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Everything posted by VF25-F

  1. Her latest concert album 'MIC-A-Mania' is scheduled to be out in July 24th. This one marks her 8th year in showbiz under Horipro and it looks very grand. (if you can't wait until then, there is a sneak.....review done by yours truly back in page 2 (no pix) and with pix posted by Tochiro somewhere back on the main page http://www.lisani.jp/2013/06/02/41120
  2. A report on May'n Hang Jam show. It's somewhat messy as the translator doesn't do a good job and the spacing between the paragraphs are way to far apart! Remember to scroll down after the 1st paragraphs (3 paras) http://www.barks.jp/news/?id=1000091188
  3. Hmmm.....sorry. Near me is very far from you (South East Asia, a good 13 to 16 hours' flight time). Not sure if she has any shows between July and September but currently, your best bet is still France. Anyway, you're getting two for the price of one! (One Galactic Fairy and one 'Father of Macross') Wish I could go but......not likely. : ( If you do go, please take lots of pictures and post/share them here. http://www.japan-expo.com/en/invite/mayn_347.htm?cid=1836 Her showcase schedule is on Sunday 7th 3pm-3.45pm. If it's a public show, you are allowed to take pictures as well as videos unless they tell you otherwise. Good oppotunity here! Record, upload to youtube and share! (for those who can't be there and no copyright violation if it's a public show! - like the one by Animax in my country) http://www.japan-expo.com/en/invite/shoji-kawamori_313.htm This one is a bonus! If you can do the same, the administrators of this site will post it in the front page. : )
  4. Same here for the one in September near me. But not to worry as the organizers are having a hectic time trying to arrange the schedule for everyone and everything (lodging, PR, exhibits, interviews, public appearances, concerts among others). Just keep track on their website/FB or what ever they use and be there for the event! Mine just popped up yesterday with the date and venue of the event, no artist named yet, not even a proper website - just a JPEG picture! (but a reliable insider told me that she's coming under the Horipro bandwagon - I suppose it'll be something like the one in AFA Singapore last year (scroll back to earlier pages for the video) For those who took the opportunity to go meet her last year, good for you! You changed your life! You never know when you will have a chance like this again. Her Hang Jam tour just ended recently and it was just in Japan. Even though I flew to Japan for her MIC-A-Mania one, it still left me thirsty for more! If you're nearby, don't think, don't doubt yourself - just go, cause you already know what happens when you don't go.
  5. But this is happening even sooner! She will be performing in France! Lucky fellas....... http://www.japan-expo.com/en/invite/mayn_347.htm
  6. Some more vids from Animax Malaysia. This one is from Van Pang's camera. (I was recording from the 1st floor) This is what she said : 1. Nama saya May'n (Obviously - My name is May'n) 2. Apa Khabar? (How are you?) 3. Sudah makan? (Have you eaten? - sort of customary in my country to ask whether one has eaten or not.) This is particularly cute because of the way she says it. Got some news, May'n is coming to this part of the world soon. It's a country that she have not visited yet. So if you live nearby, get ready to jump at the opportunity to see her in person and up close!
