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do not disturb

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Posts posted by do not disturb

  1. onions? like onions from fbtb?

    What's fbtb?

    wouldn't you like to know. :p:p:p:lol:

    its the official star wars lego website. www.fbtb.net (from bricks to bothans)

    if you like SW and you like lego, thats where its at! B)) but be warned its a "kid-friendly" site so if you use the language that we use here, you'd get banned in an instant....i got banned just for looking funny. :blink::lol:

  2. haterist, yep, that would be me. and you are...?

    i had a feeling it was you. :D

    you're the only person i know with the S/N "onions".....and it makes me laugh whenever i see your name...like how the heck did this guy come up with onions? :lol: and the spidey avatar on top of that! :p

    i'd tell you who i am but that would take all the fun out of this now wouldn't it. :p:lol:

    heres a clue, i'm a long time member that doesn't like to be bothered or disturbed. :unsure:

    i'm sure you know who i am now, either way i'm glad to see you found your way to MW....this is my "other" favorite site. :blink:

  3. onions? like onions from fbtb?

    to your question,

    i don't apply the stickers that come with the valks. as you mentioned they just peel and start to fall off and unfortunately yamato makes the worst stickers in the world. :lol:

    as someone mention get the takatoys stickers, go nuts and save the originals if you plan to sell them one day. a complete, un-used, original sticker sheet will only increase the value of your valks. :)

    didn't someone used to offer waterslide decals???


    i gotta learn to read. :p "Anasazi" is the man with the waterslide decals. B)) shoot him a PM and i'm sure he'll hook you up with the goods.

  4. yamato stayed true to the original design and didn't alter it based on "it'll be so much cooler if".  instead they stuck with the original line art which IMO was smarter than making their "own version" of it. 

    its not fair to compare the q-rau to a valk. simply cause the valk was designed and drawn with poseable features as the q-rau was mostly seem in fixed positions.  it was also far easier to create "swivel joints" for poseability for a valk without having to alter the original design....too much.  :D 

    besides, could you imagine all the bitchin if they made the q-rau different from whats it was suppose to look like?  i can only imagine dozen upon dozen of threads devoted to bashing this toy if it didn't look exactly like it was suppose to.  :rolleyes: 

    the legs are too thin.

    the feet are too small.

    the arms are suppose to be curved,

    the knees shouldn't bend like that,

    its not suppose to have knees,

    whats up with those elbows,

    WTF is up with that BS?

    and everything else you could imagine people here would complain about.  :rolleyes:

    no matter what yamato makes, theres always something to bitch about.  ;)

    What you said!

    I think (when you compare to the line art) that the Q-Rau is the most accurate toy that Yamato has produced so far. I´m a Q-Rau fanatic and proportion and sculpt wise it gets a ten in my book!

    I should get my Q-Rau from Kevin in a day or two and I know for sure that when I open the damn box I won´t be dissapointed :lol:

    This toy is what I expected.

    it sure is the most accurate so far out of everything! BTW, did i mention i love this toy! everytime i walk by it, i gotta play with it. :) i currently have it being jumped by a bunch of valks while its tearing the limbs off a CF. :p

    though, i think i'm going to have to put a thin layer of nail polish on the ball joint on fingers just so its grips a little tighter. :blink:

    i can't wait to see if they make other colors and/or versions. :)

    way off topic but,

    i wish i had one of those toy WWE royal rumble rings just for kicks! i'd have hikaru and max double teaming her, holding her arms open and i'd have roy coming off the top turn-buckle with a drop kick. :lol: i think it'll make from some macross fun. :p

  5. Hopefully these will hit the clearance rack pretty fast. I'd get one for 20 bucks but no more.

    Are the acrylic tripods still available? If so, where?

    i see them hitting clearance in less than a month after its release. :lol:

    the mistake is they're trying to put a "collectors price tag" on this but its nothing more than an unneeded accessory.

    tripods stands,

    s i t h l o r d still sells them i think?

    also twinmoons and VE and just about every other macross retailer(in the US) that gets mentioned here. :)

  6. yamato stayed true to the original design and didn't alter it based on "it'll be so much cooler if". instead they stuck with the original line art which IMO was smarter than making their "own version" of it.

