking us all up. :)


    when will these be ready to ship? :unsure:

  3. i'll be attending but whats this talk about setting up appointments??? :unsure:

    and i understand providing business creditials but you actually have to bring invoices from toy companies? thats ridiculous! <_<

    i've been in the retail game for a while but i had no idea you had to set up appointments for the toy fair? :blink:

    now i'm questioning if i should even bother going. i just don't want to waste my sunday getting kicked out of this showrrom and that showroom. my only reason for going is to look and take some pictures.

    i guess i'll see what happens otherwise i'm gonna skip it altogether. the worst part about it is, the JJC is only 15 minute train ride from where i live.....this totally SUCKS! :angry:

  4. GreenGuy42,

    its not like wingcommander has seen anyones face here. you can just ssay you're any other member that got ripped off. problem solved. :)


    a really sensitive microphone(which i have) or what buddhafabio mentioned. its not that expensive and it comes in handy with those sellers that can't seem to email people. the last thing the seller is expecting is for you to record the conversation....and it gets'em everytime. ;)

    well i'm all down for a bunkhouse brawl....where do i sign? BTW, i'm kind of a light weight...actually more like a feather weight. :p

    "in the red corner, weighing in at a 120 lbs. the undefeat, undisputed, feather weight champinn of the world.....haterist"!!!! for the thousands in attendance and the millions watching around the world.........LETS GET READY TO RUUUUUMMMMMMBLLLLLLLEEEEE!!!! :lol:

  5. Umm, I'd call the CC company (if applicable) right now. According to this thread ( http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=3914&hl= ) there was only one Low Vis on sale, yet both Skull Hunter and cadman181 said they each bought a Low Vis from him. Seems fishy...

    sounds very similar to the guy who was selling a laptop a few months back. <_<

    and yes, i'd get medievil on his ass and stone that phucker to death!

    ALL THIEVES MUST DIE!!!! :angry:

  6. thats why i record myself opening all my internet purchases.  any questionable emails are BCC'ed to paypal and ebay(even if it bounces back, theres still a record of it.)

    Man, you're hardcore!

    hehe, I saw your post about videotaping last time. Hmmm maybe I should invest in a camcorder.

    yeah dude,

    i'm pretty hardcore when in comes to buying crap over the internet. too many people just outright lie or exaggerrate their stuff. i've gotten douched one too many times that i no long take any chances.

    people think i'm paranoid, but theres too many people out there trying to get me and you.

    paypal....30 days <_< thats totally wack. :angry:

    now i know, if i milk a transaction for longer than a month, i'm getting free stuff. ;)

    if theres enough of you guys that got robbed maybe you guys should take a road trip together and beat this dude down. i know hes a straight shooter but it wouldn't be the first time a straight shooter went bad.

    personally, i could care less about lists or what have you, its doesn't count for crap, video and audio is the best and safest way to protect yourself.

    anyhow, hope everything works out for you guys

  7. just my two cents but...

    the longer you wait for this guy, the harder its going to be to get your money back, if he did rob you guys(paypal 60 day limit).

    the fact that he refuses to use his computer shows hes trying to avoid leaving a "paper trail" so to speak. by him not responding here, to email or PM's, he could deny everything and you guys are gonna get screwed, what sale? what emails? my account was hijacked!!! i have no idea who these people are....

    if pfunk is talking to him on the phone, its not like anything is in writing, unless pfunk was smart and recorded the whole conversation.

    i've had NSS before on ebay, i emailed him a few times and got no responses, so i called him and he confirmed he shipped my item priority mail with insurance and delivery confirmation and i should be receiving it real soon.

    so a few weeks go by and nothing, i tried emailing him nothing, so i called him and got his voice mail, still nothing. so i called back and played the tape recording of him stating my items were shipped, insured, etc. he called right back 5 minutes later to say he'll give me a refund. which i taped as well. safe to say i got my money back with the quickness

    moral of the story...

    trust no one and assume nothing.

    thats why i record myself opening all my internet purchases. any questionable emails are BCC'ed to paypal and ebay(even if it bounces back, theres still a record of it.)

    hope everything works out in the end but if i were you guys, i would've filed a month ago. it didn't take you a month to pay the guy, so why should you have to be that patient and wait 2 months...not even to receive, just to ship. :angry:

  8. i got one but i'd like to have 2 more to slap on the recasts of the S and J heads.

    a re-release is not likely(limited means limited) but at some point, someone here on this site will want to get rid of theirs, so i shall wait patiently til then. B))

    i really want a 1/60 low-viz more than anything else. atleast that way it'll be more affordable to get multiples for customizing.

  9. you got a sale but i won't pay more than $88,88,88 !!!!! ;):lol:

    thanks for the info. :) and btw, i got some good news.....

    i just saved 10% on my car insurance with geico. :lol:

    okay seriously,

    i still have the non-mounting gunpod issue. :(

    and the nail polish trick isn't going to help for this one. since its the pegs are too big or the hole for the peg in the gun grip is too small.

    any suggestions about that one?

