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bsu legato

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Posts posted by bsu legato

  1. Yeah that's all well and good, except for the immutable fact that:

    In the anime they completely disappear during the transformation

    Maybe Artmic had something else in mind when they designed the Ride Armor, but the show is pretty clear on this. Hell, even the transformation line art shows the forearm armor just sort of....appearing on the riders arms, by sheer force of will.

    And people who are worried about losing parts for their toys need to pick their stuff up off the carpet before mommy vacuums. You've been told I don't know how many times about this, don't make me say it again.

  2. http://www.cinemablend.com/new.php?id=7990

    Yesterday here we were the first place anywhere to bring you the exciting news that a sequel to the 1984 sci-fi classic The Last Starfighter is in the works from George Paige and Associates, Relativity Media, and Universal Pictures. Now we have a few more details on classic’s return to the silver screen.

    First, it’s all but confirmed that this thing is really happening. In addition to the information our scooper gave us last night, George Paige and Associates now has the movie listed as one of their credits on their official site, along with a few other interesting projects, like a Jerry Stiller Janeane Garafalo team-up called The Independent. They also list Relativity, Universal, and Warner Brothers as being involved in the project. One of the reasons so many studios are involved may have something to do with rights issues. The original movie was owned by Lorimar, which has since cease to exist. When Lorimar died, the rights to its projects were sold to a variety of different companies, leaving a lot of different people holding the bag.

    Having so many different companies involved may not be a bad thing though, especially in light of a report which popped up online from Variety tonight which says that Relativity and Universal have just signed a big four-year deal to co-finance four billion dollars worth of new films together. Could one of those movies be The Last Starfighter? The timing of their deal makes it a tantalizing notion.

    The one cause for concern here is George Paige and Associates, which doesn’t exactly have a track record of big-budget, quality films. But with this deal between Relativity Media and Universal, maybe The Last Starfighter will get the kind of decent, big-budget release it deserves. In fact we’ve already heard from some sources that this will in fact be a theatrical release, one with a mid-range budget at least. This won’t be a film thrown on the theatrical scrapheap.

    So for now a lot of this is still rumor, but it does seem pretty certain that in whatever form it finally takes, a sequel to The Last Starfighter actually will happen, and I for one am starting to feel a little better about the way this particular burgeoning franchise may be treated.

    Ok, so...is there really a demand for this? Are there legions of fans on laststarfighterfan.org (or dare I suggest...Starfighter World?) clamouring for a sequel? I mean...it was an amusing enough film in its day, but one that's certainly aged poorly in ways that don't only include its special effects.

  3. They were at Toyfair, in english packaging so it's certainly not a rumour.



    What is interesting and new news is Toynami is in negotiations with Beagle to produce the toy together. Beagle would release it in Japan with Toynami releasing it in the States. Both companies are deciding as I write this whether to use Beagle’s design or Toynami’s. George tells us they are very comparable to each other in form and function.

    So let me ask you, Macross World; Deal, or No Deal?

  4. I can't wait for the obligatory HG/Toynami fanboy to call this kind of adverse reaction to the Toynami news as biased and unsubstantiated... you know... because we never held any toynami products and theirs is the holy grail that never fell apart. <_<

    Not only do they delay their own crap, they gotta delay other company's stuff too. Gee thanks for supporting our interests... they're the best thing that ever happened to the Macross/SC/Mospeada license. :rolleyes:

    can anyone else feel the cold hate? :lol:

    We should support any and all Toynami/MegaHouse and Toynami/Beagle "Cyclones" because it might mean they'll produce the Beta. :lol:

  5. No need for the hate BSU, that time could be spent posting pictures more pictures of your extensive firearm/thrift store furniture collection.

    Well there is this awesome ratty old couch that I inherited, out in my front porch, that I've just been dying to take pics of. Maybe I'll pose some of my single action revolvers on it, for sort of an "antique" motif.

  6. The Virtual Boy is a damn fine platform

    Damn fine at giving me a headache. I'm not susceptible to motion sickness, and can play FPS's until my hands cramp into tiny little talons of hurt, with no ill effects. But 5 minutes on the Virtual Boy made me feel like a Sykes Fairburn had been shoved into each eye socket.

  7. well, they better just go full board and give it the departed treatment then. Complete rewrite and completely localize it for a western audience. Make it take place in detroit or new york or even LA. Because, if they have two white leads, driving around in neo tokyo surrounded by a bunch of no name asian actors, or more likely, white people that some bigot casting director thinks that they look "exotic" and "oriental"... well... all I'm saying is I'll be expecting a remake or shaka zulu with daniel day lewis in blackface.

    As I implied HERE the version of the story I'd read said just such a thing WAS HAPPENING. At which point, you have to wonder why they'd even use an ethnic name like Akira in the first place? Why not something completely milquetoasty-anglo like "Alan?"

  8. Oh yeah... the old the Early vs Late Return debate.


    Everything we thought we knew about the development of veritech mecha = out the window.

    The Robotech RPG Blogsphere will be on fire tonight. Every Robowiki in eistance will need immediate updating in light of this.*

    *if you completely ignore just how out of place and downright archaic a mecha like the "condor" would be in Robotech in the first place.

  9. It would have been in about 1987 when I got my copy of Robotech Art and learned the shocking truth. I'd built the "macross" model kits beforehand, including one or two from the movie (without understanding why the mecha and uniforms all looked so different) but reading the whole story blew me away. To my 13 year old mind, it must have been a shocking revelation on par with the end of Sixth Sense. :rolleyes:

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