    its not fair to compare the q-rau to a valk. simply cause the valk was designed and drawn with poseable features as the q-rau was mostly seem in fixed positions. it was also far easier to create "swivel joints" for poseability for a valk without having to alter the original design....too much. :D

    besides, could you imagine all the bitchin if they made the q-rau different from whats it was suppose to look like? i can only imagine dozen upon dozen of threads devoted to bashing this toy if it didn't look exactly like it was suppose to. :rolleyes:

    the legs are too thin.

    the feet are too small.

    the arms are suppose to be curved,

    the knees shouldn't bend like that,

    its not suppose to have knees,

    whats up with those elbows,

    WTF is up with that BS?

    and everything else you could imagine people here would complain about. :rolleyes:

    no matter what yamato makes, theres always something to bitch about. ;)

  7. got mine too and i'm quite happy with it...well it sure beats the one i didn't exist. :p

    my gripes...

    the flat white paint they used with no protective coating. i can see this scratching off real easy and you know its gonna be a pain in the ass to match the color....we all know white, isn't actually white. :rolleyes:

    i had a problem with the ball joints on the feet but after thinking about it for a while, theres no other way to make it so the feet are poseable and i know if they made a fixed foot design, we'd all be bitchin and moaning. ;)

    other than that, i'm quite happy with my purchase and i plan to get another when the price comes down. IMO, i think its probably the most collectable of all the macross releases by yamato so far.

    on a side note regarding poses, i got mine to do this!


  8. and so no one goes off on me,

    Somehow, I don't think you'll get off so easily. :)

    what esle is new? LOL

    i already have a feeling that a certain member here is going to fan the flames real soon. ;) lets see if he can control himself or if he goes into flamer mode. :p

    anyhoo, i tried my best to not to come across angry...well other than the ALL CAPS. :D

  9. well let me get the bitchin started here and say,

    i think this is the one yamato product we should all boycott.


    i've seen the pics and i'm sure its super fresh but $40 of super fresh? i think not, thats almost, if not more, than the 1/60 GBP armor and it definitely costs more than a bandai valk. :blink: and IMHO, thats just OUT OF HAND! on top of that, you and i both KNOW its going to come packaged in some GIANT ass box so they can rape us on the shipping. :rolleyes:

    and so no one goes off on me,

    to those who think its worth it, more power to you, get as many as you like. i'm sure its gonna be an awesome display stand, but me, i'll stick with the $20 tripod stands and won't post regarding the price or this product again. ;) hehehe

  10. go with the


    or the


    it really doesn't matter which one you pick cause you'll be buying more....

    and soon you'll become a valkoholic like the rest of us. :lol

    i started with just one...now i'm grown ass man with a lot of toys. <_<:lol:

  11. (2) Loose VF-1S Takatoku 1/55

    (1)  Takatoku VF-1J 1/55 with Box

    (1)  Takatoku VF-1A with Box

    One large Box of broken Valkyries, Transformers and weapons.

    i sure did see arafats auction for a slightly yellowed takatoku VF-1J just yesterday.

    as well as some random broken macross toys.

    very interesting indeed....

  12. And here I am only basing my girl requirements on hotness and ease of acquirement. :lol:

    hotnesss???? :unsure: a requirement.....

    is she breathing? does she have a pulse?

    i'm so in! ;):D:lol:

  13. my main problem is people come over and get psyched like they're in a toy store. <_<

    i simply say, if you break it you're replacing it with a brand new one and then i let them know how much whatever costs and they usually just look but....

    you always got that a-hole that shows up thats gotta touch everything. i had one nutsack reaching for my low-viz which i put a stop to and then he proceded to look through my closets like he was casing the joint out. :angry:

    so i grabbed his crap and threw it out in the hallway and told him to "GET OUT!!! and if see you in my building again, i'm gonna cut your head off with my sword and call it self defense".

    i mean, what kind of person shows up at a strangers house and starts looking through their closets? and this wasn't just some kid, the guys 32 years old! :angry:

  14. i get the look too often....

    i made the mistake of knocking down my second bedroom wall to have a bigger living room. now anyone who walks in sees my macross and SW lego collection. and SW is like the dorkiest of all the dork hobbies, second only to star trek. :p

    the plus side is that its lego, and since you can make just about anything out of them, the chicks seem to dig it. one girl i was dating actually sat there and went to town! it was kind of cute watching a 25-30 year old woman sitting there playing with toys. :) and no, not those kind of toys. ;)

    right now, i'm trying to decide whether to put back the wall, put up a curtain, or put in some french doors.....i must conceal my dorkness until it can be fully appreciated by all. :lol:

  15. Wow. Macross toys aren't popular in Japan? That's funny.

    So a big chunk of Yamato's business has to be America then...

