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Posts posted by Veritas

  1. Noice pictures and thanks for the review. Boy am i happy we're not getting a reissue of the mess that the 1/60 GBP was. I hated even getting near mine, i was afraid even the slightest change in the enviorment would have armor pieces falling off.

  2. That's a neat little idea. I'm sure everyone's looking forward to the final products.

    Looks neat!  I would be interested in a recasat (if it becomes available).  :)


  3. Welcome to the hobby, heh, it gets a strangle hold on my bank account every once and a while so you gotta be prepared heh.

    Like godzilla said, its still up in the air about anything new in the 1/48 line other than the annouced GBP. Figuring that they made just about every valk in the 1/60 line, it would only be likely that they would do the same for the 1/48 line, but as of now, theres 4 valks that i can think of off the top of my head still missing with no sign of them on the horizon.




    VF-1A (Cannon Fodder/Brownie)

    Here's hoping at least one or two of them are released eventually, but theres no guarantees. Even the Brownie which requires not really much more than a new paint job hasn't been hinted at, so its all speculation from here if well ever see any new 1/48's.

  4. Hmm that version of fire convoy is super rare now, but 185 is nuts, :huh:

    I wouldn't say it is super rare I just saw one recently for much less than that MISB too. Honestly unless it is the Limited Super Black Fire Convoy from RID I don't see the point in getting the Takara version when the Hasbro version is a)cheaper, b)just as good, and c)readily available.

    Hmm not so much the toy, but the box. Most super fire convoys were released in the regular non-windowed box. The ones that were released in the G1 Style windowed box are much harder to come by even though its essentially the same toy as the other super fire convoy. And if you can find a black super fire convoy for that price thats a steal compared to how much they usually go for and how rare they are. I'd lay down 185 in a heartbeat for one heh :o

  5. maybe a museum. I know the smithsonian air&space had a "super sweet" scale carrier on display. Friggin huge and friggin awsome, but not so much for the collector as it really needs to be seen by masses.

    anything awsome? Thats just asking for problems. Anybody catch the [5 minutes with my breasts] ebay auction a while back :lol:

    They did and still do as far as i know.

    I had some pictures of it but i cant seem to find them now. It was detailed to the max. I forgot what carrier it was on top of that, it might have been the enterprise or it might have been the nimtz. It was about the same size as the one that the guy is selling in his auction but 250k is insane! Make mine a USS Flagg heh...

  6. I thought 1/60 Hikaru VF-1A wasn't fast pack ready.

    You are correct, sir. The only DYRL 1/60 that will accept FAST Packs is the 1S Strike you've got. I'm not counting the VE and VT because they can't take the Strike Cannons and Mini-Missile Launchers from the other valks.

    I thought that the only ones that could not take FAST Packs without modifications were the VF-1A CF and the VF-1A Max?

    Hmm i just tried putting the packs on 1A Hik and nothing, unless later releases changed that? Cuz they were going to come out with 1/60 fast packs up until a while back right?

  7. Well, at least its still in the works... heh :blink:

    Any idea how the 1/48 gbp is going to be packaged yet? Will it only come individually or are they also going to make a vf-1j set w/gbp like they did with 1/60 version?

  8. it that the worlds smallest megatron he's holding?

    looks sweet though.

    how about a 1/48 patriot valk next? :lol::lol:

    Looks like the megatron gun that comes with MP prime. I'm 99 percent sure it is cuz that fits pretty well in the hands of a 1/48 in comparision to the size of prime.

  9. http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/attachment.p...tachmentid=4984


    :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D

    heh just about... i really wish they would make more designs of tfs based on that series... but thats a story for another thread heh, esp. prime and grims.

    There was a fan made scratch built transforming WWI OP.

    You mean this one sledd?


    yeah that is a straight up bad ass kitbash, i cant wait til he fully finishes painting it. As for the transformers thread, i'll be sure to keep an eye on it, last comment by me here on tfs heh.