  10. for all those with something lose, whether it be the air intake, the small single missiles for the FP's or or big missiles for the wings or anything else that won't stay shut or on... 2 words......

    FUN TAC!

    try it on those pesky little missiles for the FP's that keep falling out. i tried someones "piece of paper" trick but it doesn't hold well or for too long. and elmers glue is nice but its glue and i dont' like glue plus it smell like shite!

    i also used some for the large missiles for the wings. they have those two square slots that if you take a breath near them the missiles fall off. the fun-tac's holding it nice.

    the air intake was driving me nuts, i thought about using tape, but tape usually leaves some funky residue and $130 a pop, i dont' want a stain on my valk.

    anyhow, give it a whirl, fun tac is pretty cheap and easy to remove. and they sell it in all types of colors so you can match the paint job to a certain degree as well.

    now my problem,

    my TV style hands won't stay on my 1/48 VF-1J. the gunpod hand is alright, but its the open hand one that doesn't stay on. the peg is too thin and doesn't provide enough fricition for it to stay in place. :( basically, i have to have the valk raise his hand in order for it to stay on. i can't use fun-tac because it gonna be too hard to remove if i packed into that tiny hole.

    any suggestions???

    also my gunpod won't stay on either forearm of the 1/48 VF-1J at all. i tried using a different gunpod, but its the same deal. the pegs that hold the gunpod are too big for the tiny little hole in the gunpod grip. i guess i could shave it down but i hoping theres another solution that wouldn't end in horror.

    any suggestions???

    thanks in advance for your hepl fellas. :)

  11. you see the problems isn't with the valks as much as the other stuff like the 11B 19A and 21. those all have different transformation, not typical of the standard valk.

    as i said, i got the YF 21, opened the box and preceed to transform without the instructions(instruction are for kids). so i got 90% into battroid mode and was like fock this shite. :rolleyes:

    and started going backwards to fighter. only problem was i didn't know exactly how to go back and i certainly couldn't tell if i was doing it right. so like a kid, i busted out the instruction book which provided no help what so ever! :angry:

    i checked for pic but every website has the same damn pics! 1 in fighter, 1 in gerwalk, 1 in plane with no multiple angle shots of any of them.

    now i have it sitting on my shelf but i have no idea if i actually transformed it correctly. :blink:

  12. nope 1/48 holds gun just fine. plus ur comparing 2 totally different mecha and toylines

    really? and what world are you living in? ;)

    if you click the elbow or twist the fore arm the gunpod falls out of its hand 99.99% of the time.

    the MPC hands are better than yamato's 1/48 hands.....hands down!(bad joke :p )

    i like the TV style hands myslef though they don't stay on all that well. <_<

    and the gunpod doesn't mount underneath in fighter mode either. <_<

    i really like yamato but can't that make one single toy without a QC issue?

  13. to those hating the $80 price tag, i got 3 words for ya....

    "clearance at gamestop". ;)

    its a USA release, so sales and discounts are to be expected, without any ridiculous shipping fees.

    i'll probably get the one to check the goods and get the rest on sale cause there no way i'm paying retail for an MPC again. :angry: i still got my RH's MPC sitting in my closet cause it doesn't deserved to be displayed.

    lets hope the same thign doesn't happen to this alpha. :rolleyes:

    on a side note,

    the thing that bothers me most about these pics is theres no way to tell how big/small it is.

    if anything, they should take a pic of it next to something like a can of soda.

  14. check out toy-wave hes got them up on pre-order for $150 each....way better than that other price plus shipping from HLJ. he also got the VF-1J armor only for $30!!!

    anyhow, i bought from ken(toyman) and all my stuff arrived in tip-top condition. also if you know anyone that signed up for his yearly membership plan you can get an additional 10% off the subtotal of your order and another 5% for pre-orders.....not bad....not bad at all. B))

    thats 15% off, which is $255 not including shipping, so you could get both for $300 shipped and thats a deal and a half my friend.

    just another option. :)

  15. mad 1/60 haters out there huh? :lol:

    well me, i like the 1/60's and its the only scale i got every valk in...yes the QC could be better.

    and BTW, wheres that 1/60 low-viz yamato!!! :(

    and while the 1/48's are nice, its too expensive for me as well as others to collect them all. and with no diecast content, they're just plain cheap IMHO. you have to get the FP's(another $50-$60) to beef them up.

    also, a complete collection of 1/48's would cost well over $1000. i'm sure some of you got deep pockets, but thats too deep for me.

    everyones got a good point about 1/72 scale but how small would the valk be then? and will yamato be able to make it transformable in that scale? without QC issues? i doubt it. <_<

    i say they keep making the scales they're making, that way people can buy what they can afford.

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