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Posts posted by Kaldar5

  1. anyone know what this is? where can i get it? whoops no matter sorry for asking.. is it late to order this? where can i buy this?

    Ack bad timing! Just like a week or two late on this.

    I checked a few stores, no luck.

    I thin your best bet is probably to see if any stores have some preorder cancellations once the first lot actually arrives.

    Can anyone else help out with ideas?

  2. How could we forget Clarence Boddicker from RoboCop?

    "See, I got this problem. Cops don't like me. So I don't like cops."

    "Ooh...guns, guns, GUNS! Tigers are playing...tonight! I never miss a game."

    ^ This. Clarence still has some of the best quotes ever.

    And you can't be a proper bad guy without mercilessly killing your own henchmen like he does.

  3. Yeah I'm not a huge fan of the recent Macross extreme Chibi scale of the head being about the same size as the body shoulder to toe.

    Most chibis do not have such a HUGE head to body proportion, they at least have the body slightly bigger or "chubby" so the head does not look that freakishly huge.

    But riding a thermonuclear fusion reaction missile, that's a win both for badass and classic cinema references.

  4. No release company is a big red flag, especially when they claim that there is an English dub included.
    Might be an illegitimate rip of the well done AnimEigo dub - and that would be the best case scenario as far as listening to it.

    If there was no English dub, I would tend to think it was some "Grey Market" Hong kong (or somewhere else in Asia) copy. Technically legal there, but commonly sold outside with varying legal basis.
    But no company name on the box + Dub = Worry.

  5. I suppose that the reason the Mark Twain VII has a number on its name is

    to indicate what fleet it belongs to when visiting another fleet.

    Could be a series of entertainment ships too, or the seventh ship to have the name Mark Twain, ect ect. The obsessive excessive use of 7 in Macross 7.... you never know.

    I do think that Kaldar5's idea of just burning them or throwing them

    into space seems more efficient. The only most efficient course of

    action would be to process them into cookies to feed the poor :/

    Regarding Frontier no longer needing the emigrant vessels, I do seem to

    recall that one of the islands seemed to be a farm of sorts, which would

    indeed indicate that at least some functions of the other ships now

    take place on the additional islands.

    Muhahaha! Just making the point that an entire original design of a ship just for that seems odd for a colony with limited resources.

    Frontier having a standardized design, and likely Island 1 pooping them out from a factory over the years to meet the needs of a growing population seems well thought out.

    Not ragging on Mac 7, it would make sense that they came up with a better system later in 2059 while the earlier Mac 7 relys on out of fleet production facilities to produce "rag-tag" mismatched support ships.

    Regarding Frontier no longer needing the emigrant vessels, I do seem to

    recall that one of the islands seemed to be a farm of sorts, which would

    indeed indicate that at least some functions of the other ships now

    take place on the additional islands.

    Right, Island 3 had the Formo mall and an agricultural area. (gotta wonder if it's a tribute to Exsedol Folmo, or if he designed it himself so he could do some deculcha shopping)

    I could be wrong, but we never seem to see a much of a vegetable area, only livestock. The Chinese chef talks about valuable real pork, and we see Cow/Hippos that are at the very least used for dairy products they are seen on the labels of later.

    Maybe the bio-plant liquid is good at "generating" vegetables, but people can still tell the difference between real and fake meat and milk?

    This is something I wish they would go into. You have tubes that can make a person around 10 times bigger, using a bio liquid.

    What happens when you put food inside? And could this tech be used to generate food out of nothing but the liquid with other specialized fabrication machinery?

    Seems like it. Also would make sense for the Island with the most Zentran sized people and facilities for them to freely resize to also deal with this, both caring for large animals and vegetable "creation".... But I'm getting a bit far with the conjecture now.

    They do reference the SMS solider Gilliam being "recycled" (they put it in a much nicer poetic way at his funeral) when his body is put into the bio tanks.

  6. I'm keeping up with "Kotoura-san". I'm liking it so far, episode 6 just aired. I recommend subs from [HorribleSubs]

    Tags: Non-harem relationship show, comedy, tragedy

    Basic idea: girl is an uncontrolled mind reader from birth. This sucks majorly when no one can keep a secret from you, and everyone continually unconsciously voices their opinion of you, and you can never shut it out.

    Show does an incredibly good job of balancing tragedy and comedy - and somehow manages to be great at both.

    Megumi Nakajima does the OP.

    Don't let the super catchy OP fool ya, show is dark at times.

  7. The PC were not supermen to be sure, but if you study the Vajra long enough to pattern your fighters after them and advance your bio-weaponry research to create and emulated weapon system like the EVIL series, then is it so far fetched to expect that they would also learn of fold quartz and its properties???

    Nope, not far fetched.

    But also not far fetched that they didn't figure that out while busy fighting wars and creating bio weapons. Too busy to deal with little stones that seemed to do nothing unless someone had it in very close proximity while experiencing high emotion.

