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Everything posted by GRAND CANNON

  1. Very nice stand indeed! Also a little concerned on the VF-0S scale, though? 1/100? I'd hope they could all get down to either 1/60 or 1/48. The idea of looking at my dream-shelf crowded with Yamatos, but having them all be misrepresented against one another becasue of scale differences, kinda stinks...... *While pointing to shelf* "That there is a VF-1S and that one next to it is it's predecessor, the VF-0S, but don't be fooled. The VF-0S is actually bigger than the VF-1S, but Yamato decided to..............arrghh!!!" ...doesn't mean I wouldn't like one , though!!
  2. First of all ... WELCOME!!! B. Time to watch more MACROSS!! Quick and easy answers: Low - Vis is just special. The VF-1J w/ GBP-1S was in the series for a good chunk of one episode. NOW GO WATCH!!!
  3. **while sobbing out-of-control at the monitor** My wife asks, "What's wrong?" I shakily reply, "It's beautiful... .....so.... ....beautiful....." AMAZING WORK! Great Job!! And there was much rejoicing.....
  4. What's an RDF? Robotech Defense Force. Did I say that out loud?
  5. Yeah the Kai version was nice...... See a pic here at MAHQ.
  6. I think the non-transformable fixed-wings would be easier to produce, true? You could have Misa's ES-11D CAT'S EYE with escorts on display in your cabinets! As I previously mentioned the GHOST too, they could come with display stands. And the CAT'S EYE could even include an asteroid to take out the pilot! (figure I should say it before someone else does.......sheesh)
  7. OH GREAT! Now I have ANOTHER window to refresh over and over........HEY, I see a sign ahead...... " YOU ARE NOW ENTERING THE CARPUL TUNNEL"
  8. I keep hitting the darn REFRESH button every five minutes.......and I'm at work!! I may just have a patience issue...................but just an itty-bitty one!
  9. Yup, besides the trusty BILLY CLUB..... ARMAMENT Main: 2 x Bifors 12-rocket close-in self-guided rocket launcher Gun: 1 x Astra TZ-IV gun cluster (1 x laser gun, 1 x 32 mm MG, 1 x 180 mm grenade launcher, 1 x 12.7 mm MG, 1 x flamethrower) Anti-aircraft: 2 x Mauler RQV-10 anti-aircraft laser gun Grappling: 2 x Norman Banks CH2-TYPED claw hand Courtesy of Macross Compendium
  10. Amazing stuff!! Like the Gundam stuff also.....my MG kits do not look like that!
  11. Or you could PM me with any multiples you don't mind parting with to help towards your 1/48 love.

    Im New Here

    Welcome!! Have fun, but not TOO much fun!!
  13. That's the coolest destroid of them all! Whereas I may not say the "coolest", IMHO, it doesn't deserve to be left out. Besides....what's a Phalanx or Defender gonna do when you get in nice and close? "Bite ya ahm off?"
  14. Actually wouldn't the bridge be about a size and a half bigger than a valk? The whole thing would probably be over 75 feet!! They could be in a multi-pack! They'd be small, but so what. I think Breetai has a good 15-20 feet on a VF-1. Kamujin is about the same height as a Valk...I think.. It was a 1/100 release from Takatoku that you could switch the Tomahawk, Defender, and Phalanx on a set of legs. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/takatoku.htm. I believe you're referring to the infamous ORGUSS VALKYRIE. ...and the "pimp daddy" is classic. Don't forget folks......we're thinking NON-VALK. Anything out there from the other SDF series?
  15. OR he can play ride-em-cowboy on the upcoming MONSTER!!!
  16. 1st of all...welcome. Yeah, a Fan Jet would be nice....or even the Fan Racer!! Would make a perfect 2-pack. I also like the DESTROID CONVERSION idea, although you'd have to buy 3 anyway!! and BREETAI w/ pipe....that is awesome!!
  17. **POSSIBLE SPOILERS** Yes. The more graphic Guld scene is included in the movie. And here's my take on Movie and OAVs.... *************** As some of us are doing now with the MAC ZERO releases, I couldn't wait until the next episode was released on VHS (those are videotapes). And from what I recall, it was a long wait between episodes......just like now.....the irony!! I think the series was amazing! Grade A++ animaton, excellent flight sequences, the whole "triangle" drama between characters, and some great fights as witnessed via ... VF-11 vs. Nousjadeul-Ger Kai ... YF-19 vs. YF-21 ... YF-19 / YF-21 vs. Ghost X-9 ... YF-19 vs. SDF-1/Sharon ... and don't forget ... Isamu vs. Guld !! All this tied in with a great soundtrack. Everyone recall the fade-in of the closing song ... and then *BAM*.... "To be continued..." shows up!! Leaving most of yelling "WHAT THE....?" I just recently purchased the movie - hearing about the "extended ending." In fact, it was more than just that. As can be compared with other OVA to Movie titles, there are parts in the OVAs that do not show up in the movie. And the movie has been re-edited into a different chronological timeline. BUT IT IS ALSO A MUST!! You can't get by MACROSS PLUS by stating "I own the OVA's - I don't need to see the movie" or "I've seen the movie, no biggee on the OVAs." Both our necessary to fulfil the Mac Plus experience. (The audio CDs are also excellent material, as well.) As some above have stated this series deserves much more than "GOOD'....... it's the FASCHIZZLE-DIZZLE !!! ***************
  18. Hey, no problem with the help. Does that mean you're going to grab the Movie? Maybe I'll post my PM to get other members' takes. And don't take the crack-down too hard..... tha mods gotta do what tha mods gotta do. (token brown-nosin')
  19. Talk about a cliffhanger!!! Any hint?
  20. If they do yours, I hope they do mine !!
  21. Too true. The Nousjadeul-Ger Kai via Macross Plus would also be a nice candidate, too.
  22. (Mods, please remove if already posted elsewhere) (Stuck with the 1/60 scale for obvious reasons.....some wishlist items may be a bit too big otherwise.) Had this on another forum a while back, so now I want to pick YOUR MW brains. We all know of the soon-to-be-released subjects, Q-Raus and Destroids, well...... After watching the series a few weeks ago, was looking at everything else flying/walking around and then I thought to myself (which doesn't happen often) ..... What if I could readily purchase..... GLAUG NOUSJADEUL-GER REGULT - includes Light Missle and Heavy Missle Launchers for re-configs REGULT TACTICAL SCOUT UN SPACY 2-PACK -- QF-3000E GHOST & ES-11D CAT'S EYE ZENTRADI FIGHTER POD Wouldn't it be nice..... (And let's try to avoid the TUNA HEAD and SODA MACHINES....sheesh. )
  23. Sooner or later you´ll have the 1/60´s even the 1/48´s. Believe me it will happen. Yeah, I hope to get a majority of the 1/60s and maybe 1/48 at some point....... but speaking of lotsa diff'rent 1/60's..... Wouldn't mind seein' a 1/60 version of your avatar...a trusty NOUSJADEUL-GER That makes me think of a topic.......................
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