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Posts posted by Kaldar5

  1. Just got these in today...waiting on the VF-25 and VF-171 that arrive in a week or so.

    What scale, name, and manufacturer are the destroids? Are they still available?

    I'm not pro enough to ID them from the obscured box yet.... but I am sure some here are, heh.

  2. Yeah, I watched Frontier, and yeah I noticed the cross dressing... I was mildly disappointed with the whole show but the characters were better. I mean Alto was not a pussy at all. Any guy can wear a dress as a costume and get laughs out of it (or use it as a disguise) but that doesn't mean you need to be an annoying broker of weakness and helplessness. Thats the difference between Frontier and M7.

    Someone with a pacifist philosophy is automatically a broker of weakness and helplessness?

    And the whole homophobic thing is getting old.

    You don't like Basara? Fine.

    You hate Basara? Fine.

    Did he hit on dudes? No? Then he's not gay.

    If Basara was gay, I don't care. Mac 7 still isn't a good show other than the Mikimoto stills IMHO.

    Pacifism + Male =/= Gay.

    Character sucks or is annoying =/= Gay.

    Likes dudes + Male = Gay.

    No, flaming guy from NYC gay pride parade does not look like Basara.

    But the trolling attempt is noted.

    1. M7 will never cease to offend us

    Yep, the production quality and pacing offends me.

    2. You have to give it to me... The guy does look like and act like Basara.

    No, I don't. He does not look like that, And it's a picture, I don't know how he acts.

  3. I recommend the Galaxy Network version, myself.

    I recommend almost everything of Galaxy Networks! They absolutely rock... but not their DYRL. The video wavers on their capture for that one.

    But yeah if you are just ripping the subs, Galaxy Network. Just please do give credit if you are going to make it available to other people.

    Personally I go with "[b-G_&_BakaWolf]_Macross_-_Do_You_Remember_Love.DVD(XviD_MP3)_[F629285F].avi" for DYRL when I want to have friends watch it with subs; subs are good, the white lettering on light brown works great against the overall slightly dark background tones of DYRL, tasteful and conservative use of alternate fonts for singing and Zentran, they put Zentran subs at the very top of the screen so they don't conflict with or sit above the original Japanese subs at the bottom, and the video is rock steady.

  4. Seriously, no one mentioned Plus? The most "concentrated awesome" bit of the whole saga?

    Anyways---after you watch DYRL, watch Plus. Preferably the OVA and movie versions, but if you can only watch one, watch the movie version. (way better ending). THEN watch Zero and Frontier.

    No matter what anyone reccomends, somebody will be offended :)

    That's why I had the qualifier of "...and wanted to get current with Frontier as a priority:"

    Yes, Plus is good stuff also.

    We all know that the only proper thing to do is watch all media forms of Macross that are true to the creator's intent.

  5. And if you are catching up on the original series.... This inclues some people that think they have seen it all....

    Look up the mini book script of the episodes they never filmed. Worth the short read, and gives you new insight into Minmay, and motivations behind some of the relationship dynamics.

    SDF Macross My Fair Minmay [Galaxy Network]v2.pdf

  6. SDF = Super Dimensional (ie, Hyperspace/Foldspace) Fortress

    I recently recommended this order for someone that was only familiar with "Robotech", and wanted to get current with Frontier as a priority:

    Macross DYRL movie (I prefer the [b-G_&_BakaWolf] sub, but many are good)

    Macross Zero 1-5 ([Central Anime] sub)

    Macross Frontier 1-25 ([Central Anime] sub)

    Macross Frontier Movie - Itsuwari no Utahime ([Central Anime])

    Macross Frontier Movie - Sayonara no Tsubasa ([Central Anime])

    Macross Frontier references Macross Zero a noticeable amount, so I think it's a near must watch before Frontier.

    Central Anime seems to do the best job with technical terms and accurate translations, although it's sometimes stilted. Beats totally inaccurate.

    And a note to everyone else. If somebody comes around saying the usual "Is that Rick/Lisa?".... HELP THEM. Give them ways to watch the shows, let them know what to start with. Do not make fun of them. Many do not even know of the wonderful more recent series, and are super thankful when someone points them in the right direction.

    Make converts, not enemies.

  7. Speaking of... that translated character relationship chart that was posted on the front page is awesome, would it be possible to locate those kind of resources in an index of some sort, so we don't have to parse dozens of pages of forum threads to find them?


    We have the opportunity to be a great resource for people that haven't yet joined the Macross World community but are looking for help with this game.

    Lets get people together, and consolidate some info. And when people do some searching for help, they end up here.

    My PS3 is ready

    Gah! Mine is not.

    I have to repair my bluray laser seems everything works, but it won't read Blurays.

    I've ordered my PS3 tornado super pack er, I mean bluray laser read head to replace it, but haven't installed it yet.

    As far as the chat in the game, at least it's fully vocalized. I have a much better time understanding spoken Japanese than I do reading it.

  8. Heh, I wouldn't say you are being stupid.... at least not for not being able to read Japanese. :p

    Hear that, Ishtar? TRY HARDER NEXT TIME!! :D

    Yeah, all Ishtar did was cancel out Wendy Ryder's singing..... Really, that doesn't take much. I think even the humans listening were thankful for it XD

    She would have had a much greater effect by just broadcasting video of the outfit she was wearing. THAT would win a battle.


    But props to Ishtar for going out and spreading culture to her race of people that don't exist because they aren't cannon anymore.... doh.

