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Posts posted by Hurin

  1. Howdy,

    First of all. . . these new boards rock. They rock so much that it seems a shame that we have to taint their coolness by allowing the old boards to exist at all. :)

    That being said, however. . .

    Any link on the old boards that points to any other post on the old boards is now broken. They are absolute links. . . so they didn't survive the change in the old board's URL.

    Because the new boards are located at root/mwf/, can't the archive/old boards be moved back to their original location? (root/cgi-bin/)

    I mentioned this before any of the moving was done. But I'm sure you guys are overwhelmed by feedback and problems. :)

    I wonder if perhaps a "virtual directory"-type pointer might also be used to fix the problem.

    Or, hell, just tear down the old stuff. I used to think they'd be cool to have. . . but now I'm not so sure. The old stuff sorta detracts from the coolness of the new. IMHO. :blink:


  2. Yeah, I gotta agree here. We had such a thread on the older forums. . . and nobody is forcing anyone to read a thread! Just because some people don't have broadband or have a bad route to these servers shouldn't mean that threads like the "show your collection" thread should be arbitrarily deleted/locked. Seems pretty, well, selfish to say "If I can't see these. . . nobody will!"

    Best Regards,

  3. I've heard a few times here (old boards), that the voice actor for Hikaru has passed away. That's a shame. . . and obviously not just for reasons related to Macross.

    But, if it's not too ghoulish, I was wondering if there is any further information on how he died. Natural causes? Heart attack?


  4. Well, while I think panel lines would look cool. . . at least my existing valks won't seem to plain now next to the newer ones. Then again, they're already re-releasing the Hikaru 1A (with 1S head of course). So, were that to have panel lines, then they'd only need to figure out a reason to re-release the Roy and Max. . . and like the sap I am, I'd buy them if they had panel lines and all the improvements of the Low-vis and Max. :)


  5. I wonder if there is a setting to keep one large image from screwing up the text wrapping for every post in the thread. Though, I have to say, that the large image causing the problem above is actually appreciated. It's now my new desktop. :)

  6. crap. Nevermind. I didn't read closely enough. The link is above!

    Is there an archive of these anywhere? I would love to get my hands on these for decaling my 1/48s!

    I don't want to take the 1/48s' sticker sheets out of their bags. . . and I'm using the (superb) TakaToys custom stickers. So these would really help!



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