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Everything posted by VF25-F

  1. The 'Lion' in Taiwan Talking to fans in Mandarin! https://www.facebook.com/mayn.official/?fref=ts
  2. Introducing Oolong Tea - It's delicious! XD https://www.instagram.com/p/BJC3MVugOem/?taken-by=mayn1021&hl=en Found these : Full video of Vivid: https://www.facebook.com/anisongu/videos/bc.Abr-6pTqzuW_DiOEEXqCLMOk7QQerTHvgemuwU3jf-zCPgq5KzF-Gu7oUgY3IlzQ68BZOByHd8T9Bl9LZb9GsJdpcZwzJbogxbsUpmP8IZABZlt-Vt4pxLFap4NxF07xSqg/565683753489027/?type=2&opaqueCursor=AbpA6cqeqEEBfLl0e1u0sXVcykqjUiDtCJCEwBTh9Y9M9BQywdBH99rrzG0yL9_KIibtEtP7w5cdCceXOioKgO09c4XeSfzPIlg9YybwRkrhedtSLKveKMEqIXy50W4_zHqdZOVwUINglcFW3V9I5sf6tJRrlzFGLGtGrOCfy2L0zdq7RXlaWeH0fBkolscGQmh8TOp7HOwp8PlKsOoON9A-8XZyOAfG31IlEFmaIa1Y6zKbOUWYnuN9Y7ekZNn0Qt7ZnBvKTHBDZK8lpNbjNo7cbmY9L91PwSIiJjq_GKq47w7YfMCdvFJ8AbeE1oZiLh8-UYjkOFXDUxJQtrgcerGi4DybS9T-HvwlgLHxPnqejbbisaq1HNvtx7M1IGSsh1PpWT-qJcSixshymT5lfPFg&theater Re:Remember: https://www.facebook.com/everything.about.japan/videos/bc.AbrXFHoSJtGJb2fWw7UaMLwoNc5xQs0CsNgPju_-QcJkTquZgN3zZ2ux5ztgEqgthr06-Dcrz6DPzP0dUont66_8xkDozjcuts1fvwso8Q5pc0NoFPCNd0jbdP8JGFE28vM/773517842713191/?type=2&opaqueCursor=AbpSHLEfLfxDpvBazHIcoBRY-si0w1M_7eXVbHI0mwif3m2GKbFGdeGDCiMCbACD5fjZ8g1Ajb6xGgwxV9XiA_tetr9XVgExq9ruzCfOzARDCRSo5BGVsHyggV3CEUF8p7FwQKn0WQql2ppwgAy8ZW6GquHC-rOnnP88zaiz007xQxGMGNcqyzcRUqalyFYZH7Y-6wcTgb6F_lDguL3I2oX5EvgX6kI3rjtiGnGlYcDuwg-KkTvjtCPGsxvYNaYowZXvt8-vobRv72IAMk2fbGT0xcba_tCrpqKSZxR47oXvAftK0PnnA958tZCzRKbtOaNKpVoYCMu34JhJO7E8lfHs&theater
  3. Anyone attending this one? http://mayn.jp/blog/news/14456/ As for the My Music Taste poll, I suppose I could bring it up to her/manager's attention. They are looking for new markets to break in. I mean, if they do fly all the way to South America, I don't think they will just perform in just one city after going all the way there. Maybe 2 cities in one country or 1 city in two countries.
  4. Ok everyone, need your participation. If you're in the vicinity of these places - VOTE! I suppose you can start on a new city but the votes will be spread out. Not sure how many they need, but it's better than just waiting. https://www.mymusictaste.com/artist/Mayn,175050/ At the moment Buenos Aires has the highest count. Suggest you put your votes there to make it happen and perhaps then, other cities may open up.
  5. A smart phone game - Pandemika Code S -PV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtR5c9uK9Aw
  6. Interview with May'n on TV Tokyo Animemashita - Belief (at around 15min 30sec mark) http://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/anime/animemashite/index2.html
  7. Part of the 'Frontier meets Delta' episode.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xs9vQJIHp9k
  8. May'n message to Thailand fans https://www.facebook.com/animefestivalasia/videos/10153616366021022/ Street Fighter V
  9. Frontier meets Delta! http://ameblo.jp/mayn-blog/entry-12178368064.html Fan's top May'n anime songs ranking
  10. May'n youtube channel! https://www.youtube.com/user/MaynOfficial Re : May'n Act - Anyone bought this one?
  11. May'n doing an MV for her new OP - 'Belief', if you scroll down a bit, you'll find May'n Ice Cream Shop! XD http://ameblo.jp/mayn-blog/entry-12174084643.html
  12. Some back stage scenes and a 2017 announcement! https://www.facebook.com/maynspace.HK/ http://mayn.jp/blog/news/14290/
  13. Speaking about Taboo Tatoo, a short (very short XD) interview with May'n! http://manga.tokyo/news/mayn-sings-opening-song-for-taboo-tattoo/
  14. AFATH 2016 Anisong promo https://www.facebook.com/animefestivalasia/videos/vb.91683256021/10153493187931022/?type=2&theater
  15. If any of you are dropping by Bangkok 19th to 21 August, you catch the Galactic Fairy at Siam Paragon. https://www.facebook.com/animefestivalasia/videos/vb.91683256021/10153493187931022/?type=2&theater
  16. Op for a new anime - Taboo Tatoo http://webnewtype.com/news/article/77956/1/
  17. Lately, she has been having a lot of free time on her hands but now her latest tour is announced!
  18. Watch it NOW! May'n 10th Anniversary Concert 2015! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNDGl5j8Wbc
  19. Even May'n is watching Delta! XD https://twitter.com/mayn_tw/status/721703515064639488
  20. Out of the blues, found this - Actual look into HIRAGI and taiyaki from start to finish! XD
  21. May'n n Sakura! ......and a blue tongue! XD https://twitter.com/mayn_tw/status/717593233417633792
  22. May'n gone bowling! It happens to even the best of us! XD https://twitter.com/mayn_tw/status/717004543544786944/video/1
  23. Local news coverage for C3 in Hong Kong - SKE48 & May'n
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