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bsu legato

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Posts posted by bsu legato

  1. Kinda small I think, I wish it was bigger, maybe around 500m-800m would do.

    And this makes the show better...how? Jesus, stats and the like are fine and dandy, if you're still at the ager where role-playing is a fun way to spend friday night, but otherwise focusing on minutia like this is unhealthy. 20 more episodes of this kind of discussion and we're going to make Trekkies look good in comparison.

  2. The pacing in Frontier shows a welcome maturity, which has been missing from its mecha contemporaries for some time (I'm looking at you, Gundam). The show could have easily jumped into some huge fracas after the last episode, but instead we're treated to a well done buildup to the launch sequence. Sub-par animation be damned, this is one damn fine show, and I'd rather watch the remainder of Frontier in pencil tests that suffer through another episode of Gundam 00. Seriously, the show has gone 5 for 8 in terms of good animation, so its hardly time to panic just yet. Hell, even the otherwise gorgeous Stand Alone Complex had a clunker or two.

  3. FYI: some leaked GI Joe cast photos of: Hawk, Duke, Covergirl, RipCord, Scarlett, Storm Shadow, Baroness, & Snake Eyes.


    Wow, those look exactly like the pictures I linked to a page or so back.

    Edit: And those Snake Eyes pictures, while initially looking good, get worse each time I see them. WTF is with the moulded-in mouth on his mask, and the baggy combat pants look asinine with the skintight upper. He looks like a cosplayer who only had enough money for half a costume.

  4. I don't think so. Seemed like he had no intention of being in the desert (maybe that one guy could speak French? :lol: ), and he seemed suprised to see that broadcast. No doubt he's happy to have a very skilled man joining him though

    Yeah, the more I think about it, it seems like him just capitalizing on a convenient situation. Hell, Widmore might have had nothing to do with her death either.

  5. This episode kicked me in the balls so hard I can taste pubes. It's almost dizzying how fast events are happening this season, but last night's show was pure adrenaline. Some points I especially liked:

    - Ben controlling (or "summoning" ) Smokey

    - Ben going all Jason Bourne on those two camel jockeys.

    - Ben's secret room, with the secret cave inside

    - Ben showing what is arguably genuine emotion for Alex. No manipulation there.

    Now, some speculation.

    - Ben secretly responsible for Nadia's death, as a way of "recruiting" Sayid?

    - Hurley, a known survivor, splits up with Sawyer, Claire & baby. Perhaps only Aaron survives?

    - Jack's sudden appendicitis? Could this be a clue to his eventual guilt, ie Jack is incapacitated and thereby powerless to influence the "finale"

    - Just how many red-shirts from Team Locke are left? Any?

  6. Passable. LOL. :wacko:

    C'mon now...Munich could have benifited from some more car chases, a'la Bad Boys II. And War of the Worlds could really have used a plucky, comic-relief sidekick. And wtf was with the color timing in Schindlers List? Way to screw the pooch there, Steve-O.

  7. As GogDog mentioned, the article specifically says "live action."

    Don't you go dragging your fact-based agenda into this. We were just getting ready to complain at length about the motion-captured CGI 3D movie with the non-Yokko Kano score and Tom Hanks voicing all the lead characters. Now what the hell are we supposed to do with the evening?

  8. Dreamworks acquiring GITS is probably a step in the right direction, but I'm not really going to get worked up one way or the other until there's some more names actually attached to this. Is Spielberg himself going to direct this, or is it just being made under his production banner? Are they adapting the bleak, boring Oshii version of GITS, or will it be more along the lines of Shirow's original works (or, god forbid, Man Machine Interface)?

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