    I shouldn't be so hard on Mac II, I still absolutely love the Mikimoto char designs.

  9. As for Ishtar... Yeah, it's a shame that she's getting ignored, but par for the course by this point.

    EDIT -- Hang on, Misa did sing at least two songs, making her more worthy than Mao. Even Miria and the bridge bunnies have their own songs. Argh

    Mao did sing and summon the power of her people to produce a physical effect at the end of Zero. That, and she's got raw protoculture blood.

    Can't just sing to be a Macross true Idol, gotta accomplish something big with it.

  10. Eh, but I don't think, in that case, it was just, "Ranka is so moe/sexy everybody would like her!" Along with the clones, it just seemed like a way to do a reference to the original series without much of what made that stuff work before. It's justifiable by the tiniest hair through the use of canon, but it doesn't make it any less lazy from a storytelling standpoint.

    Don't get me wrong, I love the Zentradi fanboyism of SDFM, but it doesn't work in "Fastest Delivery".

    As to the backstory of the Macross universe, I think we get enough to get by. The stories are about the present and the future, rather than the past that got them there. The Protoculture, in particular, seems more intriguing if they are left mysterious.

    Absolutely true, but the anger of the 33rd Zentran marine battalion common soldier was specifically "No entertainment and long station duty". Kamjin #___ just used that to get a mob working for him.

    They weren't yakk decultured, enchanted, or hit with song energy beams. They just got some entertainment so they weren't pissed off to the point of rioting because they thought the UN government didn't give a crap. The riot wouldn't have even happened if Sheryl actually did her concert.

    But yeah, dancing Quedlaans, nosebleeds, and hearts in eyes was a bit much ^_^

  11. ... how they fear to grow older as their bodies will start growing odd hand like extremities, like Exsedol has, and maybe they then become greener as the older they get hahah

    I always thought that Exsedol's teeny tentacle hands were a bio implant (replacement or traded hands for them?), like his cranial enhancements in DYRL, so he could do detail work. Might need hands that small to fix things since he can't micronize in DYRL/Mac7 (evidently due to age/implants)

    Since only Zentran ships have the green regenerating bio armor, and only Zentran are at times green; and nobody else ever bothered to adopt the technology....

    I wondered if it was a side effect of long term exposure to the living ship hull. An "undesirable side effect" as particles of the hull become airborne over the years and infest/discolor skin.

    Most of the ground troops (random dudes, Kamjin) don't have green skin. Perhaps they get out enough to avoid the effects and/or haven't been exposed as long as Britai & Exsedol?

  12. 'Cause I'm sure that Kamjin will be thrilled with the idea of human/Zentraedi hybrids. :D

    So thrilled he kidnaps Mylene, and takes Mao Nome for good measure.

    I guess only thing he would hate more than a Micron/Zentran half breed would be a Micron with ancient protoculture blood.

  13. Macross 30 just has to end with a memory wipe and everyone is sent back, or a paradox that prevents the entire thing from happening after it's resolved.

    Beats having a character wake up and say "it was all a dream" at least.

  14. Eh, it's sad because the writers fall back on a Zentradi trope that should no longer apply to them--these guys were integrated enough to wear the insignia of humans, yet they act like low-rent versions of male Zentradi from the original series. It doesn't make much in-story sense, and adding clones of the older characters makes it even more repetitive.

    The Folmo mall is adorable, though. :3

    I'm integrated into society, I'm even full blood human, but if Ranka flew down on a plane and started a concert, I would likely have a nose bleed, freak out, or faint. True story.

    We really can't help that pure Zendradi are clones. Even humans participated in cloning after Space war I to help restore the population as canon.

  15. Ok...so what do I need to do to get this game? Wait till Feb 28 and order from a vendor in Japan? This game is going to be like heaven, can't wait!

    Ack you are coming to this LATE. You wait till the 28, that might be pushing your luck.

    I ordered mine from CD Japan, they only have 16 copies left of the regular edition.

  16. One of the things that I loved about Macross Frontier was the fact that they had giant Zentradi living peacefully among humans in the Frontier fleet. I was actually quite thrilled to see giant, Zentradi children in the scenes if Folmo Mall. Those scenes made it clear that the Zentradi were entirely capable of living peaceful existences.

    Folmo mall was a great concept. I would bet that people would make trips to the Frontier colony just to see that, Zentran or not.

    What always amused me about Mikhail challenging Ranka to sing there.....

    It's like he challenged her to sell huge beltbuckles... then realized they were in Texas. DOH!

    Can you friggin imagine the amount of music and musical instrument stores in a Zendradi MALL? The people that owe thier current state of culture and enjoyable lifestyle to just music? It would damn near be religious for them.

    I normally would call total BS on people joining in with insturments right away when Ranka started singing "What 'bout my star?"... but at Formo? I buy it. They totally would.


    One thing I have wondered... Why don't (more?) full humans change to Zentran size? I know Max did in DYRL to fit in a Quedlann, but is it canon that pure humans can in TV/other series? I would think so.

    (Mikhail what are you thinking??? Get in dat tube then!)

    Or do they just avoid doing it because they could be clumsy and hurt someone? Maybe need a licence to go Zentran size?

    I bet cultured Zentrans have to be strict with thier toddlers so they don't pop off Micron heads.

  17. ooooh boy looks like Sheryl could be engaging in conversation with her great aunt? :unsure:

    I was under the impression that Mao Nome was her grandmother.

    Where did the great aunt thing start? Bad subtitle?

    Always uncomfortable when you meet your Grandmother that is younger than you are.


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