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Posts posted by Veritas

  1. Nuts!  :o

    To think i gave one of my Low Vizes to my best friend last year as a Christmas Gift, maybe i should have gotten him something cheaper.  Like maybe a picture of a Low Viz, or maybe a battlecry posable painted like a Low Viz.  <_<


    Maybe your "best friend" is the seller? ;)


    You know i thought of that too, but that's not his username... unless... <_<

  2. Never too late to get it back.  Just say to your friend, Yamato has made a product fault recall, the Low-Vis has a pre-mature lift off when sold on Ebay.  ;)
    Nuts!  :o

    To think i gave one of my Low Vizes to my best friend last year as a Christmas Gift, maybe i should have gotten him something cheaper.  Like maybe a picture of a Low Viz, or maybe a battlecry posable painted like a Low Viz.  <_<



    Maybe i can fool him into thinking i gave him a defective one and i'll trade it out with one of my other ones when i find the best one out of the batch. In the meantime i'll turn around sell it on eBay for 500 and hope he forgets about it.

    "Low Viz? Never heard of such a thing?... Macross, nope doesn't ring a bell. I've never collected toys, are you kidding me?... Oh this new watch? Eh, what watch? Never heard of time... OMG what the hell is that!" :ph34r:

    Nuts!  :o

    To think i gave one of my Low Vizes to my best friend last year as a Christmas Gift, maybe i should have gotten him something cheaper.  Like maybe a picture of a Low Viz, or maybe a battlecry posable painted like a Low Viz.  <_<


    Damn I need to become friends with you!

    Hey I'm from Hawaii, maybe I already know you?

    Are you from Kaimuki? :p


    Haha well he hooked me up with a Car Robots Brave Max so it was only fair.

    As for the Hawaii thing no i've never really lived in Kaimuki but i do spend a hell of alot of time down there, so it sure does feel like it sometimes.

    I'm friends with the owners of Mechahawaii and Collector Maniacs, so whenever something new comes out i'm shooting the poo with them about it and everything else that we collect. Hours fly by before i know it. :blink:

  3. Thats a pretty damn good job for your first custom heh! :o Alot better than anything i could do with an airbrush.

    Nice Work.

  4. Congrats, Fearyaks  :)


    Yeah. I imagine I could have gotten these for similar prices from Kurt but then I'd have to wait longer. Besides, I don't want to drive him insane.

    Luckily I know how to spot a fake 'Kurt' so we'll see if these are real.... heh


    Boy am i happy you picked those two up so i didn't have to contemplate what else i was going to have to sell to try and finance them. :ph34r:


  5. I don't know it looks pretty good on the LV. 2 but other than that i think this GBP repaint is a one trick pony. I'm might not be completing my collection of every 1/48 Valk and Accessory there is after all.

  6. As for the Transformers Alternators/Binaltechs... gawd I am so sick of those F'UGLY repaints or UGLIER than HELL licensed only molds I quit! Some Tfans are just grateful we even have anymore Alts, but IMO the way they are going they might as well quit. Mirage looks like he'll be ok but the rest like Prime... :( Look at how pathetic Optimus looks now?! And as a quick sidenote, when they repainted MPP as Magnus, boy that was a stupid move... Magnus sold poorly. They should've done Scourge instead but oh wells.


    Off topic Alt. Prime is the single worst idea they've had for the BT/Alt. line so far, i think only Battle Ravage comes close to rank in how awful of an idea this was for a character.

    As for the QC issues with the past yamato 1/48's i really doubt we'll be getting much better than what we've been seeing. It's all hit or miss unfortanetly and if they haven't taken a serious stance on it by now i really don't have a good feeling that they'll take the issue anymore serious with the next releases... unless of course they have to have mass recalls because of a glaring problem, but i'd rather they just have shoddy QC here and there than something major befall an entire release of valks. It's just a shame that we have to pay so much for one of them, when the one you pick up just happens to be one of the misses. <_<

  7. I think g3173 customised them himself. ;)

    Wished i had talent OR cash. But i have none of the above. :(


    NO TALENT here :lol: Just lucky enough to have made a few friends on the board over the years that were willing to put together my custom collection. Most of the ones I have on display were done by Kurt. Jung did the Blue CAMO Blue Rose and one of the MM Gaurd and Anasazi did the dark blue Blue Rose.

    I wish I could display the rest of my collection but just don't have the time to put them all together and lack of shelf space!!! Someday...

    As far as dust goes! I know i've been neglecting to dust in my office ;)

    I'll see if I can post more pix tonight w/ some close ups. The detail on these things are amazing!!! I say you should own atleast one custom if you are a true Macross collector or at the very least dress them up w/ Anasazi's decals.

    Here's a few more pix of customs I was able to snag a few years back. Most of my customs are on the custom forum so i'm sure you guys have seen these; if not hope you enjoy!



    Those customs are amazing. I'm even more amazed at the fact that only one person owns so many of them. I'm envious but impressed at the same time. <_<;)

  8. Worst case is to provide straight recast heads. Best case is with all the goodies at a great price.


    To tell you the truth i'd be all for just the standard straight recast heads, but i'm not sure what everyone elses opinions on this are.

  9. Can someone please point me in the direction as to where I can buy a re-cast 1/48 vf-1s head?  Is someone willing to sell me one?

