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Posts posted by OzmaLee74

  1. Does the crotch plate fall off easily on anyone else's 25A?

    It was never a problem with the F,G,S or RVF, but my 27 and this 25A both have crotch plates that fall off easily during transformation or sometimes just normal handling.

    No problem with the crotch on my 25A. My 27 though, ugh! Need to nail polish that piece.

  2. So the next VF-25 will be a V3 or is there a 25 series left to be done with the existing mold?

    Not sure about being a version 3 since the v.2 pretty much improved everything on the v.1 but who knows. It's Bandai were talking about here. There's still the RVF-171 that will probably get announced in the future. Can't remember if there was a RVF-25 CF in the series.

  3. Everything but the head. It's exactly the same mold as the VF-25G except for the color and numbers.

    I noticed they just reused the styrofoam tray from the VF-25F. It has an empty circle space for where the clear plastic disc/stand for F went.

  4. i think i just fell victim to the broken shoulder joints on my CF when i tried to put on the super armor i just bought. =[

    should have read this thread first! If my shoulder joint has completely broken in several places, has anyone been successful in gluing it back together?

    If you're going to attempt gluing it back don't use super glue. I had a clean break in the right shoulder triangle and it came off while transforming it back to fighter mode. I used Loctite 3200 psi epoxy and it's a lot stronger. Transformed it 4 times and it seems to be fine.

  5. Just received mine from NY about 20 minutes ago. Debating on paying (payment due by the 18th) since they've been unresponsive to questions about shipping on my last paid order.


    Wait a minute. Payment due by the 18th? I thought this is going to be released on the 12th?

    Also, technically you don't have to wait to be invoiced. Just log in your account and click the "pay my order" link. I know a member of another forum I frequent got his order cancelled but when he argued that he never got a payment request, they said its the customers responsibility to keep track of their orders.

  6. Tamashii website still says 10-12-13. Maybe it's a typo. Anyhoo, saw a new VF-25G renewal on Amazon for $200 plus 14.80 SAL unregistered with option to upgrade to EMS while searching for a release date for the 25A if any of you are still looking for one.

  7. Was finally able to attach the armor parts today. Lo and behold I found a crack on right shoulder triangle. The good news is that the break was able to be repaired with a little super glue and should hold because the pauldron is holding it in place. What sucks is that I only transformed this bird once and like others here was very careful. Anyhoo, here are some pics.





    EDIT: Although the NUNS is still in place, transforming it back to fighter mode put pressure on the crack and the glue came undone. Going to try some stronger epoxy instead. Jeez! Wonder why they just didn't use the ones from the Alto version on this one.

  8. Does NY really cancel your account if you cancel a preorder?

    I cancelled my VF-25F reissue with them and they didn't cancel any of my other preorders or account. I guess just as long as you cancel before they send out payment requests you should be ok.

  9. also happened to me the same thing, but I did shipping with sal, not by ship, because I did not receive and email with tracking number? does anyone know what's going on?



    (Send by plane but no priority)

    Time required: 2-3 weeks

    Tracking number: Yes

    Insurance: Yes ( 50 for the package of 2kg or less, 170 for the package of more than 2kg)

    Try signing into your account. Your tracking number should be there.

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