  10. If anyone is interested, some of the figures from the next line can be seen here: http://tformers.com/ig.php?mode=album&albu...ize=800&start=0

    and here: http://www.tformers.com/article.php?sid=3706&mode=flat

    tformers is under site repairs for now...

    tfw2005 has links to pictures of the new transformers line (galaxy force) if any of you guys are still interested heh.

    if anything check out the prime and starscream they both looke pretty bad ass to me.


  11. Jeebus i knew you guys had alot but some of you guys could be wholesalers with numbers like that,  :o  heh.

    1/48 -10

    Roy VF-1S -1

    Roy VF-1S (Strike)-1

    Max VF-1S (Custom) -1

    Hikaru VF-1J -1

    Hikaru VF-1J (GBP) -1

    Max VF-1J -1

    Milia VF-1J -1

    VF-1D -1

    VE-1 -1

    VT-1 -1

    1/60 -10

    Roy VF-1S -1

    Max VF-1S (Custom) -1

    Hikaru VF-1S -1

    Hikaru VF-1A (With Max's A Head) -1

    Hikaru VF-1J -1

    Max VF-1J -1

    Milia VF-1J -1

    Low Viz VF-1A -3

    (Fast Packs) -4


    VF-11B w/FP -1

    VF-19A -1

    A 1/48 GBP? :blink:


    Damn straight, i got mine a year early...

    heh, i accidentaly labeled my 1/60's as my 1/48's, thanks for catching that... <_<

  12. Jeebus i knew you guys had alot but some of you guys could be wholesalers with numbers like that, :o heh.

    1/48 -10

    Roy VF-1S -1

    Max VF-1S (Custom) -1

    Hikaru VF-1S -1

    Hikaru VF-1A (With Max's A Head) -1

    Hikaru VF-1J -1

    Max VF-1J -1

    Milia VF-1J -1

    Low Viz VF-1A -3

    (Fast Packs) -4

    1/60 -10

    Roy VF-1S -1

    Roy VF-1S (Strike)-1

    Max VF-1S (Custom) -1

    Hikaru VF-1J -1

    Hikaru VF-1J (GBP) -1

    Max VF-1J -1

    Milia VF-1J -1

    VF-1D -1

    VE-1 -1

    VT-1 -1


    VF-11B w/FP -1

    VF-19A -1

  13. FYI...

    The seller said he accidentally put in his listing that he would waive the shipping fee with the use of "Buy it Now". Both he and I have amicable agreed to void the deal and no one gets a negative feedback.

    So things worked out, though I still need a 1/48 VF-1A...... :D

    Accidentaly? Thats a lie and you caught him in it so he had to back out of the deal. if you read his orignal auction theres lines upon lines that clearly state he'll pick up the shipping if you use UPS.

    as is:


    i mean i'd understand if there was a blurb or two about free shipping, but i really can't honestly believe this guy when he goes through the lengths he does to make it clear how this "free shipping" deal works. I think everyone else here has the right idea, good luck to everyone in future auctons.

  14. hmmm, ive never dealt with them before, but if its vintage transformers you're looking for, you should check out: 


    i've ordered from him a couple of times and he's always been extremely reliable. 

    good luck.

    I which I could say the same about WJL. He filed a nonpaying bidder notice on me several months AFTER PAYING for the item and then was less than politely in correcting his mistake. What a loser.


    i'm sorry to hear that, ive dealt with him twice and i never ran into any problems, but i'm sure in the past he's been ripped off so his demaneor in such situations would probably come off harsh if he thought it was happening again. Anyways i hope you got the figures you were looking for in the end.

  15. Bu....t gee.. a.. duh...wouldn't a 1/48 SDF-1 be the same size as a 1/48 VF-1...I dunno ? :blink:  :huh:  :blink:  :rolleyes:

    i'll give you a minute to think about that. :rolleyes:;)

    Heh, i think he meant and 1/1 scale VF-1 :blink:

  16. :blink:

    wow, thats a damn cool custom. i remember seeing the blue angels numerous times at a bunch of air shows when i was a kid. defintely something to see if you guys get the chance. now how about a thunderbirds custom? hehe...

    other than that though great job.

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