    Theoretical research without immediate application usually takes a backseat to weapons research when society becomes war crazed.

    Another way to look at it:

    Remove the Macross 7 Sailor moon-esque colorful super demons from the continuity and this argument. It's perfectly then that Vajira research didn't actually get that far.

  8. I could be mistaken, but I think the original poster was referring to display cases for individual toys, not for collections.

    Nah, it's all good. I noticed many threads have mention of a case someone uses, but it's hidden deep within threads for some specific product. Was trying to look for one someone mentioned in another thread, but never could find it again when I needed it.

    Go share and describe what you all use if you like, but try and include links or descriptions on where your case, shelf, or cabinet can be found.

  9. A lot of guys are using the Ikea display cases. I am using one my mom left me. My wife isn't really into display cases for "china" so I use it for models

    Great idea.

    This one is $65, not bad at all!

    Width: 43 cm

    Depth: 37 cm

    Height: 163 cm


  10. If anything, creepy otaku guys would be after more Ranka figures, not Sheryl.

    true that, Sheryl is for true men

    I'll let my creepy otaku Ranka Lee cosplaying wife who bought me 3 Ranka figures for Christmas know she married a creepy otaku.

    I wonder what decade it will be before we can finally have a Macross series love triangle without the hate fest of Misa vs Minmay, Sheryl vs Ranka, ect, ect, ect.

    Just enjoy the show people. You don't have to pick out characters to hate just so you show that you like others.

    But I guess that's how Macross will always be.

    Guess I gotta get with the program.... sigh....

    Enjoy your cheap trashy pornstar Sheryl. :lol:

    Ok, bring the hate! :touche:

  11. Frontier is the only series that actually lives up to, and is in a similar class with, the original series and DYRL.

    It does great with references to all the other series, but never actually doing things in the way you are expecting or are lead up to. Chock full of subverted or reversed tropes.

    People here all have their opinions and favorite/hated characters, but the popularity, talent, album sales, toy sales, production quality, and successful extra movies of Frontier speaks for itself.

    (sorry Ranka fans, but she went from "cute" to "stupid" over the course of the series)

    Gonna disagree with this, but this particular post from an OP who is a new Macross viewer isn't the place to discuss it, both due to spoilers and possibly skewing perceptions of shows new people haven't seen yet.

  12. I'm kind of in the same boat about not knowing what to watch next. My introduction into the world of Macross was via Robotech way back in the mid-80s and never thought about it ever again until several weeks ago. Since then, I've watched the original/true SDF Macross and DYRL. I started Macross Plus, but for some reason I just can't get into it. Maybe I'll have better luck with Macross Zero.

    Welcome back to fandom! There is alot of great material for you to catch up on!

    Also sent you a message.

    IMHO, if you *have to* cut stuff out, Watch Zero, because it's required for maximum Frontier enjoyment, then watch Frontier.

    But, that's my opinion.

    For everyone out there:

    There are a few Macross SDF TV episodes that had scripts written, but never animated. [Galaxy Network] has translated them from the original Japanese. Great if you are a fan of Minmay, or have a skewed view of her due to rushed character development.

    "SDF Macross My Fair Minmay [Galaxy Network]v2.pdf"

  13. Spoilers, highlight to reveal:

    ||| The Islanders were direct descendants of the Protoculture, and still had their blood. The "Birdman" was to be the final judge placed by the Protoculture to see if the planet was worthy of being allowed to live, or should be destroyed for the sake of intergalactic peace.

    Although Sara and Mao seemed to have precognitive abilities, they never knew anything before a simple radar would have detected it. The "Birdman" just sent them a warning whenever hostiles were detected to those with the proper DNA/Blood to receive the mental warning.
    Same when Sara was "piloting" the "Birdman", it evaluated hostiles, and projected a combat HUD directly into her mind to the best of her limited understanding. Hostiles were nasty looking bad. She points em out, it kills 'em. |||

    Arthur C Clarke: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. "

    Living in peace was the original reason in DYRL as to why the Earth was seeded.

    Yeah, they should make more Zero stuff. I wouldn't mind one of those early gun emplacement destroids.

  14. Sent a private message.

    Tatsunoko and Harmony gold puts those of us living outside of Japan in a difficult position by actually preventing non-Japanese speakers from seeing these wonderful series in a responsible manner.

    Do whatever you can to support the Japanese Macross franchise and Big West & Shoji Kawamori.
    But honestly, prevention of enjoying art and preventing viewers that want to own and watch it is a crime unto itself.

  15. These are some old pics.. but gotta get the thread moving...

    Not much love for the Frontier V1 valks since the V2 are out but hey if they had only kept the v1 I would have been complete with all armaments for each valk that was out there. Maybe in the future I'll hunt the v2's but for now they are basically the same to me.


    Do I see a Ranka Lee Megahouse limited edition action figure?


    Nice display!

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