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Beware of Blast

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Posts posted by Beware of Blast

  1. Ok. I found a way to lock the torso. It's a little half-arsed and I see it getting looser over time, but it's there.

    Basically the locking mechanism is at the very top of the torso. There are two tiny nub-lets on the intakes. these friction-lock the very top of the fuselage where it splits to form the cowl.

    Edit:- premature ejaculation

  2. yea, I know but it has the foldildo.

    I'd rather have the clear stand instead. ^_^

    Actually the foldildo comes with the YF19 on its second release. I get the impression that the Yamato marketing team are a bunch of scatter-brained people who are very unsure about what they want to bundle with their main products all the time... remember - this is the '21's first release... by right, we should have gotten that clear stand for the '19's first release as well. Same goes for the VF0's FPs - bundled together and sold as a set, but not given the same treatment with the 1/60 YF19. Same goes for the side parts that comes with GBP set... they should be included in the FASTPACK set as well if not bundled together with an alacarte 1/48 VF already.

    Of course, not that it's a BIG deal in the scheme of things, it's just happened that they have no such standards and aren't organized at all.

  3. This has to be the most ludicrous comment yet in this thread... :blink:

    Actually it's not. Think of it as Itano paying homage to Hokusai who made The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife. You see, it is really a Macross dedication to the pioneer.

  4. I'm getting itchy now. The suns down and it's only 14 hours till the shops open. GAH! Why can't time go faster?! Oh, man....got the shakes......bugs crawling over my skin. God....i'm thirsty. Play with the 1/72 for a while. Take the edge off. No. No good. Cold shower. Not working. Bugs again. I"M FREAKING OUT, MAN!!!!!

    Are you sure that's all you do to take the edge off? If the sun's rises red tomorrow, I'll know you lied cuz that means innocent bazillions of microscopic souls were actually sacrificed for this work of evil. :lol:

  5. Bob

    That will be quite enough of that!

    Such dangeroud diatribe is wholly unacceptable.


    Pretty much since the '51' series everything has been aces from Yamato. I'm sorry you can't

    seem to handle this simple change of events. Now go throw your little tantrum elsewhere and leave

    the grown-ups in peace.


    Diatribe? Yes. Dangerous? It depends on how you take it. Since that post wasn't addressed to you personally, then you're reading someone else's mail.

    Now here's something for you to chew on... Pretty much EVERYTHING since the 1st 1/72 YF19 that are broken through the use of lousy materials has not been resolved to the benefit of their customers.

  6. Maybe we can start guessing potential QC problems with this release:

    1.) Gunpods fall off easily in fighter mode especially on FPs.

    2.) Landing Gears don't extend fully

    3.) Isolated reports of some yellow antennae breaking out of the box

    4.) Red clear plastic not included in the heads

    5.) Wrong assembly of elbow hinge causing it not able to bend fully.

    6.) Tight holes for the FP to attach to the bay underside. Needs shaving off access for a easier fit.

    7.) Cockpit canopy breaks easily when opening it. (btw is it confirmed it opens straight up as per prototype pics and not like the old 1/72?)

    Can't think of any more. :lol:

    Who am i kidding...i'm getting one 1st release regardless.

    There you go Yamato - this is the kind of confidence you inspire in one of you most diehard customer; even before your product release. Now go find a QC guy or factory employee to murder or something.

  7. It's the quest for perfection. The thrill of the hunt along with a host of other nobility sh!t that commoners will never understand. Money is certainly no object. :lol:
    Not implying that izzyfcuk is showing off though... I'm not rich but I can understand how he thinks... hopefully.

  8. This pic here looks great, i'm happy enough with Battroid mode. I had been waiting for a side on pic...



    Can't see much with that only pic of the battroid side. I hope his nose cone & head hood can lock securely. Because on my 1/72 YF21, I swear everytime I try to pick him up, it can't decide if it wants to stay a battroid or change into a jet & flyaway! And when I put him down to relax, he simply collapses and pass out everytime.

  9. Don't forget, the hands were pretty huge in the cartoon... maybe Yamato was just trying to capture that feeling. Besides, Yamato probably took so much heat over their tiny 1/48 hands they took the "You want big hands... you got 'em!" approach on this one.

    The hands don't really bother me. At least the VFs now can reach out to their nosecones and get a grip. I'm happy for them.

  10. I hope you're right QuinJester. IIRC, Bandai usually show their prototype to the public at the very last stages. From then on, we'll get pictures of the product in color then the official release after that. This is how they do it for the SOCs everytime.

  11. given that the nacelles have a completely different mounting system compared to the 1/48 FAST packs I'd say they've taken steps to address some of the QQing.

    QQing? There weren't any QQing on breakages, just QQing on the tightness of the connectors. That's about the only thing I liked in what Yamato did for the fastpacks - metal parts on areas that matter. What's there to QQ about metal parts?

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