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VF-15 Banshee

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Posts posted by VF-15 Banshee

  1. Speaking of Gundam, I would agree with one of the points you made about art imitating life. Gundam AGE is failing in Japan because Sunrise and Bandai didn't do their market research before the show aired and when the ratings started tanking for their target audience (pre-teen boys) they did a survey and found out, guess what? Pre-teen boys don't care much for anime about wars and space colonies and such. At least that's what i read.

  2. I agree that, given how fanatical the Vagan are about their goals, I wouldn't be surprised if it was actually, "wipe out those Earthling scum." 'Course I bet you they're not allowed to say that because this is technically a kid's show. (Even though they seem to be miserably failing in that department.)

    I really am interested in this new Diva bridge crew, especially poor adorable Captain Natora (after all that's been said, I'm not touching that last name; what is it with this show and their frakking names?!) Especially goes to highlight how bland the last bridge crew was.

    I'm actually rewatching AGE from episode 1 and it's interesting to see things begin to crystalize somewhat. So that was probably Decil in his Zedas at Nora right? And how did Yurin already know how to use her abilities? And Emily! At least she had spunk and I have a whole new level of respect for her, especially when it shows kust how bland, flat, boring and useless Romary was. And Dique swimming through microgravity was hilaribad.

  3. Then the USA and Nato are terrorists considering the amount of civilian targets and political assassinations they've done since WW2? Regardless if "accident", they "terrorized" innocent people with bombing raids and etc.

    How about we not bring real-life into a discussion of a space science-fiction cartoon?


    Yes, the engine room of the Venator-class Star Destroyer is modeled on the Gravity Control room aboard the SDF-1 Macross. This bit of trivia was, in fact, announced in the trivia section of StarWars.com's page for the ninth episode of the Star Wars: the Clone Wars animated series. Quote from the website is as follows, and the page can be accessed directly here.

    (Thanks to jaymz from the Palladium Books forums for his help with this one!)

    MIND. BLOWN. The Force is with Macross!!!

  5. Not terribly unbelievable, considering how destructive Kamikaze attacks were when it was just aluminum planes ramming into steel aircraft carriers WITHOUT carrying several tons of explosive and an active fusion reactor. I imagine those probably make the "boom" when it crashes rather bigger.

    Remember, Valkyrie Addict, that little big scene in Return of the Jedi where an A-Wing pilot does the same thing and brings down a 19 kilometer Dreadnought? :D

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