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Posts posted by Veritas

  1. You know what seems to work for me so far, suprinsingly well? That swiffer duster. It won't get into those deep down dust pockets that might have piled up after a number of years, but for regular dust keeping maintence, even after a number of months it ate the dust right up.

  2. Bottom line, I love em.

    My wife however is pissed off.


    Mines is too. She is still wondering when will it end.

    Looks like I will still be sleeping in the dog house if Yamato keeps this up. :lol:


    Haha... i'd probably have the same problem if my live-in girlfriend knew how much i spent on these things and other toys. As far as she knows it's just a small hobby of mine. :ph34r: Boy she'd go berzerk if she knew how much some of this stuff went for.

    As for the valks, since i haven't gotten my hands on the 1/60 VF-0S, i def have to side with the 1/48's on this one. You could probably pick up you fav. one (as long as it's not the low viz that is) <_< , for a pretty reasonable price that's close to if not what it normally retails for.

  3. You know... stylistically and quality wise, the Super posables are just about the nicest toys that Toynami has come out with.  I can see putting a head on a Hase battroid, but I've never seen a Hase battroid in person, so I can't help you so much.


    I agree with you 100 percent on the super posables. I think they're great little figures for the price and i have most of the Macross ones and all of the Mospeada ones. But the figure he pointed out that he wanted to put on a Hase Battoriod Kit was the VF-1R and IMO it just ain't happening. That head is awful and as Wolfx pointed it out it was a sad circumstance that made that animation mistake into an actual figure.

  4. I don't have enough.  I'm still on the hunt.  Actually, I think I have only 1 more left I can customize.


    Damn, somebody get this man some spare Joke Machines! There's gotta be some junkers you guys can sell off for cheap. ;)

    How about using some of those robotech morphers? *shudder* :ph34r:

  5. In response to some of JBO's concerns- IIRC, the game has a small amount of characters in the first place, and is actually two storylines that kind of meet up at the end. So you pretty much field every unit you have in each battle.


    I haven't played that game in years but IIRC there were two endings, right?

    Two entire stories, actually. All depending on one dialog choice after... the second mission? Absurdly early in the game.


    Wasn't it right before the second mission?


    Right when Ryogo asks you whether or not you want to goto the construction site?

    I answered yes, like i think most everyone else did, simply because i was curious what was there. I was waiting and waiting for the point where i would have to choose which storyline path to take. I read later on in an online FAQ that this crucial point was actually that very early question in the beginning of the game. I thought it was a brilliant tactic since it basically gave you two full games to play! I never made it all the way through the game in the alt. storyline, but you guys are seriously making me lean towards starting it up again. <_< I might just have to do that after i get through with Black.

  6. One feature I would like to see again is the option to eject and pilot any unattended vehicles. Not to mention blowing up an ailing wanzer with nothing more than a sidearm :lol:

    Was better when you forced an eject with your handgun, and they were dumb enough to let you steal it next turn.


    Oh man that was one of the best... and worst parts about FM3. I love'd forcing ejections with your handguns and being able to take the Wanzers the next turn, but on the same token it wasn't anywhere near as fun when you were ejected off totally random and sometimes very lucky shots. <_<

    All a part of the game i guess though.

  7. Thanks all.

    Several things:

    1. These JM's are far from perfect.  I think the shots don't highlight how bad some of them actually are.  I'l post flaw pics shortly.

    2. I intend to go with the cannon non DYRL models first and still need the following:

      - Miriya (Millia before Graham edit's my post ;P)

      - Ben TV (Kakazaki see above)

      - Cannon Fodder

      - Angel Birds (debating whether or not I really want to do this)

    Once these are done I may do the DYRL ones, but the 1A versions.  Roy will be the only Cannon 1S EVER...

      - Hikaru 1A (can't even call it Rick)

      - Kakazaki 1A

      - Max 1A

      - VT-1 Ostrich

      - VE-1 Elint

    If I can get through these, then a few I would consider:

      - Enigma 1S

      - Minmay Guard

      - Minmay Guard Moon Act

      - 1A hex pattern

      - SPW

    So I need to get 14 more JM's, somehow.  If you got a messed up complete one I'm buyin!  But don't expect me to pay premium cuz pristine don't matter, I'm repainting them.