    So much for all that "their target audience is in Japan, so don't think you're doing them a favor by buying their toys" bullshit.

    You really should take READING COMPREHENSION classes you know?

    you're too funny omni. :lol: LOL

    i really wish people would learn how to read. :rolleyes:

    heres a rule of thumb for everyone...and a "special" yellow mini-bus riding individual...


    back on topic,

    nice find man. :) i only wish i could find another low-viz. :(


    no one here better talk no smack about SW...thats my crap! :angry: well, atleast the OT, the NT can suck my arsehole.

  16. most on a toy,

    whatever price i paid for the vf-1j w/fp's...$180? :unsure:

    but soon it'll be the LEGO Imperial Star Destroyer....$300. :blink:

    best deal,

    nothing, i'm always getting robbed. :lol:

    most i spent on one thing,

    $8800 to move into a studio apartment in NYC. 6 months rent, plus one month security deposit, and $1800 for the brokers fee. :angry: it doesn't pay to move into the city with no credit history. :p

    on the plus side, i now pay $800 for a 2-bedroom. B))

  17. With all due respect.... how do you base that? On the assuption that 90% of the fans are those who watched the show back in 1982? <_<

    not trying to flame but use logic.

    logically speaking, lets say there is a age demographic...

    the age demographic is 30 years old....now how many 30 year olds have a $120 to blow on a toy?

    the age demographic is 18 years old....now how many 18 year olds have a $120 to blow on a toy???

    logically speaking, lets say there is no age demographic...

    now how many 30 year olds have a $120 to blow on a toy?

    now how many 18 year olds have a $120 to blow on a toy?

    why would any smart business target a age group that statistically has less money and/or disposable income? even if you changed the cost to $50, it would still be the same result.

    this is called logic, and people that run a good business use it...or atleast expected to us it. :lol:

    you can argue that their target audience is parents but then, what time of the day are all those toy commmercials on TV?

    dads still at work and moms is busy with dinner....and don't forget moms could give a rats ass about the next toy you just "have to have". and if its a high ticket item, you're ass is waiting til christmas. :lol:

  18. well i just talked to tamim and mine is one the way! :)

    i'm on the east coast so i figure its going to be another week or so and i'll be sure to post my reactions once i have the toy in hand.

    i voted "about right" cause its the only one in existence. B))

  19. i make a more than decent living, enough to by all the macross toys that are out and the ones that are coming out but simply choose not to. not because i can't, i just won't. i don't have every single 1/48 thats out and never will. i could care less about all the VF-1's, i just bought the ones i wanted and stopped there.

    thats not to say theres something wrong with the people that have to have it all. they can justify spend X amount of dollars on whatever they choose...thats their right and they don't need to be "catagorized" because they have some disposable income to spend.

    me, i spend most of my money on women, beer and a...ummm...other stuff. ;) macross is last on my list of things to buy

    1) because women come first. :p

    2) because women come second. :D

    3) because women come third. :lol:

    4) because it just a toy.

    basically live within your means. complaining isn't putting any $$$ in your pockets. so instead of wasting your time posting away here, look to make some extra loot for the things you really want, by shoveling driveways, mowing lawns, selling lemonade, etc. thats one good thing about america, theres always someone thats lazier than you, so money is easy to find. ;)

    working is easy to do, its just easier not to, which you choose is up to you.

    on a side note,

    no one here should be childish enough to care if they're a "real collector" or not. i'm not a collector, i'm just a fan like everyone else here. :)

  20. i have no problems with anyone bitching ONCE about something...everyone bitches, its a fact of life.

    but to constantly bitch about the same thing over and over again as was done in the "q-rau review" thread is OUT OF HAND.

    even after people asked to stop bitching about the price and took the thread back on topic...the SAME people continued to bitch about the price. <_<

    its fine to share your opinion ONCE but to post everytime someone says they're gonna buy something that, "it sucks, it cost too much, you elitest with YOUR money suck, you shouldn't be spending your money, everything sucks!"

    you see where some of us could find that obnoxious?

    if things get ugly walk away...its really not that hard. i got roped into some crap back in the day, what did i do? i took a break and stayed away for a while. was it hard? NO. you can do the same thing...or better yet, just don't come back. you don't have to go away mad, just go away. ;)

    BTW, welcome to macrossworld,

    where everyone asks for everything, nobody wants to do nothing, and then start 10 threads of whining and btiching when we do get something. :lol:

  21. thanks for the detailed pics man...BTW i hate you too!  :lol:

    hopefully tam will be getting his shipment in soon! 

    and this is so worth the $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 i paid for it.  ;)


    Haterist, where did you purchase your QR?

