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VF-15 Banshee

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Posts posted by VF-15 Banshee

  1. Guess Alto must have drawn the short straw for patrols, eh? :)

    Alto: Man, after 3 days flying around in space, I need a long shower.

    Ranka: Alto-kun, you won't believe what we've been doing!

    Sheryl: Remember how Captain Ozma has a thing for Fire Bomber? Well...

    *Sheryl and Ranka explain*

    Alto: NANI?! You did all that without me?! How... how could you? :(

    Oh and for Tochiro:

  2. No, I'm pretty sure that was a TIE Bomber firing that Itano Circus, which if memory serves they can't really do but eh, dramatic license.

    Although as I die-hard X-Wing fan, I find it highly amusing that they have a TIE Bomber of all things take out that many Rebel fighters. Traditionally, Bombers, or Dupes as the Alliance refers to them, have been depicted as even more lumbering than Y-Wings and getting shot down by one would let you in for a tremendous amount of ribbing from fellow pilots. :D

  3. Just finished episode 27 of SDF Macross. I noticed this second time around that some of that animation was almost DYRL level. If that had been the end of the series, I think I would have largely been satisfied with it, though some things would have been definite thumbs down, like Minmay deciding that she and Hikaru can only be friends and going for Kaifun. How anyone could develop any sort of feelings for a guy like him, I have no idea. At least they get that sorted out in the Reconstruction Arc.

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