    3. Bobe-Patt is the JM king


    WOW! That is quite a laundry list of guys you have on the horizon. Think you have enough JM's to make em all?

  8. if anyone for that matter comes to Hawaii and wants to see some of our import stores, Kaimuki is the only place to go.


    I second that!

    Wow He sold those Strikes for $50 each!?!

    That other dude is one LUCKY guy!

    Again, thanks for the info. I'll check it out when i come back for a visit in February.


    Yeah those two were some extras he had from his own collection. When you walk into the store alot of stuff is on display and if you ask about some of the stuff he has behind the front counter alot of his stuff he's selling off from his collection. I piked up a complete G1 TF Defensor for 40 bucks and another one of my friends got like 2 huge rubbermaid containers of GI Joes for 150. Alot of them were some of the older guys and most were in excellent condition. Good deals all around.

    Hey - if anyone is going to Hawaii, can you get me a $50 strike valk?  ;)


    Haha. I'll get you a 50 dollar strike valk, shippings going to be about 200 dollars though, what with it being overseas and all.

  9. FM3 is one of my favorite games on the PSX.  I heard that FM4 wasn't all that great.


    4 was good, it had it's high points and some challenging missions, but i never got the wow factor i got from it like i did with 3. Still recommended though.

  10. Ok, after coming from a huge Front Mission fix, (I just finished FM 1-loved every minute of it) I checked out the status of the latest installment since it was supposed to be released stateside around this time.  I was greeted by some awful news stating that the game might not even get a domestic release. ACK-Noooo!  I think Square already made a blunder by not bringing over FM 1&2, but now FM 5 as well (especially after bringing back the coliseum feature)? Now all I got to quell my FM cravings are the simulations from FM3 & 4.


    I wouldn't be suprised Valk Hunter. I absoulutely loved FM 3 and 4 and i got through about half of number 1 before i drifted away from it, but still an excellent game. The sad thing is as awesome as these games are i've heard from numerous sources and from my own exp. of working at Toys R' Us that i don't know if this series sells well enough over here for them to continue releasing it. I seriously hope i'm wrong...

    but as a good note i read up on the IGN boards about this after what you said and alot of people are speculating it will hit here sometime in the summer of this year. Since it just came out in Japan, i'd give it sometime perhaps E3 will give us some good news. Here's hoping. ;)

  11. Someone asked I put up a group shot.  Sorry to all those whomay be feeling my custom JM overload...



    Never! I always liked the JM's, but thought they could be better. You my friend have proven that with your skill at putting together these customs. Excellent!

    BTW how many more customs do you have on the horizon and which valks did you have in mind?

  12. Geez! Whew. Looks like it's money saving time... I'd really actually like to get that VF-Zero when it's released.


    YES! That VF-0S looks SWEET!

    I'm so excited about that one, and who really isn't.

    Save my friend, save save save!

    I think that Macross Zero Valk is due sometime around May.

    There is still time to save for that one.

    Unfotunetly though for everyone, that one seems a little bit more pricey then a normal 1/48. I think it wil cost anywhere from $150 to $170 shipped. <_<


    As cool as it looks i'm really going to have to see this one in person before i can justify paying 150 plus for it. Esp. cuz of i've never seen an episode of macross zero yet. :o *Gasp* :ph34r:

  13. Haha it is a small world.  Duane no longer works there though, i think he works at the airport because working at the store was cutting into his surfing time or something a rather like that, so he pretty much gave up his share of the storefront to Rob.  Come to think of it i haven't seen him there in quite awhile.

    As for Mecha Hawaii it's an awesome little store.  The Owner (Sean) is a mad collector and has so much stuff it's not even funny.  His collections can rival Rob's of Collector's if not more so.  His prices are acutally a little better than Collector's on alot of stuff and he's always willing to go out of his way to get stuff for the people that shop at his store.  IE: sometimes he gives up his personal figures to sell to the consumer.


    LOL No wonder i haven't seen Duane in YEARS! When ever i come back to Hawaii for a visit i stop by the shop but haven't seen him ever there.

    This guy Sean seems really cool, I gotta meet him. I wonder if he is a big Macross collector as well. I don't see much Macross at his web site.

