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Posts posted by gingaio

  1. Hey Everyone,

    I'm letting go of a pretty HTF Bandai reissue 1/55 VF-1J (Max type) and not so HTF VF-1A (cannon fodder).

    They've been opened, with the front shoulder stickers applied, but are mint and complete (all joints tight, never played with, and I never even got a chance to display them).

    My old Macross World handle is CLC (on the sharpshooters list). Thanks for looking!



    Cannon Fodder


  2. These figures are great, practically brand new, but I need the display space for other stuff. Feel free to pm me with questions or offers. I wouldn't mind ending the auctions early and selling them. Here's the link:



  3. For anyone who's interested, I just listed my E-Hobby Grapple (my last TF purchase). It's got a Buy It Now price of $45, which is a pretty good price. The outer box isn't perfect, but the toy itself is still sealed inside the bubble and brand new. I didn't even have a chance to take out the toy. :)


  4. I apologize for this not being Macross stuff, but I thought that there might be a bit of crossover interest.

    I just put up my G1 reissue collection (plus a couple of other things) on eBay. The G1 set was only used for display inside a glass case, and is mint and complete with all accessories, paperwork, and boxes:


    I recently sold my MISB set and thought that I would hang on to TF collecting, but I'm a bit worn out, chasing items on eBay, looking for things, etc.

    Anyway, good luck, and feel free to contact me with any questions.

  5. Hi,

    Was just wondering if there have been any books released in Japan that featured the old school Macross toys (Takatoku, Bandai). I'm thinking of books similar to the ones that have been released for the Chogokins and Transformers, which include glossy full-color photos of the toys.

    Thanks very much!

  6. You can probably find most of 'em at online retailers or on eBay.  But the Max & Milla will prove challenging, since they were released in smaller numbers.

    Good hunting mate ...



    Thanks. Actually, what I'm primarily interested in are the Max & Millia. And the other VF-1J. I figured if someone had a set they wanted to get rid of, that'd be the easiest way to pick up what I want.

  7. this isn't blacklistable...he just decided not to sell you the toys because you lowballed him and emailed him incessantly (what was it? 5 emails a day for 9 months? )...give it up


    What's wrong with letting people know in the blacklist area when someone screwed me royally after 9 months of patiently negotiating.


    Because he didn't screw you. Obviously, nobody's going to convince you you're wrong, even though everybody has tried. But yeah, like Cube said, you basically tried to get yourself a great deal at the buyer's expense, and the buyer--like any other rational human being--decided he wanted to sell them for more.

    In response you essentially stalked him electronically over a bunch of cheap toys, saying, "Sell them to me, sell them to me, sell them to me." In any other situation you would have had a restraining order put on you.

    Now I don't know the buyer. He could be a puppy-killing genocidal maniac for all I know, one who sells cheap-ass toys for jacked-up prices. But you've actually succeeded, in your various posts, to make him seem like the victim. Congratulations.

    To quote the French president, your response to the situation (and quite possibly your perspective on life in general) is somewhat "disproportionate."

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