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Posts posted by Hurin

  1. Anime related game. . .


    From what I can tell. . . you hold down your mouse button to choose the angle, and keep holding until you get the power at max, then let go.

    As the poor guy flies through the air over all the anime characters, you can choose to have the girl on the bike teleport in and boost him again upwards (3 times) or downwards (once, but it recharges while he's high in the air) by pressing one of the buttons in the upper-left.

    Sorta fun. But extremely odd. My high score is 1930m. Poor guy was punted almost 2km!


  2. Wow... I'm tempted to pick the Empire just because of the relative intelligence of their supporters. Convincing arguments, the empire is good for the economy (see death star), doesn't force its religion on anyone (see jedi), and aren't working with criminals and poo bearing rugs (Solo and the Wookie).

    Nicely put.

    Even the Devil can quote scripture.

  3. I'd take Dina over Denise. Denise's nose looks. . . unnatural (and probably is). Not that she's not still stunning though by everyday standards.

    Having said that. . . the way people on the internet knock Hollywood-class beauty so casually is an endless source of amusement for me. Especially when you know that it's very likely that the person doing the knocking's own personal standards for "real life" women are probably much, much lower. Either that or they are very, very lonely while holding out for their own personal super-model that just happens to have a thing for dorky anime enthusiasts.

  4. Someone help me out here. . .

    I can't remember the title, or even the actors. But when I was a kid, I saw this movie that was terrible. It was sorta a "elite fighting force" movie and they rode around on motorcycles and other "futuristic" combat gear. At the end, one of the heros is left behind while the rest of them are flying away in a big transport aircraft (with the back left open). . . and the hero has to fly his motorcycle up and into the rear of the plane.

    I seem to recall a desert environment for that last scene and the actors were all tan surfer types and looked like they were the Bee Gees. They were wearing tan "space suit" like uniforms and their motorcycles looked like something rejected from the (original) Battlestar Galactica series.


  5. Yes, clearing cache is probably necessary. Most broadband people won't even notice much of a difference after they clear their cache. But if some aren't willing to tolerate slower download times for a little while on their other sites, I'm not sure what can be done. ^_^

    Also, everyone should take note that the URL for the forums have changed. There is no more WWW. Please delete and update your bookmarks and quicklinks. If you log in at the www one and then are redirected, that may account for being logged out.


    July 11. :p And it was in bold back then too. :lol:

  6. They don't feel like Star Wars because they aren't. Star Wars was the story of a Civil War and the Rebels eventually coming out on top. Instrumental to this was the re-emergence of the last Jedi.

    The EU makes SW more like Star Trek. Especially the emergence of "alien" threats (uh, why is that scary in a galaxy crawling with all-different aliens). . . They're "episodic" rather than "epic" as the movies were (originally). SW originally had a beginning, a middle, and an end. And the characters were geared around that arc. To add intermindable further episodes to their arcs doesn't really work all that well.

    Of course, the same thing happened to the movies via the prequels. Rather than a civil war with a re-emergent Jedi, the movies retroactively became about the villain (Vader). . . and how he wasn't actually the villain but just a misunderstood guy who had something to do with every other major character in the original movies. Oh, and there's a civil war.

    I'd argue the books, like the prequels, explore characters and go into areas where the original movies do not. And the characters of the originals really don't stand up too well under that sort of "scrutiny" (or "stretching"), and the appealing tone of the originals are lost in the translation.


  7. I realize that at times like this it's normal to want to reach out to the various communities in which people are involved. I'm sure that as a community, our hearts go out to those affected and their families.

    Having said that, with some trepedation, this thread is going to be locked. But I hope you, your loved ones, and those in your circle of friends are all okay.

  8. This Issue Has Been Resolved -- Jan 8, 2008


    No Validation Email Received?

    Email address verification is the cornerstone of making sure people are who they say they are. Indeed, email verification is also done when someone wants to change their email address. Not just at registration.