    Thanks again



    Rohby used to make Recast 1/48 VF-1S heads, but lately he's been MIA and i'm not sure if there was an overflow on stock that somebody might be able to pull on to accomadate your needs, because other than that the only way to get a head or even a recast head for that matter would be to get somebody to sell you one of their own.

  10. No, but I've done a 1/48 1S head on a 1/55 (but you knew that already  ;) ). I imagine a 1/48 1A head would look about right, but a 1/60 1A head would be too small.


    On a similiar note i remember someone putting a 1/55 GBP on their 1/60 Yamato way back when even before the 1/60 GBP and for that matter the 1/48 were even announced, the proportions were all off, but it still seemed to fit in an odd way. Wish i still had that pic.

  11. Not sure if this goes here or not, but I just got back from my local Border's and I just bought a ton of anime dvd's for $1 each.  Including Animego Macross Vol 5.  Just a heads up.  Sorry if this is in the wrong place.  If so move as needed.


    Hey nice score there JsARCLIGHT, BUT I work at a Borders and basically all that stuff that is on sale for $1 is clearance stuff that we can't send back and have to get rid of for whatever we can get for them. It'll differ from store to store depending on what that particular store stocks. Like at my store, we have such quality DVDs as "The Erotic Adventures of Zorro", first movie rated "Z" ever :lol: .


    Heh Yeah i was about to say, i was just at my Local Borders 2 days ago and i saw no such thing under the clearance section or i would have picked it up in a heartbeat. You never know though so i might just hit up my two local Borders tommorow to see what's up if anything. Thanks for the heads up nonetheless, let's hope it pans out for more members.


    HEy Veritas maybe you can complete the partial collection i sold you on the cheap.....good luck.


    Yeah here's hoping. Those old bootleg DVD's just feel dirty. :ph34r:

  12. Not sure if this goes here or not, but I just got back from my local Border's and I just bought a ton of anime dvd's for $1 each.  Including Animego Macross Vol 5.  Just a heads up.  Sorry if this is in the wrong place.  If so move as needed.


    Hey nice score there JsARCLIGHT, BUT I work at a Borders and basically all that stuff that is on sale for $1 is clearance stuff that we can't send back and have to get rid of for whatever we can get for them. It'll differ from store to store depending on what that particular store stocks. Like at my store, we have such quality DVDs as "The Erotic Adventures of Zorro", first movie rated "Z" ever :lol: .


    Heh Yeah i was about to say, i was just at my Local Borders 2 days ago and i saw no such thing under the clearance section or i would have picked it up in a heartbeat. You never know though so i might just hit up my two local Borders tommorow to see what's up if anything. Thanks for the heads up nonetheless, let's hope it pans out for more members.

  13. Since Rohby's been MIA for awhile what about just recasting standard 1S heads with different color lens (blue, green, yellow, clear etc)? No matter the case, I'd def. be intrested in picking up at least a couple of these either way (with or without LED) since i broke off one of the lasers on one of my old heads :( and need a replacement that isn't super glued, plus it would be good to get some spares too.


  14. You know i was kind of hoping that we saw the last of the 1/48's so that the line could just slowly go down as history as one of the best toy lines ever and more importantly i could start saving some money again <_< .

    Now what ever happened to the 1/60 Monster?

  15. If its a straight up rerelease of the original i don't think i'll be getting but like others have pointed out if they at least make the effort to change the heads, or hopefully even the heads ill be one of the first in line. :lol: I'm actually more intrested in what this stealth valk is going to look like... :huh:

  16. If it cost a little less than buying them seperatly i could justify the giftset, but otherwise, i don't see anything special at all about that set like others have pointed out. I guess for whatever reason TRU thought it would be easier to sell these off together as an exclusive than seperately. <_<

  17. but after people paid for them he shipped empty boxes.


    Whoa, what a... :blink:


    Yeah sad but true. I was about 2 steps from buying a set of fast packs from him under one of his old alias mechaf***er, when he backed off from the deal saying he sold em to someone else but had other stuff he could sell me like some more 1/48's he didn't post up. I wasn't intrested though and kind of just shrugged it off. A couple days after that though some of the other members received the packages they paid good money for only to find there was nothing inside. It was a total scam and the guy disappeared soon after once again. A real asshat. I remember some one had a sig. that said don't trust anyone from such and such Florida where the guy originally had his address made out to, and i think that's a good thing to watch out for if you're worried.

  18. Alex Medina Strikes Again!

    Warning to Sellers!

    He wins the auction and pays through Paypal.  When you send the shipping notice he then cancels the Payment through Paypal.  Then complains "Why haven't you mailed this....?"

    Jokes on him. He didn't read my shipping policy and cancelled the payment too soon.  I hadn't mailed the item!  Try again Monkey-Butt!

    New EBAY ID callmejanmedina


    Payment From:

    alex medina    (The sender of this payment is Verified)

    Buyer's ID:


    Buyer's Email:



    janelle marange

    601 e. 29th st

    sanford, FL 32773

    United States


    Man what an smacktard. Is there any way to get the authorities after him on this kind of stuff. I remember he swindled some people a while back by saying he had such and such valks and other items, but after people paid for them he shipped empty boxes.

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