    I paid for the exact same amount you did!

    dude you don't even know, i so lucked out cause i paid half that for the banpresto valk! and i never felt so hooked up in my life. :lol:

    actually, i'm eagerly awaiting the 1/30000000 scale SDF-1 thats gonna be selling for ONE billion dollars. i'm buying atleast 10 of those with MY money. ;)

  22. And to that person who gave us a list of things we should have done: "Go to college so you can get a better job".... etc...Dude, you're totally naive. That's just like saying: "That kid killed someone. Must be that music he listens to"... 

    so i guess your gonna be that guy making $5 an hour, pumping gas into my flawless, 500k, gold plated, diamond gauged, gas powered skateboard that transforms into a robot with an AK-47 pointed at you, and keeps insisting you give all your money to yamato???? :o

    i'd say your as dumb as you look, but i think you accomplished that all on your own with the ridiculous analogy.....you know, because going to school is a lot like killing somone... :rolleyes:

    oh! and i almost forgot to mention, that skateboard was made in cooperation with BMW, Mercedes and The Ford motor companies. but theres this small company called yamato that makes them so it flys. :lol:

    The majority of people on this board seem to be knowledgable, helpful and cool-as-ice. But once in a while there's people in here you'd just like to say "Phuck You" to.

    and whats with the ass kissing when all you're trying to do is say "phuck you" to me? you could of just said phuck you?....kind of like i'm doing now,

    frakk You! :lol:

    and since you seemed to have missed it and/or you didn't learn how to read, i wrote:

    "i'm not trying to flame anyone in particular, so if you're taking my opinion personally, then there must be a kernal of truth to what i've said."


    *cues sound fx guy*




  23. I would trust Tam over HLJ, personally.  If Tam has it, he'll get it out there.  If his shipment gets delayed, he'll make it known.

    I'm going by Tam too. My Q-rau and GBP are both on order with him.

    same here man, i got my pre-order for 2 sets of the GBP and the q-rau. :)

    if it is delayed(which it probably is) i'll have more money to spend on something else for the time being....not necessarily a bad thing, since a brothers gotta eat. :lol:

  24. to all the whiners and haters....

    go cry to your momma's! :rolleyes:

    its funny how everytime something new is released, theres always a bunch of people who bitch and moan. <_< is the price tag a bit steep? yes. will it keep me from buying it? no.

    my POV is, this is the first release of the q-rau and if sales are poor, yamato is not going to invest more money to make other variations. and the way things are going here, it looks like they're not going to do too well in the retail market.

    so keeping that in mind, i hope they never make another one, that way when the price for it sky rockets to $300+(i.e the stupid/lame/so not worth it low-viz), all the buttcracks bitchin about the price now, will be posting in the "wanted" section in a few months offering $120 when none of us who got one will part with it for less than $300. catch my drift? so stop the madness, and chill out.

    buy it, dont' buy it, it doesn't make a difference to me, but to come here and cry about it is childish and just plain gay. no one here cares, so as i said eariler, go cry to your momma. :lol:

    oh and its always mature to bitch about people that have jobs and make their own money. <_< its not our fault,

    1) you can't get a job

    2) you're too lazy to get a job

    3) you didn't finish college so you can't get a real job

    4) you're too broke because you have a $200 cellphone bill and a $150 cable bill.

    5) or any other stupid reason to whine about the so called "elitist".

    go to school, finish school, get a good job that pays well, and buy whatever you want. it ridiculous how so many people want everything but willing to do nothing....well, other than cry about on the forums...cause that makes everything better right? <_<

    i'm not trying to flame anyone in particular, so if you're taking my opinion personally, then there must be a kernal of truth to what i've said. so in that case, that would make me right...but more importantly...it would make you WRONG! :lol:

    have a nice day! :)

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