    Recently we've been having reports that Comcast customers (and some others) haven't been getting their registrating validation emails that verifies your email address. This is most likely because Comcast has put the IP address range for MW's service provider in a "black list." And it's not inconceivable that other providers may have done this as well. It should be pointed out, however, that this is not an indication that there has ever been any wrongdoing on the part of MW or its membership. Rather, this is a common occurence on "the internets" where one bad apple can get an entire subnet blacklisted. It's likely that MW's hosting company has had an aforementioned "bad apple" that enganged in some nefarious activity (spamming, etc.) that resulted in getting the entire hosting company's IP block put on some "bad guy" list. Indeed, some of these lists are maintained publicly and ISP's subsribe to them in order to preemptively block problematic networks. But, often, this results in a lot of "good guys" getting blocked as well.

    If you are one of those users (Comcast, etc.) whose ISP's server doesn't trust the subnet on which MW is hosted, here's a way to safely and securely register and/or change your email address on record:


    1. Try to register normally here. If your registration validation email does not arrive within 30 minutes, do the following. . .

    2. Register at http://forums.macrossnexus.com. Use the same email address with which you registered here at MW. Macross Nexus uses the same version of IPB and will put your email addresss through the same checks. However, it is hosted on a different provider, so blocking of your validation email should not take place.

    3. Once registered there, PM me via Macross Nexus (I'm Hurin over there as well) regarding your "stalled" registration over here on MW. I will then confirm that your email addresses match and manually validate your registration here on MW.

    Changing Email Address

    Roughly the same process will work for changing your email address over here on MW. If you fail to get your email address change verification email, register over on Macross Nexus. I will verify that your email address over there matches the address stuck in the verification queue over here on MW. So security should be maintained.


    Macross World, its ownership, and its staff takes no responsibility for any damange (monetary or otherwise) that might result from your MW or MN "online identity" being stolen via some unforeseen "hole" in this process. Please always be careful when engaging in any monetary transactions while online.

    Please Note. . .

    Obviously, this is not an ideal situation and is only an interrim solution. Hopefully, Comcast will eventually start trusting MW's provider's network again. Also, keep in mind that this work-around requires some manual labor on my part and the validation process is therefore no longer an automated process. So please have some patience as I don't expect to be doing validations several times per day. But rather, will probably check and clear them only once per day (or possibly) twice. Having said that, I doubt this will come up too terribly often.



  9. This triggered a memory from another forum, and googling around it seems it's the same problem they had back when:---Comcast is blocking MW's IP. We're on their blacklist.

    Though, to be precise, it's probably the case that MW's service provider's entire subnet is on Comcast's blacklist. They're not picking on MW specifically.

  10. Hmmmn. Comcast isn't on the ban list (only 3 specific emails from there), and your IP isn't anywhere near any of the ones on the ban list.

    "Redfinger" is still in validation limbo awaiting confimation of the comcast email address, but I can no longer manually validate it--that could likely solve your problem, but most mods (including me) have been unable to access the validation controls since the server upgrade.

    I've confirmed DH's findings. Comcast is not in the ban list. So, I'd guess that the problem is one of these. . .

    1. The MW server/provider's IP subnet has been banned by comcast's mail service because of possible abuse by other (not MW!) users/customers on that net.


    2. Comcast provides spam filtering for its customers and for some reason the filter hates (a)MW or (b)IPB activation emails in general. In which case, whitelisting macrossworld.com in your spam filter's settings is the best solution (if possibe).


    3. Much less plausible is this scenario: The attack on the server (over a year ago) was indeed perpetrated by a Comcast customer (though the IP might have been spoofed). It's possible that perhaps a filter was put in place at a lower level of the server to block the same subnet upon which Comcast runs its mail server. This is probably very unlikely, but perhaps worth mentioning. :unsure: But either way, only Shawn would know about and/or be able to correct it. But it's so unlikely I'd hesitate to even mention it to him.

    I'll see if I can replicate the problem with my brother's email address. He's on comcast.

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