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Posts posted by wolfx

  1. Originally from UK, but have resided in HK for the past 16 years.


    what do you do outside of running of this site?

    i'm from Toronto. Go Leafs.

    You think I have time to do anything else? :p


    well how else do you get to fund your toys?

    He probably sold his soul on ebay or something....

    But really, I'd like to know as well.

  2. To add to Plus there were also Takatoku make some. I think they were the first. Then Macres and Converters borrowed the designs.

    Takatoku See Kenkei Types series.


    HAHAHAH! Who writes these descriptions? They're hilarious!

    SDF-1 : The deadlist of all the Insectors. When bitten by Scorpio his victims are either paralized or dead. He sneaks up when you last expect him

  3. do any one remember this ?

    this is a simple transformation VF-1J ,

    I own this at 1982 and I was a six years old boy

    the transform system fully not follow the original design,

    the head just have upper side half, the backpack can't move ,and

    the tail vertical wing is a rotate part of the inner side of the leg.

    very funny~

    I don't have it anymore....

    but still a sweet memories forever~ :)

    Thanks for the drawing....now if anyone can post a picture. I remember having this as well, Kakizaki. But I thought it was a bootleg now that I grew up and thought about the ugly red and white colors and the weird tail fins from the legs. It was one of my more treasured toys.

    Kanata: oooh...i don't mind having it!

  4. Hey Mr. Disco do you know where this Kaiyodo Unit 1 belongs? Did they make Unit 0 and 2 Evangelion Extras?

    That the EVA01 DX from kaiyodo....uhh....what u mean "where it belongs" ? You already knew.

    THey didn' make any extras for Unit 00 and 2. But why would you need any? Just collecting the whole series would leave you with a box full of accesories and weapons than you'd know what to do with.

  5. Or to make the ultimate custom gunpod, make something like in the series. The strap must be pulled out manually by the battroid, and then retracts back into the gunpod in fighter mode. Use some kinda spring drum and locking mechanism.

  6. I hope you won't be too shy when someone offers you some real money for your skills...  

    For some reason somebody is already paying me real money as a comic artist, but I alway feel insecure when it comes to my own hellspawns. Hopefully I'll direct my own anime some day featuring lots and lots of armors like this shooting each other. That's my dream. :rolleyes:

    And THAT's a good dream. May it be realised!

    Actually from your avatar, I thought it was the ABC robot from Judge Dreadd.

  7. very comprehensive list, expcet you'd probably want to add that the EVA03 and 04 also has the Japan version, as well as the US tube packaging version.

    I love my kaiyodos, but I'm very disturbed by the EVA-01 head sculpt. How suck is the sculpt for it? The alternate berserk head is not too bad, but what's the deal with the other head? It's neither opened nor closed mouth...it looks lame. Sigh!

    Liquid[Evil]: GRRR!! You rich *(!@&*(!&@! buy me some SOCS !!!

  8. I think the batmobile was the only thing I liked about the Tim Burton Batman. Except for that nub infront of the jet intake, it was very cool. The Schumaker one just blew chunks!

    I liked the 1st 2 Batman movies. What ya find wrong with them?

    Ahh...I will eternally love the Batwing and Batmobile scenes.

    On a slightly off topic note, who has seen Batman: Dead End ? Its a million dollar budget fan made Batman movie which is about 10 minutes long. Very cool! They included Predator and Aliens in it....all done by fans.

  9. Bringin this thread back from oblivion for 2 questions:

    1 - I'm thinking about getting either the Zeta Plus A1 MG model, or the Red type Fix Figuration, I found both priced (separately) at $35....any opinions?

    2 - Whatever happened to the rest of cwmodels' translations for "ALICE's Confession"? It got up to Chapter 2 then it just stopped!!!

    I got mine for 46 USD 2 months ago. This toy was out for quite some time, but seems they dropped the price for clearance.

    Get the GFF Fix....I personally don't like the MG line. The Zeta Cplus my friend has is hardly poseable. It seems the most stable pose for it is to stand up straight and still. The legs can hardly move due to its transformation hinges. MG line uses dry decals, which is SO *(!&@*(!& hard to apply that you swear you'll pull your hair out trying to get them in place and stick to surfaces.

    The FIX is pretty good. The paintjob is good and precise, in contrast to Graham's fears months ago. Only bad thing i can think of is taking the parts out and removing all them twisty wires. And each transformation form leaves out alot of spare parts.....right now I just leave it at humming bird mode....eventhough I prefer it in the normal Cplus mode. But I think I won't do it justice since the Zplus mode leaves out the most spare parts.....heh

    My baby............

    Btw...who has a deep striker? I want one!

  10. ....I bet all the neighborhood kids including their parents drop by. With all those toys in the house I don't ever find it hard to believe you ever leave the house. LOL That is a helluva pad!

    Actually about 2 years or so ago during halloween, we opened the garage, turned on all the games, setup some black lights, laid out some dry ice and passed out candy on the driveway. Let the kids play a couple games and get some candy while they were at it. The neighborhood kids seemed to really enjoy it. Just to see the big smiles on the children's faces was a great feeling in itself. :)

    I wanna be JUSTTTT like you when I grow up.....

    You sure you didn't go to the local game arcade and took pictures there? Daaaamnnnnnnnn.........your house is like an entertainment store.

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