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Everything posted by dodgethis

  1. Did more panel lining while on duty last night. AMRAAM IIs FAST Packs Micro-missile pods Some of the wash got into the seam lines. MRM thingy missile pods Gunpod QF-2200B Ghost Booster Next step: The panel lines of the 0A's fighter mode. I may not do the panel lines or wash for the gerwalk and battroid modes due to my intention of displaying the 0A in the Cobra stance.
  2. There're intakes on the underside of the Ghost.
  3. ShadowV2: You're too kind, dear Sir. Dante74: Yeah, it's already there from the factory.
  4. Finished panel lining my Ghost with Tamiya enamel flat black. Some stains are still visible. Removing wth compound later. Damn, those panel lines are bloody thick. Next target, canopy mold line removal and drill out the air brake.
  5. Somehow, the grey colour scheme seems to suit the lines of the VF-0 better than Roy's. *contemplates removing canopy seam line*
  6. In the Rogue Squadron comics, Wedge Antilles' kills are seperated by type. TIE Fighters TIE Interceptors TIE Bombers And his crowning glory, two Death Stars.
  7. It should not harm the plastic. You will want to lightly mist coat several layers of it, instead of one uber thick coat.
  8. If you fill up the gaps with putty, won't the gaps showing where the bay doors be filled up as well?
  9. I haven't opened up the plastic bag holding the sprues of my VF-0S but in the instruction sheet there are diagrams showing two holes. It will be quite a long time before i do the VF-0S. Still have quite a big backlog of Gundams and aircraft.
  10. I was thinking of putting my spare AMM-1s from my weapon set on the VF-0S. What do you guys think?
  11. Should i remove the bumps to make the pylon fit better?
  12. Forgot to mention that my wings will be permently in the foward swept position.
  13. I was dry fitting the weapon pylons for my micro missile pods last night and it occured to me. Do i align the plyons to fueslage or to the bumps on the underside of the wing?
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