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do not disturb

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Posts posted by do not disturb

  1. ha! you're the only one being melodramatic here. i made a simple post and yet again you're reading too much into it.

    who did i call an a-hole again? you mean my first post when i was talking about ebay scalpers? so after explaining what i meant, and you being satisified with the answer, you're bringing it up again? beat a dead horse lately?

    also, i guess you missed the post where i said i had no interest in this item so no, i don't expect anyone to hook me up at cost but this is clearly another example of you somehow finding some kind of hidden meaning behind my post, when i made no such post, making me out to be some kind of "villian".

    my post is an opinion, just about everything anyone posts here is an opinion and last i heard, thats what you're supposed to do on a messageboard, post your opinions. i guess you could argue, "well if you don't have any interest, why bother posting?" which my reply would be, "while i have no interest, i'm still entitled to post my opinion like everyone else, were talking toys here, not real life."

    if you have a problem with my opinion or posting style, well thats more or less your problem not mine.

    i'm not flaming anyone, i'm not attacking anyone, i'm just chillin like a villian.....pun intended.

  2. a fool and his money will soon be parted....

    theres a member here that had to win every LV1 auction that came up and single handedly drove the price up to $300+ within one months ltime.

    so far, this release has surpassed it which means every single person(smart person) that lives in japan and collects macross will order a bunch of them, cleaning out the entire stock, then they'll sell it on ebay for $500, yay!

  3. So you think stores are going to be left with units of this that they'll be unable to sell? That's highly unlikely. Maybe for some really high-end expensive items that are hard to sell, but not something like this. And if a store truly has a problem with people cancelling preorders then they shouldn't allow it.

    when you stick it to someone, you're sticking it to someone. it doesn't matter what the dollar value is, its a matter of principle.

    maybe if it were a big company i wouldn't have a problem with it, but i ordered my through LAFtoys and hes a small time seller in comparison.

    its up to each person what they think is the "right" thing to do. my opinion isn't a judgement, i'm just saying i'm not that guy.

  4. i'm sure someone is working on it but keep in mind if someone does hook it up, he'll have to pay to have them shipped to him, then theres the standard i'm not doing it for free markup, then shipping for that member to here.

    with the weak US dollar, it'll end up costing more than a 1/48 valk w/FPs.

  5. Thanks! Life has made it difficult to keep up with my old hobbies but I've still been collecting when I get a chance, mostly Gundam stuff lately. I loooooove the new HCM Pro's. The new YF-21 and the cannon fodder SV-51, plus the scent of Destroids might bring me back to Macross though :D

    Vostok 7

    the 21 is gonna be sweet and this destroid looks killer so far, lets just hope the price isn't killer too.

    whatever the case is, you're here now and i'm glad to see a long lost member posting again.

  6. Please don't ^_^ The drama is what keeps the MW forums alive. :D


    if you want drama, come by and hang out with my woman, you'll love it and her. :lol:

    drama can be fun but its usually just page after page of stupid comments that have nothing to do with the topic at hand...much like this one. :D

  7. Me too....but.....just by looking at the 2 different signs in the wonderfest pics I would say that price is for the VF-1S alone and then the Booby Ducks are gonna be around 37 bones. That's kinda $hitty...you can get a 1/48 for 50 bucks more.

    back in the days i suggested that if yamato made a 1/60 valk with the 1/48 swing bar design, that i would buy it in a heartbeat but as it stands now, i'm not willing to pay that much for a smaller valk with less features(i'm assuming theres less since its smaller in size) and no diecast.

    graham said a while back that a 1/60 w/FPs should cost about the same as a standard 1/48(though he said not to quote him on it). right now its $135-ish and thats before shipping. the standard 1/48 sold for less than $100 USD in HK.

  8. ummm... aren't ALL yamato Macross stuff only available in Japan?

    yes and no.

    this one in particular can be purchased through yamatos site(doesn't ship to the US) or at wonder fest, which only a handful of US members attend. unfortunately these are not being sold to HLJ or other toy distributors according to the info that i've read here so far.

  9. Dude. . . can you tone it down a bit. There's quite a few decent re-sellers who help us bring these over who could take offense at that.


    tone what down? its a fact that the secondary market sellers(ebay sellers) will charge out the a$$ for these.

    if a re-seller/ebay seller is offended by my comment, let them speak for themselves. theres no need to post on their behalf, thats how we got into it in the past and i'd rather not relive that.

    if you're speaking of MW members in HK who hook it up, i don't consider those people resellers. those are member fans who are doing us a favor.

  10. yeah, I'm glad that they're packing the features in on this one... and who knows, with bandai in the macross game, maybe yamato will bring their prices down.

    i really hope you're right. i'm sold on these but not if they're asking price exceeds $50.

    the PT 1/60 valk is around $90-ish and it transforms and has a lot of features. this is smaller, has a lot of features but doesn't transform so i expect the price to reflect it. if yamato is going to charge the same price as their TFing toys, i really have no interest in it.

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