  7. Finally after a 10 day wait, it arrived! http://s1320.photobucket.com/user/jameswmc88/media/Photo-0045_zps2cd2e18d.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0 http://s1320.photobucket.com/user/jameswmc88/media/Photo-0043_zps3b9fcafd.jpg.html?sort=3&o=1 http://s1320.photobucket.com/user/jameswmc88/media/Photo-0042_zpse8bfde15.jpg.html?sort=3&o=2 http://s1320.photobucket.com/user/jameswmc88/media/Photo-0041_zps82c365ce.jpg.html?sort=3&o=3 Some songs have to be heard multiple times for you to take a liking to it. This one just took 2. It's like there's multiple styles in one. Anyway if any of you are wondering what's in the 2nd half of the stylish shot video - (May'n ran a lot, May'n dance fights and .......a twist in the ending)
  8. More of event launch in Ikebukuro and something about 'Tabasco sauce' Guess someone as hot as her needs something hot too. : ) - posted by fans http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXqPM98hV5w
  9. Well, if you feel strongly about it, I sincerely apologize. My mistake for using such words. Anyway, here's BUCHO in Taiwan 2012! Lots of backstage scenes and May'n trying out her favourite 'Shiao Loong Bao' - Little Dragon Buns, and learning Mandarin from SEA*A : ) - posted by fan. http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=vn4MVS12CNo&feature=endscreen
  10. Errr......I was just joking about the earthquake. it's actually the camera shake...... Anyway here's more about RRR and the video http://www.animax.co.jp/special/studiomusix/archive1305
  11. Fan chases after promo truck! (Beware : 9.0 mega earthquake happening slightly after fan started filming or was that just extreme camera shake XD ) I think this is the first broadcast of the 'RRR' on stage. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZkTJYcQKis
  12. Nice pix! Thks! This is the promo truck for RRR http://s1320.photobucket.com/user/jameswmc88/media/promotruck01_zps0af04de0.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0 http://s1320.photobucket.com/user/jameswmc88/media/promotruck_zps89329006.jpg.html?sort=3&o=1 and the upcoming Onimusha Soul from Capcom http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWrRvsqgLaY
  13. I suppose that should be 'Run Real Run' and 'Outsider' for the upcoming game 'Oni Musha Soul' Thanks for the post,
  14. Here's some footage from the Animax event back in 16th March, with 'Bucho' performing 'Heat' and' Kimi Shinitamou Koto Nakare' - as vibrant as ever.
  15. Well, would be nice if someone was there on the scene to cover the event and report like the one I did on the "Mic-A-Mania' concert in Budokan. Quite sure many fans who could not be there and outside of Japan would appreciate it! Cutting back to 'Hang Jam", I was wondering why was there a jar looking thing in the logo - to put the jam in.......X D
  16. With her 'Hang Jam' tour coming soon, it's time to introduce the merchandise. (She looks really cute in this one)
  17. Long Interview with May'n on her collaboration in Oni Soul http://www.4gamer.net/games/150/G015000/20130426038/
  18. More on 'Run Real Run' - what the actual live drama is about.
  19. Yep, that was also when Tsuchiya Shion (from Macross the Musicalture) finally dashed for the toilet after drinking more than 3 litres (1 & half bottles of that yellow liquid - man, was that guy thirsty!). Among the other interesting topics were the GERWALK mode which May'n did an impression and Tenjin (being the only tech guy there) explains why the missiles flew like that in the Macross universe. Two rounds of character sketching - Sheryl (May'n drew an either very plump Sheryl or Sheryl wearing a barrel!), Shion drew Mylene's pet because it's fur resembles Sheryl's hair?(clearly a Macross 7 fanboy) Chiaki - also focus on the hair and no face but it looks like an 'Angel' from Evangelion to me. Tenjin - Sheryl in the cockpit of a VF-1 Round two - Leon Mishima. Guess, how this one went..... Fukuyama (Basara) and Haruka Chisuga ((i think) - love how she 'slips' off the screen) made an appearance.
  20. Rock Your Beats in Animax posted by fan. (lyrics by May'n) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEbm-njtzIE
  21. I've just been alerted to this. Not sure what it is exactly but it's going live on WED! http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv132750117
  22. Mic-A-Mania review from Japanese media + pix http://anime.webnt.jp/report/view/3008
  23. May'n lastest PV - Run Real Run More related pix at http://www.jvcmusic.co.jp/flyingdog/-/Information/A021682.html?article=news53&article=news53#news53
  24. Some pix for the concert http://i1320.photobucket.com/albums/u522/jameswmc88/421572_10151411768633280_559401330_n_zps858c8907.jpg The stage (front) and the last dress for the evening http://ameblo.jp/mayn-blog/entry-11482188544.html#main
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