    I know Rob has such nice Takatoku Valks up at Collector Maniacs.

    Thanks for the info, I'll check out Sean's store my next visit to Hawaii.


    Yeah i haven't seen duane in quite a number of years too.

    Sean's an awesome guy and as a toy store owner i'd say he's alot more down to earth than some other people that manage/own toy/comic/video game stores, you get the picture. As for Macross collecting i think it's safe to say he's a big fan too, i'm pretty sure he has at least one of each of the 1/48's and a number of the old Takatoku Valks. So much so that he sold my friend 2 Takatoku 1/55 Complete Strike Valks with accessories (including the little minmays) and boxes for only 100 smackers. Quite a steal if i do say so myself. They weren't mint by any means, but still in excellent condition and he sold them off at 50 each without a second thought. Anyways if you get a chance check the store out, i def. recommend it. In fact, if anyone for that matter comes to Hawaii and wants to see some of our import stores, Kaimuki is the only place to go.

  14. Get some of your money back!



    Hey Neova,

    Any idea of the numbers you're going to need to fill before you can justify moving ahead with just a standard VF-1S recast and if so, how many orders you'll need for the Head to have an LED light option?

    I'm sure if you can list a ballpark estimate, more people would be intrested in signing up for orders.?

  15. Nothing on the market right now can compare to a new 1/48 Valk. Any particular one you're looking for because they've re-released some of them a number of times and those might be easier to find than others (VF-1S Roy in particular), and because of that cheaper.

    Def. save your money and pick a new 1/48, you won't be disappointed... and if for some remote reason you are i'm sure you can sell it back here on the boards for almost the same as what you paid for it.

  16. Nuts!  :o

    To think i gave one of my Low Vizes to my best friend last year as a Christmas Gift, maybe i should have gotten him something cheaper.  Like maybe a picture of a Low Viz, or maybe a battlecry posable painted like a Low Viz.  <_<


    Damn I need to become friends with you!

    Hey I'm from Hawaii, maybe I already know you?

    Are you from Kaimuki? :p


    Haha well he hooked me up with a Car Robots Brave Max so it was only fair.

    As for the Hawaii thing no i've never really lived in Kaimuki but i do spend a hell of alot of time down there, so it sure does feel like it sometimes.

    I'm friends with the owners of Mechahawaii and Collector Maniacs, so whenever something new comes out i'm shooting the poo with them about it and everything else that we collect. Hours fly by before i know it. :blink:


    Yeah i know Duane from Collector Maniacs, and i used to go to High School with Rob.

    Mecha Hawaii is pretty new, i need to check out that place on my next visit back to Kaimuki.

    I also used to work at Toys & Joys over there, back in 1993.

    Small World! LOL! :D


    Haha it is a small world. Duane no longer works there though, i think he works at the airport because working at the store was cutting into his surfing time or something a rather like that, so he pretty much gave up his share of the storefront to Rob. Come to think of it i haven't seen him there in quite awhile.

    As for Mecha Hawaii it's an awesome little store. The Owner (Sean) is a mad collector and has so much stuff it's not even funny. His collections can rival Rob's of Collector's if not more so. His prices are acutally a little better than Collector's on alot of stuff and he's always willing to go out of his way to get stuff for the people that shop at his store. IE: sometimes he gives up his personal figures to sell to the consumer.

    Heh, back on topic. Honestly the most i would pay for a Low Viz if i didn't own one, would be somewhere in the neighborhood of 350 to 400 dollars. It's a stretch but i really do love this design so i think i could justify paying that much for one... as long as it's new that is. Above 400 though i'd be hard pressed to pay that much for one figure that isn't all that unique. Rare yes, but we're not talking about like less than 100 in the world or anything, so no i couldn't see myself plopping down any more than that, if that's what it came down to.

  17. Hasn't anyone done a GBP custom yet?

    I'd love to see a custom with some weathering and battledamage.


    Actually I 've done a 1/60 GBP and posted at the custom forum a while ago. But it seems that post has been out of the pages. I am reposting them again. ;)





    Right on! Nice take on making a custom CF GBP. You planning one for a 1/48 GBP?

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