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do not disturb

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Posts posted by do not disturb

  1. How about the inverted wing hinge? Can that be seen through the box's window?

    no and no.

    theres no way to tell if the wing hinges are correct without taking it out the box and checking it.

    on plus side, the hinge is easily fixable from the pics i've seen here but i'd still wait for the reissue.

    whats the point of buying a flawed toy when you know a good one is bound to come out?

  2. lol. that would mean I would have to piece the box together too huh? haha. Dang who would want to sell only the plastic inserts? Well if somebody out there has only the plastic inserts for any super 1/48, let me know. Then I'll take this route. :lol:^_^

    i'll give you the box for free(its nice and crispy) but you gotta pay shipping. :lol:

    all you need is some inserts from one of the M&Ms and you're good to go.

    in any case, its there if you ever need it.

  3. i have one for ya. i displayed one valk for about 3 minutes and never used it again.

    its all your.....if the price is right.

    pm is on the way!

    BTW, i won't be back online MW til moday.

  4. forget a couple of hours, just wait til the re-issue comes out.

    seriously, theres nothing but bad ones out there and they're the ones that people returned because they was something wrong with the. believe me, i bought 2 trying to get 1 good one and both of them ended up being used POS's.

    be patient or be pissed.

  5. Here is a link to ride armor pics:


    As DND spotted, front fork + arm armor parts are just not right... Reviewer had put those parts together forcefully with tape.

    Also in a previous post, wind shield comes in wrong size. It can be fixed but not without weakening the part.

    Left and right joint parts inside upper leg armors are swapped and are difficult to take apart.

    Following are more Mospeada owner rants I've collected so far:

    Steering parts are upside down...

    Most parts are as loose as Bandai GFF.

    Screws that hold wheel diecast parts become loose easily.

    Shoulder armor pin won't fit without excessive force.

    Targeting scope parts won't go in all the way, so it remains too high.

    Stick(no pun intended) stand part is a joke, although it happens to use the same pin size as Bandai action base.

    not good to hear at all.

    its totally retarded they didn't take into consideration the other arm weapons when the designed it.

    totally off topic

    you're in BK, i'm in manhattan, what up!

    now back to your regular scheduled programming.

  6. Yes, folks... the CM's is VERY FIDDLY.

    Got my pair for 53USD each on Sunday here in Singapore. I love the detailed faces and the effort to make it perfect transformable, but in truth, you will probably have to remove the hip armor for easier access, etc.

    I managed to break the tinted windshield on both bikes. The first was broken in box, the second I simply snapped off because the peg is just too delicate anyway. I glued both back and they're more secure now. (I believe from TIN's first pic that his windshield is also re-glued in place.)

    I'm keeping these but already hoping for a more fun experience with the slightly larger MH version.

    thanks for the report, i'm glad i skip these.

    i eagerly await the MH review and i really hope its better than the CM one.

  7. haha, in true MW fashion. :lol:

    i know it sucks when people downplay peoples issues but if you've been here for a while, you'd know that asking for help means you'll get clowned in the process. it use to bother me at first too but i know everyone here has a sense of humour and joking 99% of the time.

  8. Battroid mode can't point the cannon forward like in the pictures I've seen from the vfx game.

    Maybe add a bit more detail, have the little gun on the chest there, and the two things at the side of its arm open up. (these have been forced shut)

    Maybe add stiffer clicky joints on the hips. Make the individual barrels posable. (you can sort of pose them by twisting them but I was thinking you just push them up or down) Landing gears etc

    alright a couple of small things that were a non-issue for me, but obviously an issue for some.

    i agree, they totally botched the design of missile pods in the arms. i actually modded mine so they can open but its still kind of meh. don't get me wrong, i totally agree with everything you said, you're talking about very minute things(outside of the cannon mount in battroid) that i really wouldn't consider an improvement, more so than a mod.

    back on topic,

    so are you going to get the nora or not? :D

  9. Thanks for the input. For me this is going to be put into fighter mode mainly. So damn skiiiiiiny!

    So you will be avoiding any future macross 25 toys and stuff? What if bandai for example makes a koenig monster that defeats yamato's effort and the Lego Konig Monster? (I hear it's going to be in this series)

    i'm not swearing it off completely i'm just saying i don't have to own them all as i don't really care for the macross zero series. the only reason i even saw it was because someone on the boards sent me a copy just to be a nice guy otherwise i never would've bothered to watch it....much like mac 7.

    anyway, if they make something unique like the 0D, i'll pick it up but i don't care to own repaints of the same designs...i only make exception for the VF-1 because of childhood nostalgia.

    the ivanov/nora/CF are exactly the same, they didn't even give them unique heads....screw that. like i said, i'll pick one up because its has a unique transformation as opposed to a VF-anything but thats the extent of it.

    as far as the VF-25, if they make it i'll buy it, but only one design of the same toy. keep in mind that the 1 episode i saw of macross frontier was better than the entire macross zero series so that might have something to do with it. and i can't see how they'd make a better konig than the one we got now, its pretty good as is....what do you think needs to be changed?

    i'd say a 6 out of 10. its cool in fighter mode but thats about it. its sad that i'm willing to fork over this kind of money for a toy i plan to keep in fighter mode. i should just buy a model....

  10. While these 1/60 toys look great, I'll definitely wait for the 3rd or 4th release.

    i'm with you there. its the beginning of the line which means it'll take at least 2 releases before they go back and fix anything that needs to be fixed.

    i know they're just proto photos but did anyone notice how gappy the fighter mode is? the fit and finish just doesn't seem to be there, its almost toynami-esque. :huh:

  11. 1. the nora is all good. if anything, things were too tight but thats not bound to last. you'll know what i'm talking about when you see how origami like its.

    2. nothing seemed to fragile when i owned one other than maybe the tail spikes? the TF sequences is pretty straight forward other than getting the arms/shoulder correct for battroid/gerwalk modes but you can figure it out using common sense.

    3. you could wait for a 2nd release ivanov but you might get stuck with the 1st release. unless theres a definitive way to tell the difference between the 1st and 2nd releases, i have no desire to purchase this. the 1st run was so crappy, you can bet people are going to swap their lemons for good ones. the CF is the same as the Nora, but the CF is stupid looking...the color anyway. i'm waiting until they milk the molds and release a grey scheme.

    4. it just looks menancing but i don't really care for it that much. i like it because its plane and it has a unique transformation, otherwise i could careless. i have no allegence to macross zero. my love starts and ends with SDF macross, the rest is "okay" for what it is/was. as stiff as people are claiming the joints are on the Nora, the way the hinges and moving parts are designed, its gonna end up being a floppy mess eventually.

  12. Luckily for me, my mother had gotten a second wedding ring from my father so she gave me her original ring to present to my honey.


    i thought i was reigning champ of taking a thread off topic but you've clearly taken the title in just a few short months.

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