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Everything posted by kdamon

  1. Yeah I spent almost all the materials I'd been saving on a couple of upgrades. Wasted on on VF-25A when I should have just bought the VF-25S (non-Ozma) from the guild. Found the super pack and tornado pack, the race to win them is kind of a pain though.
  2. So I finally upgraded to rank 3. In the glacier area you can buy VF plans with I, II, and III after the name of the fighter. I bought VF29(japanese text) II and III then went back to the ship. In the upgrade menu I selected the VF-29 and hit the triangle button. Aisha does a special attack of some kind then all of a sudden the VF is ready to upgrade. you get your upgrade limit upgraded each time you do this. With the III upgrade the limit goes to 9999999 (not sure of the number of nines). maybe people knew this but I thought I'd write it just in case.
  3. Thanks Chronocidal. I got the 25A but missed the 25s somehow.
  4. Ah ok thanks! I skipped all the side quest and blew through the game. On this go through I'll do all of those quests. I hope there's a new game+. I didn't see the option after I finished the game but then again I can't read anything in this game Man thanks! I've been wondering how to do that!
  5. I have it, it's pretty beastly. The super move (whatever it's real name is) does a lot of damage and takes forever to finish unloading. I like it but I still would rather have the VF-25F/s, I can't find either. Also does anyone know how to enter the races?
  6. kdamon

    Macross 30

    My copy is out for delivery already FYI I ordered the regular edition from CD Japan, FEdEx international priority.
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